S:Resistances (augments) should be on a NPC instead behind faction walls (recommended for the future)

I don’t follow. Please help me understand, sir.

If you’re talking about an end game challenge, then surely players who are seriously thinking of conquering said challenge are veterans.

So why would they need to be told about augments?

I think this says it all.

Well, tbh, i find his whole way of argumentation pretty wonky, so no surprise it confuse you, because he mix together two differently topics together. One for the accessibility of Newcomers, and than another one which focus on replaybility / repititive for long players.

Well, and if you look closely, it tells you that it is available to “all Main Campaign characters” which tells you, that it’s hugely bound to the Basegame - so obviously they won’t seperate this two modes or introduce something which completly kills part of the Core-Game / Basegame.

Well, than again this is the “Ideas & Feedback” area, and while i might disagree with you in both regards (mostly about your Newcomers argument) it’s like i’m trying to kill your Suggestion / Idea. It’s like always up to Crate anyway if and how they look at this stuff.

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i think i pointed out why the faction walls for augments arent the right way.

doesn’t say anything about factions or reputation, and it definitely is a new mode, so, not sure how that proves your point, at all…

well, it is an alternate game mode. What it isn’t is a complete replacement of the campaign. It does not claim to be, nor does it have to be

you cant reach the end of cruci without maxing the factions = not good

I suppose the fact that you can’t reach the end of crucible without the use of gear is bad too then

constructive criticsm :smiley:

i havent heard a real “why shouldnt it be different as it is now”

More like a tongue in cheek tease :stuck_out_tongue:

Because it would make the end game challenge not a challenge.

Crucible is designed to be both tedious, and difficult. The same with SR.

this game is about grinding and farming a lot to get good items. honored and revered augments being placed behind lots of faction reputation grind makes sense in real life perspective.

those factions won’t honor/revere you unless you do a lot of bounties (nice way to get some materials), one time quests, and kill a lot of enemy factions (must plan good farm route that has lots of mobs and occasional champs).

crate even give us faction mandates to help speed up our toons’ rep grinding. once your char reach revered factions, you never have to grind fac rep again for that char. its like reaching lvl 100 and ultimate difficulty. something that is present in a lot of loot grinding games.

just bear with the faction rep grinding time. you should plan a good farm route to reach revered level faster while also getting lots of good drops. i farm the four hills/cronley’s den route like 50 times while having bounties for one of cronley’s goon in each run, and the loot i got from humiliating cronley over and over in ult difficulty are very rewarding. beasts, chthonians, undead, eldritch and aetherial enemies are numerous enough for lots of farming routes. kymon and vigil is kinda boring to farm, but thankfully, the faction augments in AoM and FG are far superior than the main game augments (seriously the faction augments of the three are so powerful, and eldritch enemies are almost everywhere in fg campaign).

bottom point is, grim dawn, like other loot driven games require lots of grinding and patience. and grim dawn is very generous in loot rewards compared to diablo 2, titan quest, and torchlight 1 2 for example.

The entire premise of this thread is predicated on Crucible being an “alternate” gamemode to Campaign. It isn’t. The kickstarter advertisement was for a “new” gamemode, not an alternate one. To finish a character, you are expected to play the campaign. Just like how you cannot get full skillpoints or attribute points purely in Crucible.

its not about cruci or SR its about how you unlock the augments … :smiley: they should be unlocked via lvls and npc instead of raising rep. An example for it is it with the merits … if you want to start in ultimate you need of course resis, but you cant get them because of the faction wall

Mate. you need to stop changing your stance to fit your agenda. It’s impossible to have a rational conversation with you

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mate you know that i wrote it on my first writing and cruci / SR are examples of why they should change it. if you do a suggest you should have alot of reasons why they should change something , calling it a discussion. Merits are a reason too. newbies too , should I explain more ?

Perhaps the fault lies with me. Let me apologize, and take back what I said about you changing your stance.

I’m genuinely having a hard time following your thought process here though.

Because it seems to me that at one moment you’re talking about crucible (an end game challenge), and the next you’re talking about newbies?

I’m struggling to connect the 2.

you also cannot get them if you needed level 50 or 70 to purchase them…

merits and the discussion about skipping difficulties was the same thing

I am not sure I agree with that statement… but clearly it is at the center of the case you want to build :wink:

i havent said i have THE SOLUTION of everything. I only said its not right how it works atm. But it has to change in the future like merits did for the difficulties.

Why does it have to change.

You haven’t even explained this. Why is this bad?