S:Resistances (augments) should be on a NPC instead behind faction walls (recommended for the future)

if you raise up it once, okay maybe twice too and of course the 3rd time is okay as well but after hundred chars its only annoying to only raise it because I have to… As I said it was the same with merits :wink: why I cant buy them and put it into the stash if I reach lvl 100 with ten chars ? Makes no sense in my eyes. The faction items are great behind this faction wall but augments too isnt. I never use mods or cheats because it isnt my nature !

in the past cruci was beeing said as a own mini game/mode if i want to test something or if I want to play it only why i havent the option to get augments on it even if its only via drops.

Its not about cruci or endgame or SR or basegame , its about a core function which is in my eyes not good introduced/implemented all over the place. I see the whole thing and not only one bad one (repitive for e.g.)

iam one of those guys here who played gd alot more as alot of the playerbase. I have 2656 hours in it and that doenst count alpha phase… I think i can criticize something if i played it alot. I said something “like” a npc or blueprint or whatever but not via factions because you have to run all over the place too.

By this logic…if you have hit 100 on e.g. 5 characters, shouldn’t you also be able to buy a merit which makes the next character you roll automatically be level 100?

Where do you draw the line? Why stop at faction augments?

I suppose my point here is this - grinding IS integral to the very essence of GD, and is part of the game’s design philosophy.

If you wish to circumvent that, then crate has allowed for modders to cater to your wants.

I think @ceno and @mamba have both very eloquently addressed this issue above…unless I’m missing something?

Of course you can. You can criticize it too if you’ve played it a little, I’m not trying to stop you from doing that.

With all due respect, I’m just disagreeing with your stance here

in other words, why shouldnt it changed ? Give me reasons why we all do the factions again and again for the augments… If you can describe it, maybe I will agree with that (it must be very good by the way, I have alot more disadvantages as advantages and if that happens, something should be changed)

with the boost you get from merits, you basically just have to go through the campaign and not farm reputation on top of that - so no, it is not annoying unless your focus is Crucible

which it is. It never was meant as a replacement for the campaign tho, despite you trying to make it that

not sure what you are trying or why you would try it in Cruci and not the campaign

you can criticize it no matter how many hours you have. However, people are not required to agree with you, no matter how many hours you have

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I meant it like “I know what iam talking about” and it isnt just complaining and whining


EDIT: Malmouth exp potions is basically the levelling equivalent of faction mandates

thats not a reason why it shouldnt be changed by the way, i havent said you should get it for free or what ever only a better progressing system for all game modes (campaign , cruci and SR)

It is because a change would oppose the design philosophy of GD.

if you can skip difficulties but you are forced to go back and grind factions again the whole merrits are useless. Because you hit the point where you need augments = redundant and not a wise game design. if you change something like the merrits did all system should work together and not against each other

An optional challenge. It’s not the way the game is meant to be played.

I.e. Do at your own risk

but it wasnt the intention of crate and zantai when they opened the gates/by the way you can only buy merrits if you reach ultimate (ulti merrit) then why i cant get augments when i reached all factions to the highest rep.? Why i cant use them with other chars? Of course with a lvl requirement

How was it not their intention if they created it???

Just like HC - it’s not the way the game is meant to be played, and HC isn’t something the game will be balanced around, but it’s just an option for players who are interested.

When they balanced the whole game it got really hard if you try it without augments^^ i playtested it with minimum requirements and its not fun at all. E.g. thats why it would change it for the main campaign. Cruci is something totally different because you cant even get them . Resistances (augments) should feel like a progressing system and not a faction wall system (my concerns eg. for anasteria , if you kill her you dont get really good augments but if you played gd for the first time or 2nd or 3rd you dont even recognize that)

Again, this is false. Superfluff levels every single character in ultimate

How about something like, after reaching revered 20000 times with a faction in multiple playthroughs you get a special merit that makes you instantly go revered with another character?

How are mandates not way superior to what you are proposing ? Because you do not have to go through the campaign then ?

Works for me, let me know when your 20000th char has done this…

Offtopic, but do you happen to know if people starting in ultimate play a build concept through from level 1 or use levelling specs and switch later? I ask because I’ve had a few character concepts I’ve tried to level even in just elite that just don’t seem to work.

Ontopic: what about just having a merchant in crucible that offers all the augments? It doesn’t affect how campaign works that way. Although honestly it’s also pretty easy to grab some program right now and give yourself the rep or items directly if you want them.

i think the the point of faction rep grinding only being put on main campaigns and story walls is because crate wants the players to fully experience the whole gd world in its entirety (gameplay, world design, lores, atmosphere, etc), before you optionally choose to just play end game contents only (crucible, sr, roguelike dungeons and superbosses) with your maxed lvl100 ult chars.

i mean, gd would just be a boring gladiator arena game (with lokarr as your best friend) if crate just create crucible and sr with no main campaigns, storyline, and open world exploration when gd is released.

besides, i’ll stress this once again. crate has already provided rep mandates and malmouth xp potions and ultimate difficulty accessible from lvl 1 features to speed up leveling. farming mobs, elites and bosses with bounty quests in tow can net you some good amount (and maybe surprising) of gears and mats.

I personally haven’t tried it, so I hesitate to give an answer. But I will quote what superfluff sent me:

So IMO it seems like he levels a build concept without using a levelling spec.

yap something like that but with a clue behind it, lvl requirement or what ever, killing phase x or something else