S:Resistances (augments) should be on a NPC instead behind faction walls (recommended for the future)

The Problem is, and that’s something which some other Peoples here pointed out many many times, that Crucible isn’t an seperate Mode on it’s own, but something which is bound to the Campaign. It’s something which is meant to spice up a bit the Gameplay from the Basegame and add something extra to do.

Think about Devotion-Points and than multiply it with x100 in terms how it affect it the Basegame. Devotionpoints in Crucible already devalue at certain dagree the shrines in the Base-Game because you can easily get the first 25 Devotion-Points in a short time-frame. Where Basegame Players have something extra to do, a different kind of Quest / World Mission, looking out for Shrines while exploring the World, (and if you know the Map - ran these shrines) the People who own Crucible get many Devotion-Points basically for free with standing / running around stupidly in a small arena.

I often tended in earlier days to complain about Grim Dawn’s “Endgame”, but compare it with other ARPG’s out there, i’d argue it’s one of the most varied ones, due there is so much stuff you can do, without interfering each other to much. People like the make it trying to sound like Crucible or SR should be more seperate and stand it’s own, while i’d argue the other way around, it should be nicely implemented (like it is now for most part) so there is a Synergy between the Basegame, the Expansions and the Crucible-DLC. You can / need to play with each character the Campaign atleast once (now thanks to the merits), you have Bountys / Reputation and Faction(items) which adds a layer of depth and give more variety / spice up the overall playthrough, you have Secret-Quests & Hidden Areas, you have Superbosses, Nemessies and stuff, you have Crucible and SR and Farming Routes. All bundled together gives overall a more varied and distinctive experience. And that’s where the OP Comes in, because he want strip of one of the Features for the sake to seperate Crucible and SR more to standing on it’s own. So no, it would affect the overall Experience for the Majority of players, because it would devalue Augments and the Faction-System because there would no unique Trait anymore to get them but rather give an optional, soulless and barebones way to get these, due People like OP complain about this but don’t see the real issue of having so much Time spent on a single Game, obviously at some Point you would burned out on the Game anyway. (Edit: It also leads the Playerbase into direction of using these System, because it might then be the most effective way to get these augments).

Even further i really dislike the why how he argue and trying to twist Arguments and his own Words, so he can try to standing on the High Ground, while it makes his whole Argumentation inconsistent. Newcomers shouldn’t be the Argument here, because he isn’t a newcomer and even more - not so wildly mixed in with his Arguments but rather more splitted so it’s better to follow for the most People here, for the mere sake of arguing. And even if we would go these “Route” i’d say it’s wrong, because for Newcomers it’s easier to work with the way it is now, because it’s more naturally progression without being completly overhelmed by the options they have. With the way it is handled it let’s the People actually work for a unique item-type and for that, get properly introduced to these, while also adds a unique flavor and twist for unlocking them and gives it a value for the Faction-Vendors as well Endgame Player as well… because “mere” Faction-Gear only is kinda meh for a Faction-Concept like this. Let’s not forget about the fact that there are some Faction where you need to decide if you stick with them or fight them, which with the suggestion above would give this decision way less of an impact.

Last but not Least it really hurts to read a Argument like the Merits / Skip-Tokens, because he clearly didn’t understood why most people who wished for that, actually did this. I was one (and i suppose if you dig enough you might find my old Posts) of these People who wished for something like that / reworking of the Difficulty-System, but it was never meant to downplay the amount of grinding and investment of time, but simply to not making the Campaign obsolete with replaying it with each Character for 3 Times. So doing the Campaign “once” for each Character is absolute no problem for me and i guess / argue the rest of the people who dislikes the 3-replay-difficulty-system. So his Argument compared with the Merits would’ve made only “sense” if you would’ve needed to do the reputation for each playthrough for each character so basically level up the reputation 3 Times from the scratch instead of carrying over. His idea / suggestions would’ve been than more comparable if there would be a Merit / Skip-Token which doe all three difficultys and level you up straight to 100.

I want to point out again, i don’t want to trashtalk Stuff in Ideas & Feedback area, because in the end it’s like everytime the decision is up to the Devs. But i’d still like to give some input on my side so Devs see, that there are different opinions about that.


you do the same thing as me and you dont have any arguments against it (real ones) you say it affects the campaign or the faction system, no it doesnt. Its a fact. Its absolute redundant to do the faction rep e.g. a thounsand times,( I like the faction system) and in terms of the variety of playstyles, like doing only cruci, doing only SR or what ever, some core functions like the augments behind a faction-wall-system is not the right way (its okay for weapons/equipment because you dont need them except there is one with a perfect modifer for your build.) That is what I say. You only look to 1 or 2 things what I said but i have 20 arguments against that way it handled atm. In a programmer sight of view its absolute redundant. The thing is if the augments are accessed by something different you can progress alot better in the basegame/cruci/SR and thats why you should think about it. Its not about my arguments, zantai and the whole crate team can do what they want, but nowadays with all addons and so on it doesnt fit to the game anymore.

an easy example: if you hate anasteria but you play a build in which you need exact those augments she has in store, its absolute not for your playstyl (or storyline which you want), you have to do something totally different only because of needing her augments that makes no sense in my eyes.

How would this even work? Some augments are tied to choices, like choosing between Kymon’s Chosen and Death’s Vigil, sparing Anasteria and joining Barrowholm. How would it work? The way i see it, it can’t.

To you maybe, not to me and i assume a lot of others.

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thats exact why they shouldnt be behind faction walls…

yes but not only for the resistance augments.

The recent buff to faction mandates already makes raising reputation quite trivial. By the time you complete Elite or Ultimate (if you decided to skip difficulties) you’ll be revered with the most important factions, and for the rest simply completing their questlines will do the trick. And people already explained to you that Crucible is not a standalone mode, it’s just a complement for campaign. And let’s be honest here, no one gives a crap about solo-crucible challenges. If you do then you are in an absolute minority and Crate won’t waste their energy and resources for something that only four or five players will care about.

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Idk if someone mentioned it but playing legit, you gotta clear main campaign anyway for the skill points. With mandates, it’s hard not to get to Revered with most factions even when completely skipping Elite by means of Merits.

Wasn’t GD the game people praised for not spoon feeding you straight into endgame like D3?

It’s also the game people criticize for not spoon feeding you straight into endgame like D3.

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absolute off topic… I mean it has nothing to do with endgame content. The introduction with augments is mentioned as a side matter… Its one of the core functions and something like that needs a early introducing and a sorted hub in which i can theory craft. It would be awesome if it looks like the transmog npc and I can choose it one by one.

off topic but: gd scaled so hard in the time of development but a straight line is missing (in terms of QoL), I mean it would be so awesome if we have a faction master who shows you all unlocked things in one place (equipment blueprints and augments) over the whole cairn its so annoying to travel all over the place, again and again to search something specific because there is alot ! This npc should be in all huge citys, devils crossing, homestead, fort ikon, coven refuge, malmouth steelcap district and conclave of the three
Grim Dawn is so huge and thats why we need alot of sorting (that is something I would pay for as a expansion)

Without it is the game unplayable in the sense of a spelling error or a frequent crash to desktop? There are methods aplenty for addressing the time consuming aspects of all these piddly details but what it really seems to boil down to is but I want it to work MY way. If you’re imposing restrictions on your own enjoyment of the game I don’t think it’s reasonable to ask for stuff to be changed globally to cater to your alternate world view.

That is exactly why they should be behind faction walls. Removing the few choices the game has in terms of roleplaying elements is not a good thing.

How about you mod the game to add this? The devs have made the game moddable specifically for this type of situation. The devs are not gonna suddenly make faction choices pointless, so really your only option is to mod it in.

The Crucible doesn’t have the campaign’s skill/attribute rewards, inventory bags, and Faction rewards. Devotion points and XP are slow to come.

It was never intended to sideline the existence of campaign content and there are no plans to change that.


yes of course but that wasnt my general question/suggestion its about augments and how they are implemented into the game. but nvm. Then iam used to do it like it is…