Save File got wiped

seems like my save file got completely wiped… looking to see if anyone has an answer/ or a fix

my file still exists but everything inside the folder is 0kb.

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

Are you using cloud saving?

Thanks! I was actually on the old forum. But had to make a new account.

It was being used yes, but the entire save files are all 0kb. Is there a way to recover or do I need to admit defeat and create a character through a save editor?

If you haven’t backed them up somewhere then yes, they’re probably gone.

Which save folder are you looking at exactly? Local saves are in My Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save.

I checked both locations, the only place they where found was in the Cloud saving, and then I checked my online cloud from Steam and they where 0 there as well. I have no idea how this happened and it’s pretty disapointing.

Turn cloud saving on in both the Steam settings and the ingame Options menu and then follow this guide to transfer them to local saves. Then turn off cloud in both locations.

Not sure how that’s going to help as the files are 0kb on the Cloud.