Savefiles in local save directory

Hello people and devs,
I hope it can me one, like synonymous of the devs bring some light here in the dark.

I have the following files in my savegame directory for common char usage:


I am not concerned about the two. I know what that is.

Then we have the 3 blocks with Formulas, Transfer and Transmutes. Of those there are ever 6 files, I thought anyway. :wink:




I have 2 questions about this:

The “Formulas.csh” does not exist. The other two “csh” but already. Can someone tell me why that is?

What do these csh and cst files store? With the gsh and gst files I know what it is …

Thank you

Edit: and yes, i have also hardcore characters played

Unless those are newer extensions the devs are now using can’t say I am familiar with them. Are you using any 3rd party tools that mess around with these files and may be implementing their own backups?

Hmm. Doing a search with forum search for *.cst lead to this conversation over in the GD Stash thread:

Someone posted this thread as well back some months ago (no replies):

Edit: Zantai responded with this about it in Discord:


…by which I’m assuming he means that upon installation and loading in FG the first times these “backups” were created because as far as I know “normally” they have long been of the .gst/gsh variety.

The only files that matter when you play FG are the .gst/.gsh files. the corresponding .cst/.csh are copies that were created when you installed FG, in case you ever want to play without it (e.g. MP with some friends that do not have FG).

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I’m assuming then that if you for whatever reason wanted to load those particular files in then you would just rename them as their normal .gst counterparts?

I assume so too. As they should essentially be the exact same files with which FG started out, there should not be an issue

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Thats it! Thank you!

At this time I had items in stash, items saved at the Illusionist, but not find the blacksmith in Hardcore mode, because I haven’t played a lot HC at this time.

Thats why the formulas.csh was not created or backuped, because it does not exist at this time.
