[shield melee] Beginner's pre-Krieg Death Knight

Chance to hit, crit, be hit, be crit - depends on what monster you are up against.

Stupid Dragon,thanks for putting links to my builds!

That reminds that,when I have access to PC,I have to correct them in my posts.

Stupid Dragon,

Just wanted to send a quick thanks for this thread. I’m going with a different build, but you had a lot of information a new player like myself needed. The build that I’m going does what most other build threads here do, and assumes the player possess a great amount of knowledge and a stash full of gear. I’m still winging a lot, but still did benefit greatly from this thread.

If you’re curious - https://www.grimtools.com/calc/0V0BPyoN I do think it’s time to switch to Cadence, maybe?

You could try switching at 65 when there’s some Cadence faction gear available (basically non-elite versions of what I’m using). You would need to max Cadence, Deadly Momentum, Safeguard and Rebuke. But overall since many people didn’t like the switch I currently don’t recomment switching before 90.

You posted just when I had switched lol. Already reverted back to FW. Going to have to look for more information on taking FW farther, but it sure is annoying so many of my search results broken thanks to the new site (I guess?).

You don’t really need to look anywhere since my current build assumes you switch at 90, you could just use it.

Also there’s malawiglenn’s forcewave Warlord.

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My main issue is my weapon. I looked at the thread you linked and he has instructions for farming an upgrade, which is exactly what I didn’t know how to do. I appreciate the link.

pretty nice build first time playing grim dawn 52 level it is not hard but not too easy if you play recklesly and know some basics about arpgs
i am looking to convert to the kreig built you got is it possible from this build later after i can farm with minimoum concetracion ?

Hello, welcome to the forum!

If I got your question right - yes, this build will allow you to farm for Krieg set on Elite, and it could be done lazily.

thank you very much and sorry for the lack of concentration on the right subject

should we wait for a new or updated build since the patch droped from your collection or others?

I don’t think this build needs an update due to the recent patch.

As for the new builds - no, I won’t be doing beginner builds in a while, for a couple of reasons:

  1. I don’t want to level a new character at the moment. I like this game, but compared to theorycrafting and build testing other people do levelling is a bit repetitive.
  2. When I began doing beginner builds it was an uncharted territory, and every my build was a hit. Now there are plenty of of such builds already, to the extent that people are confused about what exactly they should play.

As for the others I don’t know, lol. Glenn and Nery still post them from time to time.

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Hi, I would like to ask why there is not Ravenous Earth in Grim tools in skill bar and is it not mentioned in build notes among skills. I suspect it should be still used to proc Assasin’s mark, right?

Because when people asked to update the build for FG I made a theorycrafted link in GT first and tester it later.

As for build notes - I simply forgot.

Yes, you should use it to proc AM.

Wow that was fast. Thanks. And thank you and all the others for all of beginners builds - really helped me understand some of mechanics in this game.

I always think more options = better. The number of posted high-tier geared builds can also be very confusing for someone when it comes to “choosing” a build. My idea was that the more beginner friendly builds there are, the more accessible the other “regular” builds should be. When I started playing seriously, I basically had your guides and some older ones by chthon to “choose” from + Nightmares cabalist guide. I mean I would love to have had all the options that we have today when I started out.

I will not do more beginner/budget build guides. I will just try to keep mine updated and perhaps make a more generic guide like “beginner tips” or something like that.

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when is optimal to change from ForceWave to cadence?

I am on lvl 89 now.

I’d say 90.

Thx a lot,

I am changing ATM.

but i have a question.

What does RR mean? and MI?

Thx again

RR = Resistance Reduction
MI = Monster Infrequents. Items only dropped by specific monsters.