Shields and Caster Offhands Feedback Thread

Mythical Codex of Truths: increased Cooldown Reduction modifier for Horn of Gandarr to -2s and increased Lightning damage modifier for Judgment to 90-300
Mythical Inashkor’s Head: increased % Attack and % Cast Speeds to 22%
Mythical Inashkor’s Corrupted Head: increased % Attack and % Cast Speeds to 22%
Mythical Blood Orb of Ch’thon: added 550 Health and +1 to Shaman Skills. Added % damage bonuses to the granted skill.
Mythical Fiend’s Resolve: increased % Attack and % Cast Speeds to 22%, updated skill proc values
Mythical Judgment of Empyrion: added % Lightning damage and 15% of Physical dealt as Fire. Updated Conversion to 45% of Chaos dealt as Lightning. Updated values on the granted skill. Removed % Physical damage.
Hellscourge: increased Offensive Ability to 70, increased All Resist Reduction modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 22 and increased damage on the skill proc
Mythical Wretched Tome of Nar’adin: added 45% of Chaos dealt as Acid and increased Poison Duration to 100%. Increased Acid damage modifier for Dreeg’s Evil Eye to 35 and reduced its Poison Duration modifier to 50%
Farath’s Cube: increased % Crit damage to 12%, % Offensive Ability to 4% and % Health to 4% and increased Cold damage modifiers for Flames of Ignaffar and Panetti’s Replicating Missile to 82 and 60, respectively
Mythical Aldanar’s Vanity: increased Offensive and Defensive Ability to 130
Mythical Tome of Atonement: increased % Damage Modified modifier for Dreeg’s Evil Eye to 100%
Mythical Codex of Eternal Storms: increased Offensive Ability to 122
Mythical Speaker for the Dead: increased Offensive Ability to 90
Mythical Turion’s Reprisal: increased % Retaliation Damage added to Attack modifier for Blackwater Cocktail to 12%
Mythical Watcher of Erulan: increased % Physical Resist to 16% and % Total Speed to 15% on the granted skill
Mythical Skybreach Bulwark: increased Defensive Ability to 150
Faction - Wrathguard: increased Pierce damage and % Attack Speed on the granted skill
Also all shields now have their base damage type changed to the dmg type they support.

I really want to remove more from the OP than I will for now, but a lot of it needs testing and feedback after the changes guys. The ones I will remove are: Blood Orb, Aldanar’s Vanity, fiend’s resolve (that new proc!), and any others you guys are sure are great now. I suspect hellscourge and nar’ardin might be working now too?

Let me know people!

  • Like the Faraths cube change, hope that cold PRM and FoI are in better state.

  • Vanity, like the added bonuses .

  • Hellscourge, look forward to see build posted with this.

Some are still at awkward spot. Inashkor like items :smile:

To be fair, someone needs to post a build with each of the inashkor items so we can test it and see just how bad they actually are.

I can’t see how the Hellscourge buffs change anything. It still breaks the Black Flame set for Deceiver builds it seems designed for and the skill mod still doesn’t stack with Blackwater Cocktail for the Pyromancer builds it seems designed for. How is this any different from before? Is there some super quirky niche build that this wouldn’t be outclassed on?


Well it’s not hellscourge in of itself. Sigil got buffed too. So I was likely being overly optimistic but who knows. I’m not looking for it to be too tier or anything. You’re probably right but I want to see what kinds of clear times people get with it.

edit removed codex of eternal storms. With the nice OA increase and the fact that it was already a fine placeholder, I guess I’ll just resign to leave it off the list. It’s okay that it gets replaced often by an mi

Well, perhaps it could be steered towards aether PRM? It even has a Death Sentence bonus.

Considering invoker will probably get tuned it might be more fine and yeah making it more aether PRM which needs help makes sense. Good idea man.

I’ve tried judgment of empyrion and the skill it granted is actually quite nice as a small nuke and additional damage. Though it will make your build more pianist as before.

I try it in my tri elemental bonemonger and it’s not bad. Not BiS but definitely useable. Funnily the damage sheet is actually quite close to my ludrigan pannetti druid. Lol.

On a side note, have you tried ixilor? Is the proc any good?
EDIT: hmm, the flat number from the proc seems good. But the new iskandra’s offhand seems to be more delicious. Hmm…

Have not tried current Ixilor.

New changes from
Mythical Judgment of Empyrion: increased Offensive Ability to 122 and increased damage on the granted skill
I’m tempted to remove this from the list now. @thejabrixone would you mind retesting the item and letting me know what you think? I am still not perfectly a fan of the small area on the proc but the knock back is nice, it rag-dolls enemies pretty hard, and with the OA increased by 32 I am sort of feeling resigned to letting it be.

I think it’d be great for +1 summon limit to guardians of empyrion or a skill mod to judgment as well as a skill mod to something in inquisitor but it is what it is.

As for everyone else… Provide. Feedback. Please.

I feel like if judgment just lost the lightning and was chaos converted to fire people would really like it.

Offensive ability is buffed so high, wow. Though it might not be what is needed. Buff to its granted skill should be nice. I will test it after I am done checking my iskandra MH and ludrigan druid.

Chaos converted to lightning is unique to this offhand, I think let it be. Chaos > fire already got plenty conversion.

What I see from this skill is to use it as supplementary damage in shaman based mage or proc-based build. Raw stats is all good, and I kinda have a soft spot for a general item like this.

If it’s going to try to go a lightning route, which I just don’t see for it yet, then it could probably use a conversion skill mod like judgment converted to lightning or something. But if you’re satisfied with it I’m guessing it’s fine. Do you feel it’s enough at this point that I can remove it from the list?

As someone haven’t posted any build with that, I think leave it here. Kinda premature to remove it as we haven’t tested it yet…

Ah I thought you had tried it. I tested it on a fire build and found the ability to be meh, but I think it was buffed one last time before I got to test it again. The OA improvement is new as well. It’s certainly not bad but the build I tried with it could basically ignore the ability which to me is the whole point of the item. Except on bosses where the extra burn was nice. Needs re-testing.

I tried it in it got buffed again in
Generally you cannot make the granted skill in item to be your main skill. So understandable. Will check it either tonight or tomorrow.

It maybe be worth to put it in my ludrigan druid as honestly the granted skill was as powerful as fully decked ludrigan’s panetti in Make you think that panetti side of ludrigan is very horrible. Lol.

Not trying to make it the main skill. My problem was I went for a bomber shieldbreaker my friend made, and I found that for trash mob settings I could just ignore the skill completely and clear better. I only ever used it on bosses that my other skills didn’t obliterate. But that doesn’t eliminate the possibility of a different kind of build running it and having success using it off cooldown happily.

Dmg on mod good, but main problems (in cold PRM) is the high resistance to cold in Kuba and Fabios. I believe that adding to racial dmg again beasts/humans (6-8%) will make good biuld on cold PRM. It would also be nice adding cast speed.


I highly doubt about adding a racial damage because Z now on holy crusade against every source of racial damage.
I’m highly for adding a cast speed, anyway

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I’m gonna do a tome of atonement deceiver when I’m back from my vacation in September.

Cast speed is useless for cold PRM. With above average rolls my MH have caped cast speed with Cube. Panetti wand already have, so no need. At same time if you play cold PRM in Crucible, you will immediately spot the problems.

Build have more DPS than aether version and basically the same as lightning, yet is way slower than other versions. In Crucible you have multiple slow to kill Nemesis. Not just Kuba and Fabiys, at least they come in range instantly. But Zantarin and Moosi, they need like 20 seconds time. Combined with former two and waves 160,165,170 take more time than all the trash waves combined.

Gravetouch is a shield that gives 100% Fire to Cold conversion to EoR and Cold RR to Veil of Shadow. It would be pretty neat to use it along with Chillheart for a Cold EoR Dervish.

Honestly I’d rather it be a weapon so you can DW rather than a shield.