Skeletal Knight, a Champion monster has such a high damage, twice of Nemesis

New players will be easily killed in one hit in Arkovian Undercity.

Have you been killed by one? Might be that while these numbers are high, Nemesis monsters have other buffs that make their seemingly weak attacks pack much more punch,

Even considering all buffs, Cunning and % Physical Damage, Skeletal Knight still has a higher damage than Iron Maiden. For end game builds, Skeletal Knight has too low health and can be easily killed, so we hardly know it has such a high damage. But for beginners, it is too dangerous.
In Chinese community, there have been many new players recently. Many of them have complained about this issue. They can’t understand why they died in just one hit despite having full health.

The damage on the skeletal knight special attack has already been reduced for the upcoming hotfix.


Gonna miss one of these guys sneaking upon me while i’m focusing on other skeleton enemies, ironically other skeletal knights, and getting hit for like 4k damage on veteran while i’m level 30.

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Someone has and I also nearly died, even though I had almost double the hp I usually have. They really stand out, if you can figure out who it is that’s hitting so hard.