Smoking - I Quit, It Sucks

I quit in my 20s, and after the initial withdrawals I never had another urge and never understood people who claimed it was a daily battle to not smoke. I recently started again, off and on, as a way to replace smoking bud–as an aside, when smoking bud I hated tobacco–I quit bud only for career (safety) reasons, and rolling and smoking tobacco helped with the cravings. maybe i’ll start again a little later down the road. anyway, at this point, I only smoke 1-3 cigs a day, and usually smoke until my pouch is empty, then wait a few weeks, before getting another pouch. during that few weeks interim, I think about smoking ALL THE TIME. It was never that way when I first quit, but now it’s much harder, even after the initial withdrawal.

Remeber that even if u get a relapse you have atleast starting the long road to be free of nicotine.

I have tryed to quit more times then i can count… It cost money, and are bad for the health. Minimum of 1x20cig pack each day is 6,5Euro so every month i throw away more then 200euro and damage my health,

BUT couple years ago i found a good site where i can order cuted tobaco leafs of my chosing, Hemp cigarette tubes and ALL i pay each month are 30euros(shiping included) and i can smoke how much i want.

I Noticed after some time smoking Pure tobaco that i dont have any “crawings” to smoke, NO abstinence if i dont smoke entire day.
No Chough or mucus.

I do regular healthchecks and couple month after i changed to pure tobaco my doctor gratz me for quit smoking and my test results where much improved.

Im amazed that ppl can quit it cuz imo thats the hardest thing i have ever encountered… U shud be proud and glad to hear u found true Love

I have no scientific facts if it is the tobaco that are “boosting” my health but i feel healtier then ever. AND it dosent cost me anything to smoke , so i until i get cancer i wont quit :undecided:

Good Luck in the future and if u must smoke , buy a hookah so u can do it with skills and without tobaco :smiley:

never smoke myself. but victims of smoking? never been more true.

i got a little burn scar from cigar stub caused by some careless guy i don’t remember when i was little.

also my throat got sore and very painful which makes me almost mute for several
days, due to some ignorant stranger on net cafe smoking some kind of black cigar
packs all night long next to my spot.
just 1 night of exposure to that blasted smoke cause me a lot of pain. worse
part is the guy doesn’t even care he’s blasting smokes to my spot. thank god
it doesn’t make me mute permanently.

my older sister and her 2 year old daughter got sick from smoke fumes my father
cause, even though he smokes outside while my sister and niece is inside.
thankfully he’s stopped smoking permanently since several years ago.

what advice i can tell for smokers to help them stop smoking?
try to understand the perspective of the victims that don’t smoke but got the
bad fumes from smokers. even better, read/listen to stories of those victims
who got ill so bad from the fumes that they almost can’t speak anymore
(i’ve seen some of them on national tv ads against smoking).

basically, try to hate those cigars and the fumes. when you really feel the pain
from smoking, your mind might subconsciously start to steer away from the subject
of smoking. hatred and regret is useful in this case.

besides, smoking makes your breath smells awful, and blacken your lips
(for me, a terrifying thing that’ll cause my prospective wife to hate me).
that alone is a good enough reason for me to stay away from smoking.

i love the smell of bland fresh air.

Feel ya bro, enjoying addiction calmly while wondering about anything you have in mind is one of those unhealthy pleasures in life.

Pro tip mate, get Allen Carr’s book on quitting smoking. I smoked for more that 20 years and I read his book.

You won’t want to hear or believe this but the withdrawls are in your head. They do not actually physically exist and I never felt any when I quit.

Before I read the book I tried quitting several times but never managed for more than a month.


Yeah its a very good mixture of buddy advice, reverse psychology, scaring the shit out of you but in a way you don’t feel scared to shit but motivated, good ol’ success stories, framing, a pinch of scientific inaccuracy (but the goal is lofty so nobody say nothing) and Goebbelsian repetition so that you quit smoking just to have the guy shut the fuck up.

I switched to IQOS.

Sadly, quitting smoking isn’t simply an act of a psychological strength. Hence reading a book may work with one, but fail with another.
Nicotine inflicts severe dependence, with higher level of addiction than most of the popular drugs. In a difference of other stimulants/drugs, affects both body and mind.

Som people are very easy to quit, other - nearly impossible without gigantic efforts. And it isn’t strictly related to the daily dose or continuity, but also to subjective personal/physiological factors.

I know friends, long term smokers, who are able to easily give up smoking, whenever they want. They may start again after months or let’s say an year, but it’s related to personal preferences, rather than addiction and inability to quit forever.
I, for one, tried to quit smoking a couple of times, and realized it doesn’t work for me. Not that i don’t have the will, nor weak. I’m just feeling physical pain and great discomfort when I try to - blood pressure drops, feeling dizzy, inability to think rationally, overly nervous and aggressive. Severe abstinence. And I’m that way for weeks, not days.
Sadly, I already gave up.

Smoking is shit and I admire everyone who managed to throw it away.

In my experience it is actually pretty easy. I used to smoke since i was 15 and gave up at 29, now i’m 37 and i never touched a cigarette in 8 yrs nor i would dream to smoke one again.

All you need is really wanting to quit, if you say you want but you actually don’t you can buy all books, and weird stuff you want but you will never quit.

I was planning to try to stop smoking once FG comes out so I can busy my mind, maybe it helps? nice to see this topic here

Do or do not. There is no try.

It appear not to be that easy, and as I mentioned - depends on the individual.

I really tried, couple of times. And I really wanted to.
It’s not the psychological need and the habit I have problems with, but the magnitude of abstinence. I’m literally physically unable to overcome it.

I’m aware that everything is possible if one really wants it, just can’t pay the price for this abyssmal physical discomfort. Been really suffering, not even joking.

Strange, I found it to be nothing like you described other than the reverse psychology part. About the fear part you are way off. In fact the exact opposite is true.

Anyway. I was really scared of the withdrawls and lifestyle change and the book helped 100%.

You can take the horse to the water I suppose.

One more thing, Allen Carr has several clinics that will give you your money back if you can not stop smoking after the sessions. And they do give money back.

Just try Allen Carr’s book Hellcat. I won’t push the point any further, I hate being that guy but at the same time it’s well worth your time to try it.

Pardon my dirty materialism, but nicotine dependence is no different from others in that its a neurological pattern coded by synaptic links. Formed once, these stay with you forever. Much like memory itself they do not vanish, but fade gradually over years with neuron loss. Its all indeed in your head, just don’t forget its an organ, and chemicals affect it on a physical level.

I want to mention once again that long term effects can be coped by appropriate pharmaceuticals. These aren’t forever too - mine ceased in approx half year.

Well i’ve been smoking for couple of years but I’m trying to reduce. I’ve tried some swedish portion snus, then some nicotine pouches and now i’m vaping electronic cigarette. for me the greatest problem is carbon monoxide and tar. (that coughing that smoking real cigarette can sometimes be very bad.)

Im only able to stop smoking from one day to another. If i dont do that i wont be able to quit. But i fell back alot of times. It is really hard :frowning:

For those who wish to quit, read here. I don’t have a magic trick, but if you’re willing, that’s how I did.

While I wasn’t a huge smoker (a pack every 2-3 days), I couldn’t stand missing one (I’d litterally go outside to buy cigs if I was about to finish a pack).
And eventually I suffered of asthma. Didn’t stop at first, because well, stopping’s hard and I enjoyed smoking.

Still, after some time, I realised how smoking is useless and brings nothing but sickness and monetary loss.

One thing that helpped, is projection. Started calculating the money lost (the money I lost from a year’s smoking and the money I’d gain from a year’s abstinence, or well, stopping).

Then decided for good, took nicoting patches.
-First week (7 days), daily patches, no smoking. The first week felt great.
-Second week(4 patches, one day in-between) but didn’t smoke. Still felt good, body felt different, better.

And stopped for good.

True that, once my body didn’t get any nicotine, I started feeling some cravings (but not intense, because I had spent 2 weeks without smoking).

But this is where your will to stop should help you.
Why starting back, when you’re feeling better and stopped spending for it? Plus I made my girlfriend happy.

So…that’s my little story, stopped in 2012.
And unfortunatly asthma is still present (eventually had to start a cortisone treatment, which is for life) a scar left, to remember what it is to smoke.

If you want to quit smoking then you can try vaping. You will then start to quit smoking slowly.