So who's the new evil badass hanging out with Boris?

From my experience, people are a lot more amicable in person. Something about not hiding behind a digital avatar I guess. :wink:


RektbyProtoss is the boss right now… literally. :sunglasses:

I find this very cool, thanks for posting it.

But now I am stuck with mental images of me as Aetherial boss :smile:


Yep, those guys are real KILLERS!
(all the other new bosses I find are manageable)

Did a few runs with my top tier guys and they basically got destroyed in seconds. So far I only have ONE of my top tier characters that can actually face tank and take them down 100% of the time. A few others can but a few deaths and lots of kiting are normally the order of the day.

My condolences to some hard core players that thought the new pit bosses may be a lucrative drop. That surprise factor of sheer stunlock and zero ability to generate health is a recipe for death.

Hardcore Player Advice - REALLY REALLY stay away from Boris and his new pit buddies, it usually won’t end well.


Too late. :stuck_out_tongue:


The same for the guy in the Arkovian Docks. Or at least don’t face him in elite with like 10% aether resist because you’re an overconfident bitch.


Come on lad, its just a friendly WWE show match.

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@RektbyProtoss nearly flattened me with rapid fire blitz style mobility skills that seemed like they had zero cooldown. It was one of the most frantic fights I have had. How did I survive it? I ran. Im man enough to admit it, yeah, I ran like a shameless coward. He chased me for like 4 or 5 full screens worth of distance traveled before turning around.


Yeah, that’s me now, I run up to the edge just so I can peek, if either of them is there I run like a little bitch. No shame. I run a lot now. :smiley:

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A standard PS warder handles them just fine, just need good stun/freeze/slow resists and good adcth. I struggled on my first run through mainly b/c I was surprised to actually be taking damage and tried to kite a bit.

Naw, in HC we just get lots of stun/freeze/slow/etc resists even for the OC, you never know when something will come up and kill you. That’s the only reason I made it the first time though. Well that and my ability to quickly pause the game, then unceremoniously exit while I caught my breath, but whatever. :slight_smile:

How did I miss this quote??? 8.371/10

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not even over 9000 :sob:

Used to be you could breeze by the pit and swat Boris like a fly. So far it’s exactly 50/50 for me statistically if Alaric dies before my acid dervish dies. Hell, I’d much rather fight 3 x Fabius. Gladly.

Alaric is a real wake up call. Haven’t met Rekt yet.

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You just made me burn an exp potion (still had 40 min left on it) b/c I forgot that you were hangin’ out with Boris. I had to exit or would have died. Thanks a lot!

-40000 iron bits :slight_smile:

Yeah, and I was already low b/c spent so many leveling a Purifier.

Man, I’m all kinds of conflicted on this.

On the one hand, it is cool that Crate did this kinda shoutout thing, I think it’s always great when the community gets shoutouts/recognition from time to time, and I felt the exact same way about Zedlee up in Homestead.

But goddamn was it a kick in the balls to be making my way through Arkovia on Elite as usual, only to get near instakilled by ya boi Rekt through sheer stunlock and move spam. I went back a second time and tried to take him on, and I whittled his health down a fair amount while barely surviving those damned forcewaves, only to find that he’s got something on him that heals his health by a good third, probably that one Soldier move or something ._. So fuck that.

I usually prefer my crazy superbosses that my squishy Purifier has no chance against in little side areas that you gotta track down, not smack dab in the middle of the main storyline.

I guess my only complaint is that, cool as these two new player bosses are, they really should’ve been put elsewhere.

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Wait, what about Zedlee? Must have missed that one. Whats his story?

A sad one from early on in development.

Also the tombstone for Gogo the Chaotic Mellon at Tyrant’s Hold is similar so I understand.


That’s amazing! Thanks for the link! So that’s how many real life cameos up to now? I know of three - Zedlee, Rekt and that wedding ring thing.

Well, difficult to say since some of the higher tiers on the Kickstarter allowed people to name things in the game. As said there’s Gogo which is similar to Zedlee, but also at the Arkovian Undercity there are 3 tombstones with names on them: Ryan, Robert and Rockford. These were people who contributed at a high level KS tier.

Not quite the same sort of story as Gogo, Zedlee, Rekt, etc, but they are in the game because of their support.

Another one is Roman the Blade Dancer; again similar to Zedlee, but not my story to tell.

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