Some feedback I'd like to share after having beat ultimate HC and feeling like I've learned the game somewhat properly

Quick disclaimer: I’ve totally fallen in love with GD. If I was to write everything it does right and everything I like about it - I’d sit here writing all day. This is just some of the things I now - after having beat ultimate for the first time and learned the game - think are really bad and needs fixing or at least change in GD2.

I won’t mentioned all the small stuff, just the big bads (IMO).

  1. Enemies dispelling all your buffs. If this removed one random buff on a long CD I think it would be ok. But how it functions now is simply bad game design, especially for hardcore. Why? Because it forces players, especially on hardcore - to constantly be watching for getting debuffed. This is a tedious chore and ruins the natural game flow. There is already enough going on that you have to pay attention to. It also somewhat forces someone to roll soldier in HC as the only defense you have left if you get debuffed is raw stats. So while enemies debuffing you is a nice gameplay mechanic thought in theory, in practice it’s bad game design imo because it applies frustration, aggravation and you have to constantly multitask watching for having been debuffed. Challenging the player is a good thing. Abilities that has other ways of threatening the player indirectly - is a good thing. The problem with being dispelled is like I said, bad because of it causes some pressure on class dependency and is bad for the gameflow.

Solution: Make it debuff one random buff from the player. Long CD. The player negation (arcanist and devotion) should have the same nerf. Because one single ability even on long cd, shouldn’t have such monumental impact. Removing one buff from a bunch of enemy heroes or a boss is already very strong.

  1. Set items ruining build diversity and hindering creativity. I think personally, that MI’s is this game’s biggest strength. Not because you can target farm, but because they add unique stuff which you then again can combine with OTHER MI’s. This allows a huge variety of possible builds. Set bonuses in this game has the COMPLETE opposite effect. It strongly shoehorns a build into X abilities. And locking interesting build enabling items behind forced playstyles.

For example. If I want 2 hellhounds or 2 birds, I think for both of them you need a set if I’m not mistaken. So if you want to make a build using say 2 birds, you can do so but w/o build variety.
In conclusion, interesting and unique effects from set items, should be tied to individual legendary items. Powerful set bonuses, should bring powerful and strong general stats or such. I think set item unique effects are fantastic, because they allow things otherwise not possible. But at the same time, it ruins build theorycrafting potential.

Solution: Unique gameplay change effects should never be gated behind an item set that forces/extremely favors one shoehorned playstyle in terms of skills used. Set items bonuses should instead offer generalist stats, but strong ones. Another solution would be, that any unique set bonus gameplay change - ALWAYS also has a single item, maybe for an entirely new slot even, that provides the same.

  1. Taunt resistance and immunity with bosses. I don’t see the point, and is kinda exploitable. Running around in circles with a boss chases you means that the boss isn’t doing much to threaten the player. At the same time - pets will chase and chase and slowly chip them down. If bosses weren’t focusing the player but the pets, at least the boss would be challenging the player by doing SOMETHING instead of aimlessly running around trying to reach the player. Sometimes bosses gets surrounded by my mobs, and won’t even attack them. Being stuck they just want to go for the player and do nothing.

Taunt resistance has no meaning. Because it actually can be of great benefit to the player, but at the same time be extremely boring and frustrating as you run around a pillar 20 times for a boss to die.

As pet builds, all your investment is in your pets. That investment is paid off - if your pets can tank successfully and kill the boss. The player still has to dodge stuff, buff, support spells, flask, move around. But the boss arbitrarily ignoring pets due to taunt resistance is imo - a pointless game mechanic. This isn’t about gameplay balance or power, it’s about the tedious chore of running a marathon - even making it EASIER for the player most often (due to not having damage output against your pets) - it’s IMO just completely unnecessary for bosses to have taunt resistance and immunity.

That’s pretty much it! My 3 only major gripes with this game. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to play again. I’m seriously addicted to GD but just wanted to share my thoughts on these 3 things.

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The latest Grim Internals version has a sound notification about your buffs being taken down. Sound effect proposed by yours truly. I cannot confirm if it works though because I haven’t been nullified yet but it should.

I think I have to disagree with you on that but maybe it’s just the pests thing which I know little of. Or maybe it’s because I play mostly 2handers which don’t allow you to equip a lot of sets. Anyway, most of my builds are non-(full)sets I’d say and I think Grim Dawn strikes a good balance here.

Doesn’t :zantai: have a tendency of nerfing sets btw? How many times do we hear non-set versions of some build are stronger? For example Valduun / Runebinder if I’m not mistaken? All builds from the latest Pierce Feedback thread are non-sets etc.


So a set bonus that grants a unique skill modifier should, in your opinion, be changed to just strong ‘generalist stats’? I have to disagree with you on that, I know for myself I love legendary sets and their bonuses. That is one of my favourite aspects of the game; hitting 94 and equipping a set that modifies my skills to convert one damage type to another.

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This is a complete nightmare to balance. Sets serving specific class combos allows for much easier balancing while allowing those builds to exist in the first place.


I hope that with the next official patch we get SOME sort of ‘in your face’ effect, so that you do not have to always watch this. Until then, there is no other option.

I btw strongly object to change the Nulli-Effect in itself, I like it as it is!

Totally a NOT!

Sets are per definition based on SOME specialty. To change that would make them just the same as greens, imho.

I’d like this also to stay as it is. Better add more sets :wink: running…

With this one I have to agree. I will never play Hardcore, 'cause when I die to my lazy playstyle I would have to buy a new Computer the next day, but I also experienced this behaviour in MC-Endgame … and thoroughly exploited it.

I do not even play ‘pet damage pet’- builds, just use them as distraction, when a skill like it is found on an Item which currently fits.

Yet still the ‘Boss’ acts a little dumb there, when a pet is around.

Btw., to be frank, also the pathing of the Bosses needs improvement. They should not get stuck in the ‘Scenery’ at all. Kiting is fine, but having them been stuck between some Tree and a Pet is not as I think it was intended.

Imho Bosses should always be able to push pet damage pets out of the way.

If this Mod was seperate, I would install it. Could this been done?


It’s totally separate, it’s not a mod. It’s more of a QoL trainer (D3 TurboHud comes to mind) and very configurable.
You just copy it into Grim Dawn directory and run it.
You can always play a normal version of Grim Dawn at any time as it doesn’t modify the game’s files.

Everyone is different in what its features they are using [Tool] Grim Internals
(not sure if notification feature is in the OP or rather in one of the lasts posts because it is an early release)
Monster Health bars it has might have been the reason we have them natively in Grim Dawn now.

My best memory from Grim Internals:

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Missed this. I don’t think giving unnecessary nerfs to Ulo and Nullification because you don’t like an enemy skill is a good idea.

The devs have made several adjustements to enemy nullification. It used to be instant (in beta at least), it was changed to a slow projectile with a long arc. Then the projectile was made brighter and i believe even slower after. I think at this point the devs are tired of constantly tweaking it and just decided that players will just have to learn to deal with it (and sometimes that’s the right call in my opinion, regardless if people continue to complain about it).


Only the first ~5 times it happens. After that you learn which monsters do it and how, so that you’re subconsciously aware of it. Similar to energy leeching ones. At first they surprised me, but later I could totally see it coming.
I used to dislike Arcane monsters too, but now I’m ready for them whenever they want to show up.

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I’ve read your comments and you make a lot of good arguments. On 1 and 2, I see your points. And I’m inclined to agree. As for 3… I have to say, I still think taunt resistance is unnecessary and even exploitable by the player. Thank you for replying and sharing your insights on this as more veteran players.

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… have to disagree to this. I still don’t see it coming, up to now.

then you might want to start pick up on it, since literally only specific enemies do it, and they are highly “telegraphed”,
like being massively purple or have the name arcane,
or being 1 place specific spawn hero,
or a nemesis with a specific animation tell etc etc etc

not seeing/learning which enemies disspell you after a couple of times sorta seems like someone is completely oblivious to the game/what’s going on :thinking:

Well, I usually only find out AFTER the fight, and yes, as I do not know who does it, I do not see it/expect it, when it comes.

So… ?

would seem like a lack of attention and memory then
people are in general usually very quick to identify and complaint about arcane enemies after a couple of encounters :sweat_smile:

Duh!? Didn’t I say, I play lazy? :crazy_face:

As I am kiting like mad anyway all the time, it is hard to pay attention to everything that’s going on. And were is the problem to just have any ‘in your face’ effect, to make things a little easier?

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Firstly, let me say that I like the mechanic. My philosophy is that if you can have it, then the enemies should also have it. That goes for most anything.

But…I had to talk about this attention and memory comment:

Imho, if you are playing with a M+KB with a fixed perspective, then this is not that hard. If you are using a controller - which requires a lot of view spin for kiting or moving - then this is not at all trivial.


i don’t get this, granted i’ve not played as much controller as i have kb+m, but i don’t recall me using view spin or anything, just like without a controller, i don’t touch the camera; why would that be different for controller, the pov + zoom out is the same :thinking:
then again, i get kinda “dizzy” just watching vids where people turn the camera :sweat_smile:

unsure if that’s the case, but i’ve kinda always thought that they deliberately coloured the arcane enemies the way that they did, so you could pick them out of the busy crowd, even the small ones. Even mageclaw has the same colour. Only “naughty” one seem to be Lox, that just looks like a regular dude with an orange name


Same. Never spin the camera, maybe I have a touch of OCD because I always feel like I can’t bring it back to default after rotating.


And? How am I supposed to know, that exactly the red/violet/black colored Enemy is THE one nulling me?

I either kill with AoE and DoTs, while kiting or am DEAD.

When there is a huge Mob, with one Nullinger in it, how do I know, HE is the one? I didn’t even know that they were specially coloured, I just read it here.

So… that’s why.

idono man, eventually most players/people noticed “somehow” :man_shrugging:, hence the mention of them then specifically complaining about Arcane enemies - they noticed that when it was around that’s when they lost their buffs

I tested the sound warning and it works! @GlockenGerda
I like it’s perfectly synchronized with buffs disappearing.
There’s even a red text on the screen.