Some interface related functions to increase the pleasure of playing

Good morning,

I now have almost 200 hours of play and I find it very successful but here are some elements that I find boring in this game. Sorry in advance if there already exists a solution to the points that I am going to mention.

From my point of view, the following functionalities related to interfaces are missing:
1 / be able to select the type of road on the icon at the bottom right of the screen ( N ) : from a certain moment I only use paved roads and not dirt paths. It would be good to be able to choose the type of road with right click for example.
2 / In the commercial warehouse with sellers, being able to order items by purchase/sale price or by quantity owned, or stored in the commercial warehouse would be a big plus in facilitating commercial transactions.
3/ Being able to select all the houses to repair with a single movement with the mouse would avoid having to select them one by one.
4 / Finally, if I appreciate being able to leave several interfaces open at the same time (stock status + window of a building for example), it is true that I would like them to be able to “fix and lock” together automatically to the left of the screen (I play with a 21:9 screen).

Thank you in advance for the time you will take to read me.

Just a few remarks and questions :

  • Trade center : it would be nice to have more than 2 employees ( 3 or 4 ? ) in order to accelerate goods transportation when we have a massive 500 units of rocks to bring into commercial center it can take 2 or 3 years before transfer completed.
  • Trade center : only 48 goods are sellable over 66 possible.
  • in the top right menu : qty of tree, gold, argile, … is shown. It would be nice to have Qty related to sand and iron bar as well.
  • I would love to play on a map that include a sea front ( in the futur ).

Thank you.

A layout i did recently.

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