Some Mechanics Questions

I’ve got a few (!) questions about certain mechanics. If anyone could answer any of them, that’d be lovely. I’ve already looked in the game guide, but I may have missed something.

  1. For a default attack replacer, say fire strike, does ADCtH apply to the bonus damage on the skill (so say, the fire damage)?

  2. Does % total damage modified affect the amount of, for example Resist Reduction applied? If I do 50% weapon damage, but total damage is modified by 200%, do I do 0.5 * RR * 3 = 1.5 * RR to the target? I believe it was said somewhere a while ago that this happened but was unintentional, has it been fixed? Also, on (for example) Phantasmal Blades with Frentic throw, would this go the other way? So you do 30% weapon damage, modified by -75%: 0.3 * RR * 0.25 = 0.075 * RR to the target?

  3. When you attack and have say 300 poison damage over 3 seconds on normal weapon attack, do you apply one second’s worth of damage instantaneously per attack? (So if you attacked 10 times a second, would you do 10 * 100 poison damage)? Or does it just apply the poison, which then begins to tick down? (I assume the latter).

  4. Do abilities that state % weapon damage for both main and off hand (when dual wielding) apply the skill’s damage twice? Two examples are: Shadow strike (does it apply the skill’s flat damage twice, once for each weapon), and Cadence (I think this says for both weapons, would that mean that it attacks with both weapons, and each hit applies the flat damage from the skill)?

  5. Do abilities like Shadow Strike and Amaransta’s Blade Burst increase in casting animation from attack speed or cast speed, or neither?

On an aside, the game guide and in game tooltip states that health pots heal 25% + 800 health instantly, with a further 25% over time. However, at level one, I am (quite) certain that a potion didn’t restore me to full health, and with only 250 hp, I think that 800 flat wasn’t there… so how much does a health pot actually restore?

  1. No (except when ADCTH is on skill itself, as on Phantasmal Blades or Necrotic Strike).
  2. No (i think was fixed in some patch). And anyway, side effects like resist reduction are capped at 100% effectiveness, even if you deal 500% weapon damage, it will apply the same effect as 100%.
  3. Effects from the same source dont stack, only the strongest take effect. This applies to DoT damage too, of course (poison, etc).
  4. Usually - yes, though it depends on skill. Some skills (amarasta’s quick cut for example) have specific mechanics regarding that. Cadence 3-rd hit hits with just one weapon, btw.
  5. Those 2 are considered “attacks” and scale from attack speed. As far as i know, every ability is either “attack” or “spell”. Spells scale with cast speed (even if they use weapon damage).

ADCtH applies to the weapon damage only, unless the skill itself has an ADCTH component.

ADCTH, and I think resists/utility type debuffs are capped at 100% effectiveness. If the skill only uses a small percentage of weapon damage (less than 100%), their effectiveness is reduced by the percent of weapon% applied to the skill.

Frentic throw is next to useless in terms of applying ADCTH and other debuffs once they decided to reduce the effectiveness of ADCTH and utility/resists by the weapon damage%.

There are two different ways you see this written in the tool tip. Sometimes it’s “X damage over 3 seconds” and other times it’s “X damage; duration of 3 seconds”. The first splits the damage up over 3 seconds, so each tick is 1/3 the total, and the other does X damage every tick.

I’m not 100% certain on this. It could be that each weapon has a chance to fire it off, and the bonus damage is added to it, but I believe it will only apply the skill one time, with all the damage listed in the skill. If both weapons are included, then both are added up at the percent given, and then the bonus damage is added. The 2nd seems most likely, but I need to test this.

You’d have to test this.

It does as it states, but did you look at your newbie version? I think their effectiveness stated increases as you level.

Thank you both for your insight. Just a couple of things:

  1. The reason I asked about the RR thing is that you definitely used to be able to go over 100% effectiveness with % damage modified - although that was a long time ago.

About the potion thing: Nevermind what it says in game, the game guide states the 25% + 800 (+25% over time) version, and says nothing about scaling in game. So even if it does scale in game, the game guide is missing this information and needs updating. However, I will also check in game and see if I can see anything on the tooltip, as I don’t recall anything…

  1. ADCtH applies to ALL damage of the skill, not only WD part.
  2. Yes, flat damage applies separately to every hand. When you’re hitting by single or both weapons you can see same damage. Amarasta quick cut also deals same damage per each of 3 hits.
  3. Yes, casting animation increased by casting speed for skills with cooldown. It’s only around 0.1-0.3 seconds, but still.
  1. If the ADCTH is on the weapon, that is only applied to the weapon damage. If it is on the skill, then it applies to it all.
  1. Since AQC is rather ambiguously worded, are you saying that it does 3 hits with both weapons (so a total of 6 hits)? I always assumed it was 2 with one weapon and one with the other.

  2. Interesting, and contradictory to what some of the others have said. Have you tested it?

  1. Proof. 10841 damage dialed, 2710 health restored, ~26% ADCTH from full damage of skill.
  2. Thats how AQC looks. 3 hits, not 6.
  3. Yes, I’ve tested. With 100% casting speed skill has 0.6 sec animation, with 200% - 0.35 sec.

Fantastic stuff - thank you for testing.

I’m still trying to understand exactly what happened in your test for 1). You did 10841 damage, have 26% ADCtH, and the skill does 50% weapon damage, and yet you healed for ~2700 hp. Does this mean that a skill with 1% weapon damage would have you apply the full amount of ADCtH to the skill’s full damage? (i.e. if skill does 10k damage, + 1% WD, you’d heal for your ADCtH % * 10k?)

Transmuter gives 50% WD, so totally skill has 96% WD and provide 24,96% ADCTH.

Ah of course! Sorry, it’s just that sometimes the transmuter’s effects affect the base skill’s tooltip, and sometimes it doesn’t… great, that makes perfect sense now. Presumably this is still capped at 100% effectiveness though (so 300% weapon damage won’t apply 3x ADCtH).