Sound cutting out


Recently I’ve returned to Grim Dawn and noticed a strange issue with certain sound FX. In short, whenever i fires off a spell, the sound tends to cut out if said spell is aimed downward. I have made a video to better illustrate the issue: Grim Dawn 2023 06 30 20 34 20 - YouTube and Grim Dawn 2023 06 30 20 48 55 - YouTube

Is this intended? It affects several FX like walking and missles. The game is with the latest patch ( and both expansions are active. My setup is basic 2.1 speakers (Logitech G560), Windows 11 (latest patches), Ryzen 5800X3D and a RTX 3070.

Thank you for your time.

change your sound settings in whatever sound control panel you’re using
mine defaulted to some weird 7surround which didn’t jive well with my headphonse
changing mine to stereo fixed it

Thanks! This occured to me as well, but I already have that (see printscreen)

mine was realtek, but looks very similar :thinking:
and you selected the right audio driver/output in the ingame settings?

Mine is as well (just the MOBO is Gigabyte - this is the Realtek Audio Console). I’ve checked, but both the Logitech Speakers, and the Realtek Audio, behave identically ingame when selected.

hmm pass, i’ll have to bow out then, each time mine fixed by turning off the surround settinng in there, so if it doesn’t fix i have no idea what it it, sry :pray:

No problem, thanks for your time!

Hey, were you able to fix this issue?

I also have a Gigabyte motherboard with the Realtek Audio Console installed and I’m also having the same audio issue.

Sadly no. It still persists. I hope that 1.2 fixes it…

Damn, that’s sad =(

I tried to fix it yesterday on my end by tinkering with some sound settings, but wasn’t able to fix it.

Apprently the game thinks that I’m running a Surround setup, hence why I can’t listen to sounds from the lower area of the screen.

The game simply outputs based on the settings on your system so there isn’t anything in particular we can do to address it. 'm afraid holding out hope for v1.2 is not going to yield any improvements for you.

Given the directionality of your issue, might be something with surround sound channels. Is there any other audio software running?

I’m not using anything else besides the Realtek console, which is set to stereo. The G560 speakers present themselves as surround 7.1 in Windows sound configuration (no other option available, which is again normal according to Logitech). Running the game with the speakers as primary audio output (so skipping the audiocard) resolved the issue with the missles, but the skipping splashing sound / footsteps persists no matter what I set in my audio settings.

Hey Zantai, thanks for the answer!

I’m quite certain it’s a audio driver issue, as it wasn’t present before I changed my Motherboard (previously I had a ASUS MOBO, but now I’ve replaced it with a Gigabyte MOBO).

As far as I can tell, there’s no other audio-related software running other than the Realtek Audio Console (the same one that Emperorsfist posted a screenshot before).
I tinkered with some options inside of it (as there are Surround settings available there), but nothing seemed to change, even by having the Stereo audio layout selected.

My headset is connected directly to the P2 audio conectors on the MOBO, meaning that it goes straight into the MOBO’s onboard audio card.

that part is normal i think, someone did a test vid at some point where there seemingly was “empty” sound paths, like the bridge in Coven ugdenbog camp leading east i think? etc

so is mine, and i still had to change it manually in system
either it’s in your audio control panel “somewhere” - realtek has several settings/“tabs” for it, make sure you go through all
even if it’s not in realtek it might just be windows providing you a different output “channel”? thingy in sound device settings (like with nvidia hd drivers being an audio device sometimes etc)
then everything then need to match insisde grim dawn audio settings, since the game can apparently detect multiple audio devices (guessing depending on how Windows registers stuff?) even if you dont’ actually have that many
^iirc someone posted a screenshot of like many, 6? different selectables in discord chat, despite just using headphones @_@

*personal anecdote, i did not have this issue the first couple times running/setting up Grim Dawn on my other system, no idea if it was new audio driver version or a different windows update that set things to surround/“detecting” surround when pluggin in my phones on new drive/OS reinstall. “i did everything teh same/as i used to” and yet somehow the sound system/output was different this time/defaulted to surround despite clearly having headphones jacked in

Thanks! I’ll tinker with the Windows sound settings later today and see if that helps.

Maybe Windows 11 thinks that I have a surround system? I dunno, it’s strange.

Tried out more settings and even reinstalling the Realtek Audio Drivers, unfortunately, nothing worked.

I’m starting to think that it’s some kind of incompatibility between Grim Dawn and the motherboard’s soundboard.

In the end though, it’s not the end of the world. The rest of the game is working perfectly, and the missing sounds aren’t much of an issue.

Nahimic, Asus Sonic and Alienware’s Sound Centre have caused lag and other problems with the game over the years.

In my case, I have none of these, unfortunately.

The only audio-related software I have is the Realtek Audio Console, which gets auto-installed whenever I install my MOBO’s audio drivers.

Same here. I only have the Realtek console provided by Gigabyte for the Aorus x570 Elite