SPOILER ALERT: Lore Discussion

This is from Korvaak:

The raging thoughts of a primordial being emanate from this scrap of runed flesh and flow through your mind

Betrayed…by my brothers and sisters. Empyrion, vanished to the eternal tapestry of creation. The war is over, we…have lost. My kin, in their desperation, tapped into the forbidden void in order to turn the tide in their favor. They may be the victors, but the maddening whispers have them now. As for us, we are beaten. Nothing remains now but to hide and tend to our wounds. My temple still stands, my faithful remain loyal. With their worship and sacrifice, I regain my strength. It may take a hundred years, a thousand, it matters not. My vengeance is inevitable.

Roars of agony reverberate through your flesh

My loyal Ulzuin watches over me now along with the many-eyed fiend I’ve bound to his fate. Mortal eyes must not see me in this state until I am ready to return to the stars and reap my vengeance. The rabble’s faith must not falter.

The clash of battle, the sizzling power of arcane spellwork fills your ears before becoming deafened by the cracking of the very earth

Treachery! Betrayal! Where is Ulzuin?! What sorcery is this? What has this witch done? When these bindings break, I will spill her blood and make her watch every drop. The scheming sorcerer she’s allied with will burn on an eternal pyre for my amusement. As for the duplicitous Dreeg…the agony I’ve instilled upon him will be a mere trickle compared to the torment he will suffer for eons!

Darkness clouds your mind, and heavy breathing fills your ears

He stirs…the dead one stirs…his blood roils within our creations, yearning to return. Even my captors can sense their impending doom. I will not be a lamb waiting for the slaughter. This farce has gone on long enough. The Witch Gods may have stolen what is mine, taken my faith as theirs, but there are still those in this world that yearn for my brother’s return. I will harness their wishes, their desperation, and through them I will break these bonds and reclaim my throne!

You hear the clanking of chains, the straining of metal as it is pushed to its limits

An opportunity, yes…a mortal pure of purpose, but so easily molded. He will be the harbinger of my return. I can already feel the bonds becoming brittle. The Witch Gods’ hold on me weakens. And when I am free, this world will again tremble before the might of Korvaak!

As before, I’m not really sure how to classify Dreeg following his transformation from Korvaak. It’s blatantly stated he is the oldest of the Three but I never had the impression he was around (or even alive) while the war was happening. He managed to sneak his way into the Eldritch realm and he saw Korvaak upon his throne, weak and beaten due to the war. It was for that reason he was punished and forced to stand watch, so it could never be repeated.


the earlier part from that korvaak flesh lore note kinda explains more about war of the gods. korvaak says that his kin in desperation tapped into the forbidden void to win the war.

so that means the war was originally just a bar brawl between jealous primordial gods and their realms. but then some stupid group of gods decide to use the void to win the war. and win they does. but then they become consumed by the mad whisper of the void. and become a new enemy against the previous common gods who’s probably just very few in numbers now.

empyrion vanishing into the eternal tapestry of creation is a pretty vague description. we can’t be sure if empyrion’s dead/lost most of his power/hiding to recover. the emissary said that when we banished korvaak’s manifestation, he was somewhat cast away to a far away place where he cannot manifest himself in cairn anymore. unless his followers gain a significant number of new recruits. even then he’ll always be a shadow of his former self.

but does this mean empyrion can also manifest some of his power to cairn, if there are strong & plenty enough followers of him devoting their faith to him? most of kymon’s chosen seem to keep believing in empyrion after korvaak & kymon’s betrayal’s revealed.

The question is “how does nobody know about Korvaak ( works of three ) but they remember long vanished good Empyrion ?”… Who keeps his! ( her??) memory?? who told about him to people ???

They remember the other gods from ancient times due to their shrines, texts and whatever else still being around despite the gods themselves being gone or absent. Whether their absence is due to madness or something else, I’m not sure. What is clear is that they’ve stopped answering people’s prayers, based on comments Inquisitor Creed makes about the gods being more involved with everything in ancient times or such as when the Arkovian people prayed to Rattosh to end Uroboruuk’s curse but he never responded.

However, people didn’t remember Korvaak because the Three systematically eliminated his “existence” to keep him weakened by turning people to worship them instead.


empyrion is considered a good primordial god by many. so its kinda obvious empyrion will always be remembered even with those who don’t follow him or hostile to him.

that reminds me, the early parts of korvan lore notes we found throughout fg campaign signifies the joy of korvan lands in their golden age. with celestials and ascendants showing themselves in public with many grand ceremonies.

i think this is a hint that cairn and the korvan lands in their golden age exist in the time BEFORE the war of the gods. when the war started, the celestials and ascendants of korvan empire’s presence in the public start waning. hiding themselves in the other realms to fight other gods and to hide what’s happening from the eyes of cairn’s mortals. lest their belief upon the korvan pantheon weaken or they’ll try to betray the korvan empire for other pantheons (which is what happens to dreeg).

does that mean, the arkovian empire also exist at the same time as korvan empire? but arkovia is located in another continent. maybe the arkovian pantheons goes in war with or against the korvan pantheon. but they were already vanishing . maybe because they embrace the power of the void, or defeated and banished in the war? and thus the arkovians are left defenseless against uroboruuk’s curse.

on another note, i look again at the ‘vision of terror’ lore note that talks about dreeg teaching an acolyte about yugol’s danger, because there’s some interesting things needed to be addressed there:


"This place we have chosen for our vigil, this Conclave, it is a cursed land! The veil screams in agony. The whispers from beyond threaten to unravel reality."

"Every night I’ve spent here, the visions of the other side came more frequently, and with greater clarity. What I first thought were images of darkness turned out to be much more. Within it were the screams of a million souls, crying out to me. Crying out for mercy. As my dreams solidified, I realized that the darkness moved. It writhed like a mass of tentacles endlessly searching for something. The sight of it filled me with terror beyond anything I’ve ever felt. I awoke gasping for breath and grasping for anything within reach that would remind me that I’ve left the dream, to the chagrin of my fellow seers sharing the tent."

the veil screams in agony, perhaps due to the 3 witches’ usurpation of eldritch throne, their battle with korvaak’s pantheon destroying the korvan lands and cursing many souls that inhabit it, and yugol attracted to morgoneth’s machination here.

"Shaken and unable to sleep, I sought the wisdom of the Oracle. To my surprise, or perhaps I should have expected this, my master was already waiting for me inside his tent. Lanterns illuminated him in their flickering light as he sat cross-legged, without his usual regalia, on a rug with tea set out for us. As he stared ahead with his blank eyes, he gave me a tight-lipped smile and motioned for me to sit."

"Before I could utter a word, he said: Yugol. I was taken aback and blinked. The Oracle continued by describing exactly what I had seen in my dreams, as if he had been there to share them with me. The Insatiable Night, he called it, the eternal darkness that exists in the beyond. It is primordial, unfathomable to the human mind. We see it as a mass of writhing tentacles, but what it truly is cannot be described in words. Yugol exists to consume everything, its endless pursuit halted only by the light of the celestial stars."

"I was told that it is a gift and a burden to bear witness to the makings of reality. What I had seen cannot be unseen. When I started visibly shaking, the Oracle placed his palm upon my forehead and for a moment I could swear his eye tattoos were staring at me. Yet I found myself instantly calmed."

"When I asked what he had done, he would not say, but he offered to teach me a technique to calm myself and banish the darkness from my nightmares. It is a lucid method by which I would conjure my own stars into the dream, brighter than the desert sun."

I thanked him for his wisdom and promised to return the next eve for my lesson. As I stood to leave, I glanced in his direction. He was staring ahead, as before, a somber expression on his face. His tea remained untouched. I said no more and closed the tent flap behind me.

It would seem my visions have disturbed the Oracle as well, but I trust that his judgment and foresight will carry us through whatever darkness looms on the horizon. I pray to Dreeg that the Oracle’s teachings will spare me further nightmares.

These parts:
“I was told that it is a gift and a burden to bear witness to the makings of reality. What I had seen cannot be unseen”
“It is a lucid method by which I would conjure my own stars into the dream, brighter than the desert sun”

are similar to dreeg’s path.
His path demands that one who treads upon it bears the gift and burdens of the visions about the truth of grim dawn universe. like how his role is as guardian of the eldritch realm before and after korvaak’s fall.

also, the phrase “conjuring your own star to banish the darkness/yugol” is heavily implying that dreeg wants cairn’s humans to make their own path independent from fates decreed by the celestial gods/aetherials/chthonians.

which is what the 3 has done. making their own celestial-like factions and claiming the eldritch realm as their tools of power. because in their eyes, the celestials are nuts and will bring cairn to doom because the celestials considered it just a disposable realm like any other.

some small note about the emissary:
he become kinda startled and quickly reprimand the taken when taken asked “why korvaak considers the eldritch throne as his”, saying that we should not belief the lie spouted by korvaak (though korvaak speaks the truth here).

perhaps the emissary is ordered by the 3 to expunge any memories about korvaak from everyone. even their allies, such as the taken, is ordered to consider everything korvaak said as lies. because belief is a powerful force in gd universe. belief is capable of restoring korvaak’s power in fg events, and empowering the 3 witches in their establishment of the 3 cults and possession of the eldritch realm.

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THİS !!!..I was thinking about it and… what is their chef deity ? Vire or another forgotten God …like The Serpent in the sky ? whom its cult already destroyed by luminary …we know him as Leviathan… taken by void whisper …and now eating stars by one by…

you can read about it here : https://www.grimtools.com/db/itemsets/156

also you can see serpent figures all over the Arkovia …

what do you think?

interesting, that means the arkovians might worship the leviathan (cold frostburn lightning damage).

but there’s also this set (eastern oath, cold frostburn lightning too) that comes from a foreign civilization east of erulan beyond the sea, which could possibly be a neighbor/subject of korvaan empire.


if these sets are linked to each other, perhaps the arkovian civ is a branch/parent of that foreign eastern civ. which could meant that the eastern mage are a part of the stormserpent cult. and that means there is significant stormserpent cult in the arkovian empire.

given how the luminari seems to be extremely aggressive in stamping out all religions/heresy outside of empyrion’s pantheon, it is very likely that the witch gods has some influence in this. the stormserpent could possibly be a threat to their followers, so they secretly aid the luminari in stamping out this cult.

also, those sets seems very strongly affiliated with trozan. trozan’s sky shard skill described him bringing down the skies to the luminari agents that tries to subdue him.

that could also mean the erulan empire and luminari dislike the arkovians. the rhowari storyteller tells that arkovian is very aggressive all the time. even in their decline close to the time when uroboruuk snapped and cursed every arkovian.

perhaps the close link between the stormserpent and the korvan empire is the reason the 3 wants to erase everything linked to the stormserpent too. to forget korvaak also means to forget his allies.

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Speaking of Arkovian Gods. See the skill description for Arcane Currents. I think i already put this under attention a long time ago.

Also regarding storm serpent:

Spelling might have changed over time, or perhaps altered by the luminari to sound more ominous.

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i have always wondered, why korvaak is obsessed with turning his follower into giants with bladed claws for hands and disemboweled stomach churning with magma?

here’s the depiction of korvaak in his shrine:


notice that korvaak’s bottom is depicted as a living demonic underwear with scary face and sharp teeth.

it’s kinda similar in gruesomeness with his rageflame/kaisan like giant soldiers. here’s a description of a korvan rageflame from the lore note the vanguard must hold:


"In the most recent strike, a bare-chested behemoth of a man with his face flayed off charged the vanguard in a whirlwind of blades. His gut was exposed to reveal a churning furnace of molten flames that he unleashed upon our forces. Within moments, he had taken out four of our sentinels without pause. Only when we had finally brought him down by removing his head did we realize that his arms had been removed at the elbows and fused with burning-hot blades."

what’s the meaning of disemboweled stomach vomitting magma… funny thing is, korvaak’s manifestation doesn’t have that them. he looks pretty human-ish with extra arms. why is the shrine depiction inaccurate?

attak seru seems to be one of the leading figure of arkovian pantheon. creed uses her name in his ritual attempt to rescue ulgrim from the void (creed is a pragmatic man. the luminari must have countless artifacts taken from ‘heretics’ to be researched and used as they please).

luminari meddling in the lore of storm serpent is very possible. but ultos is described as a lesser celestial, though he’s the only survivor of the uroboruuk’s curse (no explanation how he survive the curse). and he has a very strong connection to mopdragon. a lesser celestial wouldn’t be the representation of the serpent figure that exist a lot in arkovian relics. maybe the luminari tries to erase all the name of the storm serpent 1st, so all curious individual never discover its connection to the leviathan.

maybe leviathan is also connected to yugol? both shares affinity with the cold. and both are devourers…

btw, i recently found an oddity about korvaak’s power waning and waxing during the korvan golden age. rion the scholar’s 3rd entry shows this:


"I’ve been told that the heat of the temple had dwindled for some years but has recently rekindled, a cause for celebration and ritual."

this rekindling of korvaak temple is the oddity here. the heat of the temple dwindling indicates that korvaak experienced some setback. it brings the question of when it happened… is it before, during, or after the war of the gods?

but then rion’s 5th entry somewhat answer the question:


"The texts I’ve perused make it seem as though their rites and rituals are performed today as they were when first prescribed centuries ago. "

"According to these texts, Korvaak reigns over the Eldritch realm, a plane of existence in parallel to our own of his very making. They say that no mortal may bear witness upon its splendors and live; some fools have tried and paid the ultimate price for it. The texts warn of a many-eyed guardian that stands as a warning to all that would dare trespass upon the god’s domain."

so, when rion visits korvan lands and making these lore notes, korvaak has already lost the war of the gods… and dreeg has been blessed/punished by him… but that still doesn’t answer what exactly causes korvaak to regain his strength in this last moments of korvan empire before its doom. is it just because some of his priest are performing a grand ritual to celebrate korvaak’s blessing? here’s the lore entry from vizier erhaman:


"The temple grows cold. No longer does the warmth of its heart wash over the city below. I do not know what has transpired, what could possibly cause such an event, but the patrons of the lesser temples have begun to notice. Those who come to pay homage approach me after prayer with questions I cannot answer. “Have we angered Korvaak?”, “Has the Eldritch Sun waned?”. They are rightfully concerned and scared. However, these are the types of emotions which spur wavering faith and thoughts of dissent. There are even some who speak openly against the temple. Though they are few in number, I am concerned that recent events may embolden them. They have the potential to become the rotting core at the center of a larger movement."

"In the meantime, I have pleaded to the elders for guidance, for words of calm that I might share with the patrons of the temple. They give no notice to my anxieties. I am told to continue on as I always have, for Korvaak’s flame is with us as certainly as the sun rises each day."

"The Eldritch Sun works in ways I do not hope to comprehend, but we must take heed when the populace becomes restless. The foundations of our city, of our very faith must not be shaken."

"I will do more than just offer the people words, I will give them a spectacle, a grand sacrifice to the heart of the temple"

is that grand sacrifice ritual the cause of korvaak’s brief surge of power? its possible… since the celestials & ascendants in grim dawn rely greatly on belief to sustain their powers. i don’t know how grand that ritual is. but evidently its too weak to protect korvaak from the 3. just like how the arkovians desperately prayed to their gods, but the arkovian pantheon has already vanished or too weak to protect them from uroboruuk’s curse.

here’s another curiosity about the link between ralyoh people of the shattered realm, ralyoh’s forgotten god, and korvaak:

rion, 5th entry:


"What I have learned thus far is truly fascinating. As far back as I can go, there seems to be no inconsistency to his presence or domain, no evolution of his worship. It is as if the core of the Korvan religion had somehow remained pure since its inception, quite unusual. It is that or its founders had put a great deal of effort into obscuring its true origins. The texts I’ve perused make it seem as though their rites and rituals are performed today as they were when first prescribed centuries ago."

"Korvaak himself is said to be primordial, ancient and eternal, a progenitor of all that mankind cherishes. From his Eldritch Throne, the Korvan god ascended numerous champions to enforce his rule. He had even been known to elevate those that dare challenge his worship as a means to appease them, turning former foes into steadfast allies. The now familiar names of Rahn and Ateph came up several times in the various tales spun around Korvaak’s divine actions. The history of the Korvan faith is indeed generations in the making."

"The Eldritch Sun is depicted both as the blessed flame and the dreadful terror of destruction. It seems he is both adored and feared by those that show him reverence, and with good reason; though Korvaak is generally depicted as benevolent to his followers, there are numerous records of disasters or outright cleansings that were attributed to the god’s retribution for mortals displeasing him."

"Some of these events seem eerily familiar, though I cannot recall why. I suspect there are similar mythos which I have been exposed to in nearby regions. There are also a number of rituals which bear a remarkable similarity to primitive practices I have researched in the past."

"This leads me to wonder if there are other tribes and civilizations that have been worshiping Korvaak since antiquity, but perhaps by a different name. This is a matter which will necessitate further investigation. "

rion, 6th entry:


"I have made a startling discovery while on my latest foray into the Korvan texts. While exploring the vast collection of the Korvan City Library, I briefly escaped the attention of its stewards and found my way to a closed-off archive. Among ancient birth records of some of the most prestigious Korvan families, several ascendants included, I unearthed a collection of texts that appear to shatter some of the core tenets of the very faith that is central to these people’s lives."

"A large number of the pages were badly damaged, as if whatever ward cast upon them had violently dissipated. Strangely, the parchment itself appeared newer than some of the records I’ve seen; perhaps someone had restored a damaged record at a later date. The bits that I could make out, however, painted a very different account of the early years of the Korvan faith."

"Korvaak himself was shown as a usurper, a conqueror of a realm he had no part in making. It is not entirely clear if the Korvaak that is spoken of today is even the same one described in those texts or whether that is the name given to the master of the Eldritch Throne."

"Another curiosity was the description of the upheaval involved in such a transition of power, a whirlwind of creation and destruction within which were caught the unfortunate believers. Sadly, before I could complete my analysis of the text, one of the stewards discovered my presence in the closed-off archive and promptly chased me out of the building."

"What little I’ve managed to read offers some troubling conclusions. Is Korvaak’s rule destined to falter as it had before? If so, will the same destruction consume these people when it does?"

there is a connection in these notes that supports the theory if that korvaak is the same god that is forgotten by ralyoh.

the shattered realm is said to be a mirror reflection of cairn, or cairn is a mirror reflection of SR itself…

what if shattered realms’ chronology goes something like this:

  1. after stealing chthon’s blood and imprisoning him in the void with the aid of empyrion’s pantheon, korvaak created the world of ralyoh and its people. blessing their world with so much blessing. his name could be different than korvaak. korvaak itself might be just a celestial title of some sorts.
  2. ralyoh people starts to become envious with each other due to human stupidity & greed, and they start hating korvaak because they think korvaak is an unsatisfying god for being unable to comply with their whining.
  3. korvaak got mad, SHATTER the world of ralyoth, and then by the whirlwinding cyclic power of creation & destruction, creates another mirror realm with different name, and perhaps korvaak too is changed in name or in personality.
  4. korvaak tries lots of different experiments and shattering and creating new realms repeatedly over a long period of time. perhaps making the shattered realm a messy place where celestial gods dumped their failed realms.
  5. war of the gods happened. empyrion wants to be in the front line, and also close to the edge of their galaxy to battle yugol and to keep watch over chthon. empyrion left cairn in the care of korvaak, ulzuin and other pantheons.
  6. korvaak tried to be more lenient to mortals that challenge his power, granting them blessing of ascendancy if they are worthy enough. but he’ll still brutally punish the mortals who crossed too many lines. he also tries to secretly alter every references to him to make it look like he exists since the beginning of cairn, probably to make sure almost every civ in cairn worship him, strengthening his power as a precaution against yugol and chthon.
  7. some stupid celestials decide to tap into the void, got corrupted with the void, then become chthon’s subordinates. they win the war of the gods. dreeg infiltrates the eldritch realm, and saw everything (past, present, future). korvaak punished but also blessed him because he thinks he needs all the help he can get to fight chthon & yugol. even if it means using the aid of insolent mortals. even if it means recovering his strength for thousands of years. even if it means SHATTERing cairn and creating another new realm. he’s desperate.
  8. dreeg saw the doomed fate of cairn’s people if korvaak is allowed to reign forever.
  9. dreeg probably also saw that all the beings in cairn are an incarnation/reincarnation/mirror reflection of the original realm ralyoth. he is frightened and angry with the original korvaak for destroying the ralyoth realm and then leaving it to languish as a shattered piece of SR.
  10. dreeg starts making his own plans while also imitating some of korvaak’s philosophy (korvaak secretly usurping empyrion’s cult!). he telepathically seeks worthy mortals that can aid him to usurp the eldritch throne. he found solael and bysmiel. he secretly blesses them both with eldritch powers and tell them of his plans.
  11. dreeg also notice rion being very curious with origin of korvaak and the korvan faith. he secretly hide rion from the eye of the temple wardens to allow him to sneak into the temple library, and forcefully rewriting some documentations of the korvan faith. feeding rion with the suggestion that korvaak is a thieving celestial that plans to usurp empyrion’s throne on cairn. he indirectly plants the seed of the luminari inquisition inside rion’s mind.
  12. the rest happens like what described in canon. the 3 is probably ordering mazaan to research the SR in order to learn more about the original ralyoth realm, to seek out more power to protect cairn.

still doesn’t answer empyrion’s exact fate.

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I believe this is after war of gods when korvaak return from war in a weakened state… this is also important because Morgonet and his fellow 7 mages also get suspicious about korvaak and turn their back korvan religion and seek another answer… what they find a darkens, approaching devouring…Yugol!!!

yes maybe Utlos and Serpent in the sky have connection …like Emyrion and Ulzuin …who know… and when storm serpent and his fellov Akovian gods tab in void …they get mad and change into destructive deities …like storm serpent to leviathan…

and one more thig… Ateph .korvan good of moon and night that Morgonet and his fellow 7 mages serves … seems to resemble Egyptian god Apep or Apophis who embodied chaos ( ı͗zft in Egyptian) and was thus the opponent of light . Apep was seen as a giant snake or serpent

and this set may be belongs Ateph cult ???

Any connection with Lleviathan?? I Wonder …what do you think???

yugol is an obscure force. just devouring dead celestials and realms with constant pace. but when morguenet and 7 idiots got too curious with yugol and start worshipping it, yugol become more aggressive and expose itself eagerly upon cairn. until some korvan loyalists sealed them in their tombs.

the storm serpent could be a leading figure in the arkovian pantheon. maybe it grant some lesser cold-lightning power to ultos to delegate their duties. since korvaak and ulzuin both almost share the same elements (fire).

regarding ateph and rahn, rion’s 4th entry explained their background:


"Today I had the privilege to bear witness to a ceremony at the Temple of Rahn, where the ascendant himself was present to perform the honorable rite. It is my understanding that Rahn holds domain over the sun itself and it is by his blessing that the sun rises each day to warm the earth and give life to the harvest. The ceremony itself was brief and involved the slaughter of five goats upon the golden altar, their blood spilled into the carving in the form of a many-pronged sun."

"Rahn was a splendor to behold, his skin as golden as the suit of armor he wore. The armor glowed with burning energy and yet, as some of the acolytes in the temple described to me from their blessed opportunities to lay their hands upon it, is cool to the touch. With the way he presents himself it is easy to see why his followers believe this man to be a deity. The acolytes tell me that this is actually the 12th incarnation of Rahn. His father was the 11th and so on down the patriarchal chain of his family. Each of them had allegedly lived for centuries, and each had willingly given his life in the service of the Eldritch Sun. I was astonished to discover that the deification of this figure was his birthright. It does however lend credence to my suspicions regarding the true nature of these Korvan gods."

"The acolytes of this temple were more than eager to share Rahn’s history with me. I swear if I let them, they’d talk all day of his countless accomplishments and divine intervention. But what did catch my attention was the presumed rivalry between Rahn and another deity they call Ateph, the lord of the moon. As this rivalry heated up, Ateph, I’ve learned, had slighted the Eldritch Sun and was thus banished from setting foot in Korvan City or to ever again feel the warmth of day upon his flesh."

"But the divine Korvaak was not without mercy. Once every 30 cycles of the sun, the disgraced Ateph was to make pilgrimage to Korvan City and make an offering upon the grand temple steps. This is an extraordinary and incredibly creative explanation for the cycling of day and night and the wax and wane of the moon."

looking at it, it is possible that the storm serpent/leviathan has connection to ateph, for ateph is derived from apep the egyptian serpent god. also morguenet is originally from the ateph cult, and when the gods doesn’t answer his plea for help, he turned into a heretic and worship yugol.

all of them (storm serpent/leviathan/ateph/yugol) has some connection… whether in their cold element, or their serpentlike shape (yugol is more tentacular though)…

also, bysmiel provides ateph-oriented augments in her faction shop… and bysmiel’s exclusive quest has her prying into the ateph temples for powers. it could mean that bysmiel is assigned by dreeg to watch over yugol/leviathan. it could also mean, bysmiel risks herself and her followers to fall under the influence of yugol.

also, one of bysmiel’s follower, cormac, dies when researching the enaht giant worm. does the giant worm have connection to yugol/leviathan too? hmmmmm…

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i just found a lore note in the vanilla campaign, specifically in the asterkarn valley near bysmiel’s hidden path challenge. here’s the interesting content:

the hidden path - desecrated:

"The sight before you may bring you pause, seeker, and rightfully it should for the ignorant followers of Mogdrogen had found their way here. The defilers entered our ritual grounds, befouled the shrine and threatened our secrets. Revenge was swift and justified. Know that their entrails littered the valley, what remained scattered for the mountain yetis to fight over."

this, coupled with mogdrogen’s aggressive reaction when he learned the taken and the three witch gods have banished korvaak forever and regain the eldritch throne, heavily implies that:
-the 3 witch cults and the rhowari is always hostile to one another.
-in gd 2, mogdrogen will do drastic measures to strengthen the rhowari, and to defend his group from the 3 witch cults. because he now knows the 3 witch gods and any other ascendants can be capable of threatening his existence.

that means mog and the rhowari will become our enemies in gd2…
or maybe in gd2 we can choose who to side with, and the storyline will be heavily impacted…

Maybe this is crazy, but what if Mogdrogen is Empyrion? He does give that Obi-Wan-like response to being asked about Empyrion. We know he lies about some things, like whether the Necromancer exists. We know his attitude is that mankind needs to be able to take care of itself. Perhaps Empyrion saw that if he continued to play an active role then it would invite further large and direct conflicts between the gods and mortals could never survive that. So he’s taking a hands-off approach now and is absolutely certain Empyrion isn’t ever coming back. He made up a lie about the origin of Mogdrogen (who is around that can actually question it?).

He does seem to be more powerful than Korvaak in at some ways (we never see nor hear of Korvaak manifesting a presence in more than one location at a time – or anyone else for that matter). Obviously he isn’t really trying if you fight him. That’s just part of testing and encouraging growth and independence.

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that’s a very interesting theory!

however, it doesn’t address mopey drag queen’s relation with ravager. ravager would be the one to have some slight suspicion with his true identity, since ravager holds a vast domain over cairn’s wilderness before not-cernunnos personally usurp ravemaster’s throne.

it could also be empyrion give a secret command directive to moggy to watch over cairn, without moggy realizing empyrion’s hand in that order.

we still have many unexplainable missing link to truly know about empy’s fate. what about the last emperor of cairn (child emperor iirc) who went into hiding under ulgrim’s protection? we haven’t even visited erulan capital yet. which is the 1st place we need to investigate if we want to know more about empy & menhir.

many stories have holes that couldn’t be explained clearly because the authors are holding back the contents for future chapters to enhance reader’s experience. i believe crate will introduce a lot of new lores in grim dawn 2 that feels really new to us, but interspersed with lores that answers gd1’s mysteries.

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I don’t think that Empyrion is under disguise as a other celestial deity.

I do wonder if the constellation description for “Spear of the Heavens” is something that happened while Ch’thon was betrayed. Or that it happened in the war of the gods, when one side choose to use harness the power of the void, in a desperate bid for victory.

Also the skill is retaliation.

I could only assume it would take a significant amount of power to beat Ch’thon. Probably every think of power that Empyrion had. Which could explain why he’s gone.

korvaak’s thought from his runed flesh lore note says this:


"Betrayed…by my brothers and sisters. Empyrion, vanished to the eternal tapestry of creation. The war is over, we…have lost. My kin, in their desperation, tapped into the forbidden void in order to turn the tide in their favor. They may be the victors, but the maddening whispers have them now. As for us, we are beaten. Nothing remains now but to hide and tend to our wounds."

the 1st & 2nd sentences implies that empyrion’s disappearance happened at the same time/soon after some celestials tapped into the forbidden void when empyrion & korvaak’s pantheon corners them to a final stand.

which means that empyrion already ‘shatter’ (that word seems to be used a lot by celestials. theodin also want to shatter malmouth. shatter a city. by cultivating the rot inside of it. like shattering a realm. and among draellus’s 1st sentences when meeting him for the 1st time is that dreeg has seen the truth of the universe (it is rot). hmmmm…) chthon to many different chthonian pokemons sometime before the war of the gods…

after chthon’s shattering, empy may have instantly decreed that the tartarus-like dimension he has banished chthon into is forbidden to any celestials because of its danger (or perhaps because he overshatters chthon. shattering things is bad but necessary, it seems).

the celestials that tapped into the void probably got shattered themselves by the shatter effect (ulgrim become scatterbrained for a while after defeating log in the void. his mind almost got shattered). and in turn, empy’s forces got shattered too due to their close proximities with the ‘tapping’ incident.

shatter, shattered realm, mirror realm, reflection of cairn, cairn as reflection. does this foreshadow a heavy mirror/reflection/reincarnation theme in gd2?

Can someone remind me, what “false gods” it was that the Aetherials served, before they were banished to the Aether? When and why were they sent there? Any lore notes I’m forgetting that give more context for this event?

karroz, sigil of chthon dropped a lore note that reveals the purpose of the aetherial invaders.


"I must remain behind with the others to finish our great work, yet, even as you depart your lives, you will advance this broken world one step closer to the end time. The time when the dismal, suffering world will become reunited with Ch’thon, making the oldest of the old whole again and righting the great wrong perpetrated millennia ago by the false gods! These upstart gods who manipulated the course of our existence, set themselves up to be the objects of worship and who have lived off our blood and toil for ages."

"The end time will also bring doom to the wayward Aetherials, past agents of the false gods who were betrayed and then cast into the formless aether once their purpose had been served. They have hindered us, slaughtered our brethren and tried to claim dominance over this world."

so, according to the bloodsworns/chthonians, chthon is the only true king among the celestial gods that deserved to be worshipped. since it is his blood that grants life to all mortals of cairn. they might be loyal too towards the unknown celestials that tapped into the void in desperation to beat back empyrion & korvaak’s pantheon.

the false gods are definitely empyrion & korvaak’s pantheon. the aetherials are considered only as the ‘addicted-to-life-&-domination-in-cairn’ ex-servant of empy & korvaak’s group of celestials.

to put it simply, the aetherials history can be described like this:

  1. they were created by empy & korvaak’s pantheons not from chthon’s blood. maybe from the arcane-filled aetherhold realm (which origins are still not explained clearly compared to eldritch realm & the void).
  2. together with other mortals, they serve the celestials. and make many realms according to the whims of their celestial masters
  3. the celestials war with each other due to jealousy. aetherials got dragged into it as soldiers for their war.
  4. when the war is almost over, where its just empy & korvaak’s forces vs some unknown celestials that probably started the war in the 1st place, those desperate celestials tapped into the forbidden void to gain chthon’s power, and thus the chthonians are born.
  5. in some unknown point of time during that war, the aetherials for some reason got betrayed/framed as traitors by some celestials they serve, or the aetherials themself betray their master (nobody & nothing in the vanilla, AoM, & FG campaign explain what this betrayal is iirc, cmiiw). and empyrion probably decreed that the aetherials be banished forever into the formless aether (they were probably considered as a failed creation… just like the shattered realm…)
  6. the aetherials lost themselves in the aetherhold. probably divided into many factions themselves. but the factions can basically be divided into 2: those who want to stay in the aetherhold & those who wish to return to physical realm and live in some realm. naturally, when the 1st arcanists of the rising empire of erulan started poking into the aetherhold, the rebellious aetherial factions got interested, and start plotting to manifest into cairn & dominate it like the celestials themselves. then grim dawn happened.

aetherials can be considered angel figure of grim dawn in their early history before & during war of the gods.

but after the mysterious betrayal incident, the aetherials got punished by their masters, and their role changed into fallen angel (might be compared to the fallen angel of diablo franchise).

many more infos about the aetherials can only be gathered from conversations with aether-knowledgeable individuals in vanilla & AoM (specifically creed, anasteria, korinia, hagarrond). the explanations for aetherial’s nature have minimal presence in lore notes.

i think crate only want to show more aetherial stuff in gd2. because in FG their presence are nonexistent at all beyond 1 or 2 mentions by some of solael/bysmiel’s lore notes.

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Thanks! It was the step quoted above that I had the most curiosity about. And it was actually the lore note you mentioned that prompted me to write my inquiry in the first place. :smile: I felt there were some gaps in my knowledge - and it seems there are still a lot of unknown variables; some nameless Celestials were their masters, and for reasons unknown these masters banished them.

And this all took place well after the death of Ch’thon, which is why Karroz’s note states:
“Not knowing the history of our world, the Aetherials are ignorant of the doom that we will awaken.”

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that’s a major clue that indicate when the 1st aetherials are created & the age of cairn itself…

‘not knowing the history of our world’, that means cairn might have been created when chthon is still whole… and the aetherials are created some time after chthon is shattered, but also before the war of the gods…

this might be a very inaccurate theory, but i suspect that the celestials created the aetherials from aether essence, not chthon’s blood. because empyrion probably suspect that chthon’s blood that was used to make mankind is also risky, capable of affecting the behaviour of humans to extreme & unpredictable degree… which is why most celestials demand the humans’ obedience & servitude if they want the celestials’ blessing.

meanwhile, the aetherials are made to be less creative, but more obedient servant. an alternative to the capricious human (the 3 witch are capricious, which is said by mug dragon’s lore note in his grove).

maybe some aetherials betrayed their celestial masters, by trying to possess some mortals. because those aetherials got too curious and desire to feel alive and expressive like the mortals. kinda like how in science fiction ai’s want to be human. the celestials view this as ai uprising of course, and punish them by numbing their senses even more and making them formless. we still don’t really know what’s the original form of the aetherials…

in some ways, the aetherials can be compared with miner workers serving a mining corporation all their lives. when the corporation fired them all because their business isn’t profitable anymore, and the corporation goes bankrupt, the ex-miners, unable to find alternate jobs (because they don’t have the experiences to work in any other field), decided to do private bootleg mining operation around their ex-boss’ mines.

aetherials in the game showed robotic employee behaviour, only concerned with achieving their goals asap within their strict schedule.

the correspondences/missives we got between aetherial agents showed their linguas and mannerisms like factor/corporate office workers… words like schedule, task, report, conduct, collection, parameter, facilitate, adjustment, projection, shipment, consensus…

the aetherials are made from unholy amalgamation of fallen angel, vengeful spirit, & frankenstein ai robot zombies, with fetish for rotten flesh & bones. anasteria, korinia, hagarrond & limbo’d aetherhold aetherials are the exceptions.

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