SPOILER ALERT: Lore Discussion

I became friends with the servants of the Wendigo and Mogdrogden said it was a bad idea. Does anyone know if he will have special dialogues when summoning the Ravager? And what will he say if you kill the Ravager?

He will say that there’s hope for humanity if our mortal protagonist could defeat him.

Not much of a lore, but a neat detail I found just now! If you revisit the room in Steelcap District where a woman and wounded man hide (and he refuses to go through Rift) later, you’ll find “human remains” in place where he died.

Whoever in Crate thought about that, know this: I like you! =)

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I just killed Mage Morgoneth and I found only one of his notes and he says there about his artifact (the source of eternal night), which will consume the stars and that the great devourer will no longer hold back.
So, is he Yugol’s servant?
And where do we fight him? I mean, you can see purple space and tentacles in the background. What is it?

morgoneth is yugol’s willing servant. the key word here is ‘willing’. here’s my theory on morgoneth’s fall into yugol’s embrace based on the morgoneth questline’s lore notes & other hints:

in the times after the war of the gods, empyrion & korvaak’s celestial forces were almost utterly annihilated by the ch’thonians, with korvaak, ulzuin, mogdrogen & ravager as the only currently known celestial survivors residing in cairn.

korvaak had to retreat to his eldritch realm for a long time to lick his wounds, with ulzuin acting as his right hand in the cairn physical world to guard the korvan empire, also with dreeg who was punished forever to keep any other mortals from prying into the eldritch realm.

due to the war of the gods, it could be presumed that a lot of celestials and ascendants that had connections to cairn was destroyed or had their powers scattered over the universe. the loss of many of these celestials and ascendants are what cause the korvan empire to wane from its golden age. many worshippers of various korvan pantheons started to feel this loss of connection to their patron celestials & ascendants.

morgoneth was an important figure in the ateph (korvan moon god/ascendant) cult. he greatly felt the loss of connection to ateph’s presence. and almost like dreeg, he began to obsessively search for any means to reconnect with his god. even through heretical ways. this eventually lead him to discover the secret about yugol.

yugol could not be described accurately as a being. yugol is more like a concept. the concept of entrophy. of nothingness. it is the antithesis of existence. the celestials feared yugol greatly, because it symbolises the death of their immortality. the ‘heat death’ of the universe. the shattered realm is one of the examples of a realm that was almost completely consumed by yugol’s eternal night. yugol’s tentacles are the physical manifestation of yugol’s entropic presence.

morgoneth, having learned of yugol’s existence and the constant rot of the universe until yugol consumes everything, falls into despair completely. causing yugol’s influence to fully engulf him, thereby turning him insane, believing that to exist is to suffer eternally. so he tried to make the beacon of the night to invite yugol directly into cairn and force everyone into eternal ‘blissful’ sleep under the cover of yugol’s night.

korvaak knows the danger of knowing yugol’s existence to the mortal mind. so he put a very strict ‘inquisition’-like order to the ateph cult’s assassins to secretly destroy morgoneth’s cult completely asap. but they were unable to destroy morgoneth’s cult, so instead, they sealed morgoneth’s compound completely with layers upon layers of locks to make sure morgoneth’s heresy was completely forgotten to cairn forever.

basically morgoneth is a terrorist prophet of a doomsday cult with access to worldwide tentacle icbm.


So the Aetherials have nothing against Empyrion or Korvaak?

all we do know about the aetherials’ attitude toward their former celestial masters (empyrion & korvaak’s celestial pantheons) based on anastheria, hagarrond, allostria and some hints here and there, is that they were very loyal in the past.

but after the war of the gods, after their banishment to the aether, they were left bitter in aether limbo forever due to their masters’ destruction and loss of purpose. but when humans of cairn began to become too curious of the aether for their own power, some aetherial factions started thinking that they deserve reward after all the service they’ve provided to their master for eons. and these factions think that ruling over cairn is the reward they deserve. and thus they invade cairn through the grim dawn event.

the forgotten gods do not mention explicitly about what’s the relation between korvaak’s forces and the aetherial invaders. but in vanilla campaign, in kymon’s retreat, there’s a lore note called kymon’s scripture: first passage that details what kymon (and extendably, korvaak) intended to do with cairn after grim dawn:

“Only we chosen few, who have trained and prepared our bodies and our souls to weather the cleansing of the world will survive and thrive amongst this death and decay.”

“We have been tasked with the sacred duty to extinguish the last remnants of corruption and reseed the purified land with our progeny so that the new dawn can arise! Take strength in each other and in the knowledge that we are destined to fulfill this divine purpose.”

“Let not the faithless (those who do not follow kymon/korvaak), the corrupted (the aetherial invaders) or the demonic (the ch’thonians)stand in our path, lest our divine wrath be visited upon them!”

from these parts i quoted from that lore note, it is implied that kymon/korvaak’s followers have no intention to befriend the aetherial invaders, because korvaak wants to be free from the 3 witches’ imprisonment, destroy them, regain his eldritch throne, and rule over cairn once again but with more mad tyranny and blind rage due to all the horrible stuff he had experienced. obviously, this means he’ll reenslave/destroy the aetherial invaders, because to him, they’re just another rebel. and the aetherial invaders which had mostly been corrupted by the negative traits of their human hosts will definitely want to overthrow korvaak just like what the 3 witched had done.

that being said, it could also mean that the aetherial invaders were also hostile against remnant of empyrion followers from the erulan empire.

hey, that means all the enemy factions we have faced so far in the game also fights with each other. the only factions that had strong alliance with each other are devil’s crossing-the rovers-homestead-black legion-the outcast-coven of ugdenbog-true empyrion followers of kymon’s chosen/order of death’s vigil-malmouth resistance-barrowholm(?)-the 3 witch gods cults.

which basically means the bad guys factions seems too stupid to realize the good guys factions are closely tied together like police/army forces, compared to the bad guys factions which feels more like disorganised angry mobs with arbitrary goals.

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Only noticed this now, yay the Attendant is happy, he can hear the Three again if you go back to him after the Korvaak case has been resolved.

I’d compare Dreeg with a famous D&D wizard, Mordenkainen. He too likes to talk about “The Balance” a lot. Basically he and his followers feel neither the forces of evil nor good , or law or chaos should be allowed to win as either extreme is bad for the regular folk… they are kinda right frankly. Of course this means they sometimes aid the good guys and other times, aid the bad guys, just to ensure no side ever grows too powerful.
I think Dreeg is even taking this to the extremes as he basically gathered Solael and Bysmiel as a means not just to take Korvaak down and then keep them in check, but for them to keep HIM in check so he can never rule alone. Unlike the Triumvirate of Julius Caesar and later Octavian, his was never planned to fall apart with “everyone for themselves” after they won.

Naaaaah. Talk to the Emissary and start questioning him about “heyyy, I just met Korvaak and he said the Eldritch realm is his” or “How come the moment I defeat Korvaak all three leaders disappeared?” and you can literally hear him sweat as he frantically tries to explain the way the Three fooled you into helping them back on their thrones. He is all “Ahem, yes, but you see… it’s totally not like that!” :smiley: He is very much aware of all their schemes. I mean, they basically made him immortal and unlike the Attendant, he is not stuck in a wall. Of course he is faithful to them and helps them in their schemes.
Heh, would be cool if there was a way to go back to the arena you fight Korvaak in after you beat him, and then you’d see Byscilla, Sargon and Draellus sitting on the three thrones. :stuck_out_tongue:

They are just pieces of flesh melded together into horrifying new forms. Same as the various fleshwarped horrors in Malmouth. I mean, I dunno what creature they use to get so many eyes from. Fish, maybe? Probably enlarge them too somehow in the process. But Gazers do not look that different from the various fleshwarp horrors we see later.
Btw, Aetherials only inhabit living human bodies, usually Arcanists or those who struck bargains with them (mostly… some modify these bodies, like Krieg or Theodin Marcell). The various zombies and fleshwarped horrors are not actually inhabited by Aetherials, they are just animated by them via magic. If you read the notes of Gerthrad and Zarbrant, it describes this and the researchers also mention the Aetherials do not like to use dead hosts but living ones, so the tons of bodies are only needed as a mindless animated army.


the attendant was kinda bitter toward solael. he’s very loyal to solael in the past, but after helping the 3 form the triumvirate pact, he was ‘blessed’ to be the immortal hanged counselor in a cave. though he does seem happy that the 3 regain their thrones.

dreeg wants everything to follow his path, that is the only path that balance everything so that cairn and humanity can survive as long as possible against yugol’s universal entrophy and ch’thon’s shatterinv madness. if anybody threatens this scenario, he will use everything to stop them, through diplomacy, misdirection or violence. he saw the truth that everything will eventually rot into nothing. so why not prolong it as long as it can to find the right solution to break the cosmic cycle?

the aetherial invaders are very pragmatic but also very greedy. they desire living hosts that already have great power/knowledge/positions, because the invader faction want to rule cairn as their rightly deserved reward after aeons of serving their celestial masters faithfully. they won’t hesitate to use embarassing/disgusting things to strengthen their mutated armies. corpse with unwashed posteriors? extra poison damage through butt attack!!! pile of poop and dung? flying swarm of living poop and dung infested with aetherial energies!!! i wonder with all the disgusting thing the aetherial invaders made, why shouldn’t we merge aetherial/acidic poison/vitality damage under a single name: poop damage…

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Would be funny to see the Emissary visit him and subtly mock him for his “reward” remarking how maybe he should have not hedged his bet on one god instead of all three. :smiley:

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yeah, the emissary was smarter than the attendant, who was just a fanatical serial murderer serving solael in his past. the emissary knows the 3 revealed to him the truth about current state of the universe because they need his skills and connections to the cairn mortals, especially due to his important position as the priest of menhir. he could reach out to any individuals that could aid or threaten the 3 cults’ influence across erulan empire & cairn. he knows the 3 witchketeers want his loyalty for their own cause, so he just go neutral for the benefit of everyone.

the emissary lying to the taken about korvaak being a liar about his throne was obviously a shared agenda with the 3, to make sure powerful people like the taken doesn’t use their ‘unconscious drive to belief in greater things’ for korvaak, even though what korvaak’s said was true. korvaak can’t be allowed to return to cairn just because one single miserable human knows a tiny piece of knowledge about korvaak’s existence. thus the expansion’s name: forgotten gods, because those forgotten gods can’t genuinely take care of cairn in the eyes of the 3, so they deserve to be forgotten.

He lied because that’s what he is ordered to do, and questioning the 3 has some dire consequences, but anyone with some sort of power could easily see the truth. Not just because both Korvaak and Mogdrogen said so, but also because we see how frightned the 3 where, to the point of lying not just us, but their followers as well. It should be noted that they built a secret cult, while Korvaak (and Empyreon, and the entire arkovian pantheon) built EMPIRES. Their power and influence might be great, but surely isn’t great enough to take Korvaak head on (as we did) neither to face a true celestial power like cthon or the arkovians. They stole their power, so isn’t entirely theirs, and they fragmented that power, so isn’t entirely complete, and they plot against each other, so it isn’t entirely coordinated. As far as we can tell, they are ver powerful ascendants, and thats it.

About the forgotten part… i can’t really tell if they are forgotten or not, because the constelations are indeed THERE. If there is a trully “should-be-forgotten-but-wasn’t” god, is Chthon, and he was there from the very begining of the game (and the story, according to lore). He is easily the most dangerous of all the threats we faced in Cairn so far (and probably ever), with his cult gathering far greater efforts to get cleansed, and yet there he is, with tons of followers and a HUGE, HUUUUUGE army. Only the aetherials have the numbers to match him, but i doubt they have the strenght, keep in mind everything we fight is just a tiny fraction of Chthon true power (wich means loghorrean, grava tul and shar zul can make the DBZ fusion and take over half the universe, given how they compare to other bosses).
Constelations might be a “mere” gameplay element, but this game made a really good job at integrating the two (lore and gameplay), so i would say that having access to his items, constelations (and, therefore, powers), means those forgotten gods only got erased from the mainstream, but their very essence (and followers) remain, and will continue to do so (altho i do believe Korvaak is more “eraseable” than Chthon).


Kymon and the order of the death fight each other. On top of that, the entire population of Cairn is a faction on itself, and we are getting backstabbed the whole time. Every time someone strikes a deal with the aetherials or join the bloodsworns, we fight with ourselves. Also the black legion isn’t particularly happy with Anasteria, and for what we know, the Empire has been killing rovers and cultist of the three since allways.
Think it from their perspective… the chthonians also see that their MASSIVE army is entirely behind a single cause, while aetherials betray each other, humans betray each other, gods betray each other, and throw the beasts and undead in the mix because why not. It’s an all out war with MANY sides, and since we are on the loosing end of the spectrum, we take all allies we can get, simply because we are ridiculously outmatched, but an inquisitor like Creed woulded most likely killed half of the characters under normal circumstances.

Edit: the game/lore puts a lot of enphasis on the black legion, wich we might assume as the core of the “good guys” army, and, by extention, the empire itself (aka, Devil’s crossing, homestead and Malmouth), however, if the character is a necromancer, an occultist, a shaman, or an oathkeeper, it might as well be doing PR bussiness with the Empire for his own faction.

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it seems there’ll be more fracturing between factions (good, neutral, evil) in gd2, if we predict the future storyline based on gradual ascension of everyone’s power levels:
-high tiered former erulan officials will appear to summon chthonians containing the stronger essences of chthon
-aetherial invaders will resort to even more depraved drastic measures to strengthen their forces, while some new aetherial faction appear with perhaps some remnant of celestial high commands that oversees the aetherials in the ancient ages.
-yugol cults could sprang out of nowhere with the increasing atmosphere of despair over cairn and morgoneth’s beacon of the night fast forwarding yugol’s arrival to cairn (even though the taken stop that from happening)
-beasts & beastkins will become more corrupted and dangerous with all the magical shenanigans going in cairn
-undead will appear more (not just arkovian undead) due to the aforementioned magical shenanigans in cairn messing up the veil between the living & the dead
-more bandits like cronley’s gang. because of the dwindling amount of resources and increasing amount of threats.
-maybe some new players will appear out of nowhere and join the fun. aliens from other galaxies, anyone?

with all the factions messing up/fixing up cairn, it makes me wonder if there’s a chance that some weird faction resembling United Nations (cooperative humans, aetherials, chthonians, grobles/dranghouls/half-trolls/trogs/ratkin/slith, undead, celestial constructs) will appear and just isolate themselves somewhere to live peacefully like the ugdenbog coven.

the game has plenty of factions already, some of wich we didn’t even saw their side involved yet (like all the pantheons aside from The Three). If there is ever a GD 2, it should focus on advancing/solving the plots already opened:, humanity’s re-organization and unification, the aetherial “civil war”, the resurrenge of chthon, and the return of the gods (Mogdrogen is just a Titan, and the Ravager is even less than that… Callagadra? nobody knows). I still want to see some big fat daddy stompa gods flexing some godhood in Cairn, i can only imagine how spectacular the arrival of Menhir or Vire might be (the huge fist launching a “TOASTY” is certainly entretaining).
About Yugol… i still hate him, and hope he never returns in any way to infest the well-stablished lore. Despite the differences pointed out by Crate itself between him and Chthon, i still feel they are way too similar, and i think the later is the better character, far more consolidated, far more nuanced, and far more menacing in the way he is represented (both by his army, and his concept), and more importantly, with better lore. In my very personal and imaginary Grim Dawn world, Morgoneth’s circle of magi was merely the first iteration of the Bloodsworn’s cult, and the few who escaped the sealing carried on the cult to this day (wich might also explain why we haven’t seen any records of the cult in the Korvan Empire… it wasn’t called that way yet).
But what i hate the most, is the derail of focus on the human survival. The entire story up to forgotten gods was amazing, making baby steps into reclaming key points for the resistance that put us in contact with other big players and gave us a good look into how is the world and what’s going on out there (we got a glimpse of that with Port Valbury). Forgotten gods threw all that atmosphere out the window, we went from trying to set a foothold and consolidating our resources, to clean the The Three’s mess, with no conection whatsoever with the rest of the world, and killing a HUGEEEEEE “not good/kinda bad” player just because. I get that Korvaak wouldn’t be democratic precisely, but still better than dealing with Chthon (or, be damned, Yugol for that matter), and doesn’t seems like we got a huge help from the The Three in any of the other fronts, wich is incredibly stupid under some circumstances, particularly when playing as an Occultist… why the F would they ignore us? More importantly, why whould they ignore FREAKING LOGHORREAN? That event alone shoulded put everyone in diaper mode, even the aetherials were after the cult. This criticism can be extended to Mogdrogen as well… that brick, what was he waiting for? the cleansing of the Rovers? nice garden you have there, woulded been a shame if Chthon swallowed it entirely…

I know Forgotten gods came way after the original campaing, and the authors probably didn’t planed so far ahead, but still, malmouth was so well executed, and the tension between the 3 major factions was so well balanced, that FG just didn’t sit well for me lorewise, specially because we got very little perspective on the rogue aetherials we met across the road (Anasteria, Korinia and the prisioner on the fleshworks), and instead of deeping into that, we went completely off-roads. Yeah, it gave closure to both of the original factions, but still, too much importance to something relatively minor compared to the overall situation, to the point where nobody gave a crap about Korvaak’s return, only Mogdrogen takes a hint, and didn’t bothered him in the slightest.

Side note: Im still waiting to know who sent that letter to Krieg. I ASSUME it was the prisioner, but… how? I mean… what the warden did was horrible, but kinda cute compared to what happend in Malmouth (or Valbury), seems like he had plenty of situations to attend to before dealing with the misbehavior of a minor aetherial in the deep south.

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The Attendant’s happiness was added later in patches i think, because i do remember finishing FG and rushing to him to see if there was any new dialog options, and nothing. I remember posting about it here in the forums. The rest of the big players ignoring the rise and fall of korvaak was a bit… “odd”, but to the Attendant to not notice the return of the three was clearly an overlook from Crate. That was the most direct connection to them and remained in the dark (and still does compared to the Coven of Ugdenbog, i don’t see how the coven doesn’t reclaim the place, is rightfully theirs, and more secure than having the Wendigo breathing in their necks.

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I am glad they did that, because that made no sense he would not notice. I mean knowing the Emissary he probably went there and told him while going “nanana-nana, you cannot leave the Sanctum and I can!” :stuck_out_tongue:

One other really minor thing I dearly wish Crate would change, is the dialogue of the poor bullied girl in the Malmouth Sewers. You can talk to the two (really sociopathic) bullies and make them stop harassing her, but her dialogue never changes afterwards to indicate she noticed.

i too wished for more celestials springing out of nowhere after grim dawn. creed’s note at the beginning of AoM seems to imply they ARE returning soon. not to mention the mysterious beings overseeing the aetherials in the aether…
FG’s whole theme about rebelling against an old gods and usurping his throne of a dying world does feel different than the theme of vanilla and AoM which is about making sure mankind survive the aftermath of grim dawn. maybe because after AoM, the resistance got a really strong footholds to make them survive for several years at least, with the aetherials and bloodsworn also retreating to concoct new retaliation plans against their opponents.

i dont think chthon and yugol are the same. chthon is a dying old primordial god with shattered mind (he’s totally crazy with hatred and madness) broken into uncountable pieces of void horrors who are really demonic in nature, while yugol is like the tyranid/zerg of entropic death and decay of the universe with emphasis on nothingness, despair and ocd hunger to deconstruct everything that exist. chthon’s cult might have further info about the nature of yugol in gd2, considering that chthon must have been the very 1st being who knows about yugol’s existence (if not empyrion).
if anything, the bloodworns will be very against yugol too. since they want to revive chthon and be reunited with him forever to rule a new universe, while morgoneth’s cult just want everything to end in nothingness because they got too influenced by yugol’s nature.
chthon wants to be whole again to rule the new universe under a tyrannically bloody evil regime, while yugol just want to nom nom nom everything including itself. big difference there.

about the 3’s reaction to the bloodworn, there’s a lore note (convergence of the covenant) about sagon’s letter to byscilla in the 3’s camp, where its implied he considers the bloodworn as just a suicidal mob compared to korvaak:

“We must not allow ourselves to be distracted by the machinations of the Aetherials or the bloodletters succumbing to their own doom. The danger they pose pales in comparison to what awaits us if we fail. And if the web has done its part, then the Erulan survivors will at least stymie their progress long enough for our matters to be settled.”

so sagon considers the aetherials as just another political factions vying for cairn, and the bloodsworn cult as just a doomed suicidal cult not worth too much attention compared to korvaak who is directly threatening the 3’s source of power (the eldritch throne and realm). and sagon implies that he knows the resistance are strong enough to hold off the aetherials and bloodsworns from conquering cairn for awhile before the 3 regains control of the eldritch throne and reassume their secret rulerships over cairn.
i assume the reason why the 3 are so secretive even with their most trusted agents (the emissary/the taken) is because they know that giving too much knowledge or being too involved with their subordinates will make them no better than the old celestials who are so open about forcing people to worship them… which is why they are more… flexible and capricious (as mogdrogen said) in their ruling because they deemed it to be the more fitting way of life for humans of cairn (due to the chaotic nature of humans).
also, interfering too much with the mortals also means risking to derail the threads of fate too much (dreeg must have been the most vocal about this thing).

i too am disappointed in the lack of aetherials presence in FG. the only reason why they didn’t appear in FG in my headcanon is because korvaak could subvert their will very quickly if they come near him due to the aetherials being the most loyal servants of the celestials in the past… which is why the aetherials are staying very far away from the korvan basin… korvaak considers them as traitors and corrupted servants after all from how the kymon’s chosen hate the aetherials.

theodin marcell was still in the process of experimenting with aetherial amalgamation before ruling malmouth, in the same time that krieg was also experimenting with his prisoners in his estate. the mysterious aetherial superior that send the letter to krieg was annoyed that krieg was too busy having fun with his prisoner rather than making as many corrupted corpses as possible, hence the angry letter. but after krieg showed them the success he’s having with experiments with the prisoners, the mysterious superior got really impressed with his results, and ordered both theodin and krieg to return to malmouth and create the fleshwork. krieg is not a minor aetherial, he’s a major player who could supply the aetherials with lots of bodies from his prison. his ruthless nature are also partly what makes the aetherial forces becoming more sadistic as they goes, while theodin is the creative surgeon artist that supply them with unique frankenstein monster ideas. i wonder how hagarrond the aetherial prisoner could stay sane and friendly after all that wickedness he’s exposed to…

That refered to the stirr Korvaak had with the 3 in particular. Given that they were the ones responsible for his miserable state, he wasn’t particularly inclined to forgive them and let them be. Remeber that when he gets sealed again, he says there are worse things coming, wich, and given the information we have aviable, it refers (kinda obviusly) to either Chthon or Yugol, wich, again, according to lore, they are VERY worse than any god. Korvaak wanted followers, he built and empire. Even if he was tyranical, he wasn’t an apocaliptic “everyone dies, everything ends” figure. Both Chthon and Yugol are, and more importantly, in a higher hiearchy compared to any god.

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chthon and yugol does indeed a much worse threat compared to any tyrannical/mad celestials or similar beings. but at the current state of affair, chthon is still an uncoordinated pieces of chthonian pokemons fighting everything including themselves (rylok hierarchy for example), while yugol is still sleepy (only gets attracted to cairn because of morgoneth’s momentary beacon of night activation. so the 3 and the resistance still got some chance to hold off the duo calamities and seek some source of powers that could help cairn survive against them (or at least live as long as possible until yugol eventually eat everthing and all the stars)…

the 3 seems against korvaak at every turn, because they don’t want humanity to be at the complete mercy at vengeful and mad korvaak who obviously only view humans as disposable assets to be used in his endless war of vengeance against chthonians. just imagine korvaak inflict endless agony on all humans including his loyalists to force them to become cannon fodders against chthon & yugol… everybody turn into korvaak fatties with claws for hands and magma stomach…

thats the korvaak we got after the 3 usurped his throne in the fall of korvan empire. pre-usurpation korvaak in the ancient times could be a tyrannical but also benevolent dictator. but dreeg saw through the seer power he got (given by korvaak, btw) that humanity’s only path of survival is to rebel against korvaak and team up with solael & bysmiel to usurp the eldritch throne and rule humanity from the shadow with eldritch power.

thats the bias we got from the 3. if dreeg choose to stay loyal to korvaak, who knows what will happen… an interesting what if scenario… an alternate reality where sane-korvaak.exe rules over cairn with ulzuin as his right hand, with ascendants like bysmiel and solael rebelling from time to time to contest control over cairn…

i wish there’ll be future contents in whatever form that shows the aftermath of the 3’s usurpation of the eldritch throne right after fall of korvan empire. there’s no telling what were they exactly doing at that time, and how the war between the 3 started and ended. my rough estimation of what happened is that solael and bysmiel fall in love with each other, rule remnants of korvan empire for a time, then become enemies due to many differences between them, with dreeg in the middle doing whatever he does erratically according to his visions. then solael proposed an alliance between them 3 with him as the leader, and the other 2 just accept them for some reason. the rest are history.

also its bugging me why the 3 doesn’t completely loot all the tombs and vaults of korvan empire right after they usurped korvaak’s orange chair. instead, they wait until korvaak banish them from the eldritch realm and almost break his bindings before they recruit the taken to loot all the blings from korvan tombs… wait… maybe… because they want those blings to be looted by the taken all a long instead of taking all of it for the 3? hmmmmmm…

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