SPOILER ALERT: Lore Discussion

that part might have more to do with the actual gameplay than real lore… neither of their quest were particularly dangerous lorewise (except for them, specially dreeg). This is part of the reason i disregard FG so much. Whatever is happening at any given point, seems… bland, partly because the Three seem to have way more resources than any of the factions we helped before (even the Black Legion). I mean… remeber the coven? They were a bunch of hobos compared to the huge fortress the Three arranged in FG, wich, again, seems out of place having such greats factions for us to interact previously (Death’s and Kymon). This might be the most agravating thing for me. With all the foreshadowing we got in the OC (Urobrook notes and The Messenger), i find criminal that the only meaningfull interaction we have with either is so late in the DLC, for such a short time. On top of that, no involment from any other characters whatsoever! I mean, i bet Inquisitor Creed woulded had a thing or two to say about a big ass pagan god with murderous intent resurging in the desert. At the very least the aether-sense of Anasteria shoulded tingled like crazy, Korvaak was one of the reasons they were imprissioned.

I guess my discontent comes from how much i love those characters, they seem so well built and natural to the lore, while the Three seem a bit forced, given the secrecy of their affairs previous to FG, i mean… the hidden path for F’s sakes, almost noone knew about them, and then suddenly open warfare?.

The coven shoulded been the contact point for Forgotten Gods, they shoulded reclaim the sanctuary in the hidden path, and from there, to the Korvan sands, and maybe a short visit to the eldritch realm? woulded been nice, given that we walked the hellish void like 5 times with no discernable consequences (plus the brief contact with yugol), i don’t see how that could be any worse.

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yeah the other resistance factions seem weaker than the 3 cults with minimal knowledge about the 3. but imo thats not hard to imagine since bysmiel’s web does their job really well in confusing luminari for centuries. and with how ancient the 3 cults’ origins, they definitely have hoarded lots of secret artifacts & knowledge compared to arkovian & erulan empire. still its kinda bugging me how bysmiel’s web failed to prevent grim dawn (bysmiel got really mad about it according to a bysmiel cultist lore note in the east marsh coven).

the lack of reactions from creed/anasteria/ulgrim/ugdenbog coven seems to be just the case of crate haven’t updating their dialogue, because moggy and the attendant reacted to the events of fg. all we know of whats happening between the resistance and the 3 cults is that the messenger is openly trying to recruit as many members as possible due to how exposed the messenger’s portal is near the resistance HQs, and how the black legion scoff at the 3 while disbelieving the facts that kymon’s chosen has reawakened korvaak (according to the death vigil guy in korvan capital if you side with em).

i really can’t wait to see creed/anasteria/ulgrim/korinia’s reactions to FG, because these key characters could change the direction gd’s story is having since they’re our bosses in vanilla & AoM. if they get hostile with the 3, not to mention how moggy gets very distraught over the 3’s victory against korvaak… then there’ll be more xp & loots for our playable char in gd 2.

Honestly, i don’t see how she coulded prevent it. Perhaps she coulded foreseen it, but it does seems the aetherials are indeed quite powerfull, powerfull enough to be banished by the TRUE gods to remove them from the war.

About their reactions… i think that wouldn’t be enough, because i can’t imagine why at the very least Creed wouldn’t get involved in the matter. It’s quite clearly an emergency (maybe not as much as the Necropolis, but still), and he doesn’t even get a memo. The player can be an occultist, and Creed is willing to side with the Death’s Order, so he is clearly a very pragmatic “lets save our asses first” kind of guy, no reason to not include him.

I think the perfect FG scenario woulded been a quest from the Coven sending us to the hidden path, them retaking it, a short cutscene like the intro showing something about Korvaak’s return, and then sending us to the fortress, made by the faction we choose in Homestead (renegades in the case of Kymon’s, guys who trully worshiped Empyreon), sending us to contact Creed and Anasteria, to get them there as representatives of the Black Legion. Everything coulded been the same after that, but the lore woulded been kept intact, and the story woulded been more intertwine with Malmouth and what’s happening in the world overall.

The fortress made by the Kymon’s/Death’s Order seems fitting, given that they are probably the first who woulded noticed was was going on. The Death’s order was already behind the steps of Kymon, and they knew he was doing something fishy (just like Mogdrogen), and Kymon’s chosen… well, they woulded been in the first row of the “oh shit, is this bad” stage.


So, question… whatever happens to Daila after you complete “A Mother’s Gift”? She seems to have completely disappeared. There is a dialogue with her husband but he still thinks she is in Malmouth.

who knows. perhaps she’s on the way back to homestead. or maybe she wants to continue her journey to find out more about her father uroboruuk’s legacy.

I always found it odd that Dravis, for being a rather significant boss encounter, doesn’t drop any monster unique. I mean you can kind of find his sword elsewhere, but still… Also with all the fire spells, is he some sort of Demolitionist/Necromancer?

Speaking of oddities. My favorite class is Inquisitor. One of my favorite bits of dialogue is when you first talk to to Guarrdia in Ugdenbog as an Inquisitor. Her HA! when you say you have the Heart of Carraxas makes me laugh every time given how much they ‘loathe’ Inquisitors.

Yet oddly, the Faction gear you can get from the Coven is about 50% Inquisitor based. :flushed:

Me thinks those witches are harboring a secret soft-spot for us Inquisitors.

Coven of Tsundere


LOL! Indeed. I mean, she sure harbors a soft sport for Ulgrim, that’s for sure…
I assume if you tell her Creed sent you, she falls over laughing?

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And me, I catch her making eyes at me all the time.

Yes, it’s one of my favorite dialogues in the entire campaign.

Speaking about NPC, during the mission to sacrifice 3 solael followers, who do y’all choose as the sacrifice? I usually sacrifice both the love stalker and the annoyed girl, the last one depends on my mood, but I don’t think I ever sacrifice Harrold. Poor dude just want booze and leave from that place.

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  1. the fanatical solael oathkeeper. to thin the numbers of bloodthirsty solael follower in cairn.
  2. alicia (her name iirc), the solael cultist that tells us her background story of joining baldy’s cult. because she seems ready to accept her destiny as solael’s pawn in whatever ways.
  3. harold, because sooner or later other solael cultists will sacrifice him due to his whining of hot desert and stuff. it could be argued that we’re sparing him from further misery in cairn (whether from baldy’s cult or korvaak’s monstrosities)

i usually leave the lovestruck man and the annoyed bald blacksmith woman alive. because their drama is amusing. especially the poetic part about the lovestruck man admiring the bald woman’s ‘wavy hair’…


That’s too funny. I always purge Harold and the two love birds. I can’t stand high school angsty drama. :joy:


Hi, got a few questions about geography. Hopefully it is ok to ask in this topic.

  1. Where Capitol is supposed to be? My gues is that it should be somewhere behind conflagration. That would explain what was Black Legion doing there. It is also supported by fact that Fort Ikon should be northernmost fort. (But AoM kind of disapprove that.) And also if it is so close, why wouldn’t we make trip there?

  2. Why is Burwitch so far away from Devil’s crossing. I guess that should be day trip max but on map it is comparable distance from DC to Homestead or Homestead to Fort Ikon and the last one should take days if not weeks to normal traveller.

In general I’m quite confused by map.as you can see…

We don’t know where the capital is/was; that’s something we might find out in any future GD2 I suppose.

DC is a long way away because it’s a prison. Nothing else there basically unlike Fort Ikon or Homestead.

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Yeah I read somewhere that it supposed to be far north. But in that case Somer dialog about fort Ikon doesn’t make much sense.

To second part - my reasoning is that warden should live near prison. Way from DC to Homestead is long for us only because all those collapsed bridges and last one is kind of descripted in Trip South as long voyage. On map they are kind of same distances…

Edit: Found what Somer said -

The Fort is our northern bastion, a beacon of the empire’s strenght.

Also she says that war with some other empire over lands behind Askeran mountains was later called “North wars” . So it seems that those locations should be on the north…

i think crate wants to revamp some part of the map in gd 2 when they start putting the location of erulan capital and other metropolises.

way i see it, its gonna be in the north again. because the main quests almost always demand you to go north. so that the camera will mostly point to north (a flaw in many isometric action arpg where its harder to see south of your char due to camera angle and interfaces at the bottom of the screen.)

Yeah looks like it. I found one more interesting sentence. After you do all the quests for Anasteria, she will tell you that she was “tasked with conquering the northlands, starting with Homestead.”

So it seems to me, that we are following western border of empire. From far south to the far north.

Btw even if map (and distances) doesn’t make so much sense lore wise, it is quite accurate considering ingame maps.


Soo… how exactly Cairn panteons work?

Naming Korvaak the primodial imply that he was from old pantheon where Aeon(time) and Azraaka(fate(?))comes from so does it mean that Empyrion and Chton are also primodial gods?

During some events celestials came into being with Mogdrogen(the beast god), Ulzuin(fire goddess? Revenge goddess), Vire(war goddess?), Ishtar(motherhood goddess) and Lokarr(trickster(?) god) and some human hijacked Korvaak realm corrupting(?) it into what now known as Eldritch realm(eldritch creatures filled with poison, but native Korvaak creatures look like fire attuned… pure fire of eldritch realm became poisonous dew to Witch god trechery?)

Also it look like some people are able to ascend, like Ulzaad was ascended as Korvaak servant.

Or am I overthinking it?

From the wiki:

" The primordial Ch’thon, also known as the Elder, Dying, or Dead, God. He is the figure of worship to the Bloodsworn."

I would guess Empyrion is as well given the text of his constellation “Empyrion, the greatest among the gods, is the light of the world and protector of all of Cairn. It is by his mercy and example that the sun greets mankind each day.

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