SPOILER ALERT: Lore Discussion

What was Yugol anyway? I don’t think I found many lore notes on it but I’m building a witch hunter with the idea of cold/acid.

Its not related to the Cthonic stuff right? It looks a bit like the Loghorrean?

one of zantai’s misadventure near the release of fg, the yugol constellation, vision of terror lore note in conclave of the 3, gears that derives power from yugol, and some surprise enemy & lore notes in several deeper levels of sr grants us insight to what yugol is and how its related to grim dawn universe.
for some reason yugol is quite similar in its tentacular nature with loghorrean. however, chthon is about pain and punishment to feel life and death. yugol is about nonexistence of everything.

See my post above :wink:

So what are your thoughts on the lore with the upcoming dungeon?

Some of the Korvan people shied away from the sun and turned to the night. Maybe it’s Ateph or perhaps the works of a god that Korvaak was waging against.

ateph (moon god) and rahn (sun god). their rivalry looks similar to egyptian myth about apep the giant serpent that brings darkness and devour the world but held back each day by ra’s sun power. there is very likely a branch of ateph cult that discovered yugol and thereby making gears that derive power from yugol.

there’s also a disturbing connection between ateph and… bysmiel. the bysmiel cult has several faction augments that gets power from ateph or its manifestation… there’s also a bysmiel exclusive quest in which byscilla asks you to bind a spawn of ateph before it is claimed by korvaak’s minions. i’m sure bysmiel is very aware about yugol. but her interest toward ateph thingies makes me worried that bysmiel was getting to curious/wary about yugol, and in turn, unconsciously getting influenced by yugol ala mass effect reaper indoctrination.

I must have missed this on my playthrough but where do you guys get the info on Ateph? All I know about him is his name and that Bysmiel wanted to control his Gargoyle spawn. I couldn’t find anything connecting him to the “Night”

Part from the “Rion’s Notes - 4th Entry

But what did catch my attention was the presumed rivalry between Rahn and another deity they call Ateph, the lord of the moon. As this rivalry heated up, Ateph, I’ve learned, had slighted the Eldritch Sun and was thus banished from setting foot in Korvan City or to ever again feel the warmth of day upon his flesh.

But the divine Korvaak was not without mercy. Once every 30 cycles of the sun, the disgraced Ateph was to make pilgrimage to Korvan City and make an offering upon the grand temple steps. This is an extraordinary and incredibly creative explanation for the cycling of day and night and the wax and wane of the moon.

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Much appreciated

Have we ever encounteres that Ulto Trieg guy?

Basically the grand priest of the C’thonic cult I’m at mourndale and am picking up the notes again and this just crossed my mind.

No we never met him. I suspect that is left open for a GD2.

yes, the core leaders of bloodsworn cult might appear in gd2. just like the circle of leaders that leads the aetherial invaders.

So what’s with the lore behind Ulzaad. While Korvaak was regaining strenght, he mention that he has his loyal Ulzuin and Dreeg to watch over him, yet no mention about Ulzaad. Was he on holiday during that period? And after that Ulzuin didn’t want to hook up with Ulzaad, and thus having another ally?

My memory is a bit hazy but didn’t he go insane at some point because he stopped “hearing his lord” or something. I am not sure whether this happened before or after Dreeg’s betrayal though.

In the event this followed post Dreeg’s betrayal then the only explanation I have is that Ulzaad fought besides Korvaak during the War of the Gods. He too like his master got injured and was recuperating elsewhere.

Also did anyone check the latest misadventure out. The new monster model previewed looks badass, I am regretting picking “Chthon” now :smiley:

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Yeah it really looks sinister badass. I do think the end boss it’s just a human/lower ascendant . Mainly because he was using rings to mind control.

The end boss is a grand magus? What on earth is that?

A Magus is someone who continuously engages in magus-like or magus-kind activities.

Same, plus with the achievement reveal we are now sure it’s not Ateph. What I am truly curious about is Ateph’s connection with Yugo (if any)

Big if true.

Maybe I missed a note or a conversation somewhere but… did we actually get an answer to Rigg’s background with the new patch?

Far as I know, we just invited more trouble to Cairn by making its presence known to Yugol again. All this trouble for a 1 lvl84 legendary of questionable worth. Its not a fair trade at all given how much work he gave us. Even the “performance bonus” he gives at the end is not worth all that trouble.

What I find interesting is that he knew about the presence of the Iris even though the old Korvan priesthood took great pains to keep it a secret. He also knew where the first seal was to be found when I got the impression that only Tufa and Harrod knew its location.

Could he be Tufa in disguise and alive all these years? Find it unlikely though given how much time has passed between the events of the Korvan Heresy and the Grim Dawn. Also Tufa seemed like a man who was very zealous and dedicated to his work. But if it is Tufa, maybe he got curious what the heresy he worked so hard to destroy and bury was all about. If this is the case, there is a parallel between him and Kymon.

PS. I asked him in the end to send his goons after me just for fun but after traveling around, I don’t think I’ve seen them at all. Any ideas where I can find them or what they are?

Very interesting lore with the discovery of Yugol and finally a bit of lore of Callagadra.

About Riggs i have a feeling it could be Dreeg. Mainly for his remark about keeping an eye on you. Dreeg seeks balance, so it would fit for him to acquire such a relic.

Lore about Callagadra? Would you mind spoiling that for me?