[SPOILER] Devotion Shrine Location List

Thanks for the list Nine.

Awesome, I missed a few.

Thanks Nine and Dikkie. Doing good work as usual.

where is the shrine in act 4, located in the secret area? cant find it

Go to the second floor of the tomb of archon and look for an extinguished torch on the walls. I marked its location with a red dot in the images.

You missed one off to the east of Twin Falls WP, I can’t upload a screen shot because some reason I can’t log in on my computer, it’s a fight one.

thanks for this. great job :slight_smile:

Check again. I didn’t miss any. It’s the old arkovia location.

That it is whoops my bad sorry

As in the difficulties that arent out yet? or a 2nd toon?

Yes, as in the difficulties.

Thanks for this. :slight_smile:

Question re the Rhowani Legacy quest - who do you get it from, where, and what rep is needed?

Anyone making a database of searchable devotion text? Its would be useful to find what constellation give what bonus. For example, if i want to find passive that give life steal or %damage converted to health, it would be troublesome to skim through all and each constellations star.

From the rovers at the old arkovia encampment. It requires honored reputation.

Thank you very much for taking the effort to compile this list! It definitely made it a lot easier to grab the Devotion Shrines I “missed” with my level 30 character.

Yes, here:


Thank you Imrael. :slight_smile:

That is much handsome share! Thanks medea! Thanks Imrael for this!

I’m confused as to what the total devotion points will eventually be.
is it
25 normal
25 hard
25 extreme
for 75 points on release?

If so, what’s with the x/50?

EDIT: forgot to say big thanks for the post, including the spoiler covers.
Now I can confirm I haven’t missed any yet and can throw out my post-it notes

The amount of total shrines exceeds what you can obtain across the 3 playthroughs. This is to make it possible for players to still reach 50 devotion points without actually having to find every single shrine. Presumably they are in all the same spots across all 3 difficulties but I do not know for certain. What I do know is more than 50 shrines exist across all 3 playthroughs. There is also the possibility that we could get more shrines in act 4 part 2.

Hello, I need to cope with this Quest, where the sanctuary? Thank you