Starting a new village is very time consuming by finding the right map

Well, that actually is kind of subjective.

The random map rolls is part of the game, trying to build a town on any map.

The problem is that most of us are looking for a map to fit our preconceived town design instead of accepting the challenge and building a town that fits the map.

So it is more a matter of perception than an actual problem. Or maybe better a matter of personal design, rather than accepting the challenge of the game


pics, or it never happened

App to scout maps more faster -



Not sure how to provide screenshots evidence…I guess here’s my professions tab showing how I didn’t bother with certain jobs since I don’t have the necessary resources?

Town’s making a ridiculous amount of money even before trading my excess resources, so it’s not exactly lacking with regular trade for the things I’m missing.


I mean… we can just make a good seed list on the forum, don’t we?

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There is one.

Special map seeds for players

’Crate Employee - Designer’
Give me a break.
Like, you’re just an average player.
Cognitive dissonance isn’t the flex you think it is.

Except BS, I am not the one who started this thread.
So, take your whining elsewhere.

As if you are? The entitlement.

I never said you started this thread. You were the first person to mention unplayable maps in this thread. You have also specifically demanded maps where all resources are available and in easy reach.

Where did I whine?


Are you sure the issue here isn’t that it is you that is not an average player?

It seems reasonable that you’d need to be pretty good at the game to succeed on the hardest settings with the least favorable conditions. Maybe you’re struggling to accept that some maps and modes should be impossible for some skill levels? If any player could just succeed on any setting and every map then it would be very boring for the good players that want a real challenge.

I think an issue the devs maybe should look into is that the rng of the map can sometimes have more impact on the experienced difficulty than the setting sliders do. Maybe instead of starting resources that option should control map resources.

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Read the name of the thread, BS.
You think the OP’s time is being consumed passing over what they consider ‘playable maps’?
Fatuous is not a virtue.

Seems like the OP isn’t participating to the conversation.

I think you should. ‘Right’ and ‘balanced’ is not the same as ‘unplayable’.

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But it seems reasonable to assume that I started at the top levels, and want that changed, dumbed down and/or removed?

Give me a break.

All I did was ask for a true sandbox mode, and many here think this is it.

77 seasons of play, 147 worker deaths

A sadistic sandbox, to be sure.

What part of
escapes you, little one?

I think it escapes you. They clearly have a matter of perspective on what is right. To them. That doesn’t make the maps they pass up unplayable, that simply means they do not want to play on that map.

The fact that you think someone’s perception of something being unplayable (yours) makes it factually so is ridiculous.

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You have a chiropractor on retainer, don’t 'cha?
Twisting around on yourself like that must be painful! :rofl:

My point is still the same as it was at the start of this. :man_shrugging:

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Of course it is.
Wear a hat, and no one will see it.

Couldn’t agree more! Personally, I prefer randomly generated maps to see what can be done there.