Stasher - increased stash size mod

Added 3 columns to the main stash.
Added 4 columns to the transfer stash.
Added 2 rows to the transfer stash.
Lowered expansion prices to 25k - 50k or something.
Altered the alpha and darkness of the “unusable” items so that it is easier to see that an item can’t be used. Probably wouldn’t have been noticed by most people.

No longer half a gig, usable. Same caveat for all mods applies:
You can import characters from main by moving the save file, but vanilla characters can’t be saved from mods. You can share formulas from vanilla to custom, but not stash files. Mod characters can be shared across mods, but each mod has a separate stash file. (See below for mklink thread allowing vanilla characters to use mods.)

I did make one other minor graphics change because it annoyed me, the red for “unusable” is both more red and darker, but still transparent. Should be easier to recognize now.

Install Stasher mod by unzipping contents into GD\mods folder. (Probably C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\mods )
Create a new mod character (Need a new one anyway in order to save updates to it.)
Copy mklink characters into your custom character mod folder ( from Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save\main into Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save\user )
Copy your formulas into the Stasher mod. ( from Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save\main\formulas.gst into Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save\Stasher )
Move the gear from your read only Vanilla characters into the Stasher transfer.gst by loading the character with the Stasher mod.
Transfer the gear from your Stasher stash onto [s]your new[s] any character using custom game and play normally.

AFAIK: Current download should be here until project author updates this post: (but this might just be a patch, maybe you need both downloads)

Too large to host here, by about 70kb

I did manage to get it working with Grimmest too. With a bit of path editing filesystem hard links (mklink), should work with the stash swapping utilty “Grim Dawn Stash Manager”. (He needs to support the path to the mod saves but the path isn’t exposed at all. Karl wrote it in Visual Basic with Visual Studio 2010.)

Oh yeah, I also lowered the cost to expand the stash because this is probably the second time you’re paying that fee.

Over 95% of the time spent working on this mod was related to the graphics. (TEX importing being the bulk of the time, it just didn’t work at first. Live and learn. Conversion, import, alignment, tex image file format, all were issues.)

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Used old copy of ghetto pure demo for the development and screenshots. Don’t judge me!

Nice work man :smiley: Gonna try adding to my mod later today (with credit given once ready for release off course) and try and help out too :wink:

I’ve read you’re gonna try adding more tabs? Good luck with that one :slight_smile:

BTW do you think bag stash sizes can also be increased? I once had an idea of them being the same size as the original player stash space…

I already tried embedding Stasher in Grimmest. The packaged file I released here didn’t embed. I then used the source to Grimmest and the source to Stasher, and that build process worked and played.

I don’t have the screen space to add another row to my character inventory. Crappy laptop and all. I could try scaling down the UI and then see if that creates the space I’d want. I don’t intend to go crazy here with more and more space so I feel like a uhaul or that donkey from Dungeon Siege. I noticed that my gameplay was affected by spending too much time managing my inventory, and if I couldn’t sort my items (with space to spare) then I ended up doing mouseover after mouseover, trying to find the chaos resist gear. I’m actually really new to the game so I’m probably hoarding too much. “Grim Dawn Stash Manager” improved my enjoyment of the game, but there should be a tradeoff between keep it or sell it. I just felt that the decision Crate made imposed too much artificial scarcity on top of the difficulty finding gear in the first place.

TL;DR: I’d rather have a place to collect set items than a warehouse+uhaul+donkey+shipping contract with SWIFT. I will look into adding another row.

Yeah, I’ll need it. A few .tex changes + a lot of DBR editing. Once you understand the DBR structure it is mostly mechanical, but experimenting until you understand is a steep curve at times. As I said elsewhere, I spent maybe 5-10% of time editing DBR files and at least 80% on the tex files.

Any questions or issues? I couldn’t test it at different screen resolutions.

Could you do a second zip file containing uncompressed files (aka open up what is in the arz and arc files?). I’d love to test them but I’m messing with so many different mods/files that, well, I’d just like to merge them first…

Thanks in advance!

Credit to Grim Dawg and Ceno, you can use this mod playing your Vanilla characters and you can also use Grim Dawn Stash Manager. However, the transfer.gst files are still incompatible, so you’ll need to mule your items using your characters between one stash to the other.
Use of mklink:

Yeah, I’ve read that before, but I’m currently using another mod that is a mix of mods and tweaks and some other edited things… So, not to start another game, I’d just like the modded files so I can merged them…

(Or I’ll just try to extract the files from the mod… Must be possible… The other mods and tweaks I used the authors gave their “extracted” files with it).

Hey, also another question… Can the size of the bag be bigger? Or would bigger mean buggier?

Great job by the way!

Edit: Seems I can’t easily open the arz and arc files… :frowning:

The bag you carry around may be limited by screen resolution. An item must be in “in the window” to exist. I had to extend the background to get that loaded. I plan to add more tabs to character and stash. Maybe make your character stash have tabs too. Adding “one row” to the your main loot (and all bags) may be game breaking, it may work, it may just break my screen. Trimming white space may work, but that’s a lot of effort.

After looking at the files for a while I’d rather just add two more bags to a character, that are visible by default.

Most mods at this point are just DBR edits, which is actually pretty easy to do. Adding classes is something people are working on but haven’t completed or released. I’d rather support other modders that share with the source files than support just anyone with the source files. The rudeness I’ve seen on the forums so far to modders (and to myself) makes me less willing to share everything. So maybe I will release the source, maybe not? Maybe on request? I don’t know.

Who’s being rude? Ignorants who don’t even know what modding is? Just ignore them and work with people with no such hangups.

Most people here are all for modding and have been waiting for it for a very long time now.

It’s better for everyone to share and work together anyway. Elitism and withholding is only going to hurt progress.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

i love anything that gives more stash space…

Well, using the archivetool.exe I now understand that you modded 2 tex files in the UI.arc… That’s cool! But I am no artist, so I can’t help you there!

So, I guess I would only need to take the 2 tex file and insert them in the UI.ARC…

It wouldn’t be THAT hard to create an archivetool interface (if I only did programming! but I don’t). I probably would be able to create a “visual” batch file but I’ll leave that to real programmers (that can do a better/cooler/nicer) job! Not a MacGyver like batch file with some ducktape!

P.S. I haven’t played “much” but I never actually really used the stash and since the riftgates can be opened anytime, anywhere, I just sell what I don’t need… I know, it’s a lot of time wasting, going back and forward, but it’s more iron! (As long as you don’t pickup common/white items! )

If you ever feel like sharing (or if can increase the inventory size (THAT I would really be interested in, if it doesn’t crash! )), kindly share! But, I know what you’re talking about! I’ve been modding since Diablo 2 and some people ask much but do not share much… I only do text editing (you know, stats and stuff, not graphics) so I don’t have much to share but, sometimes, information, paths and the like!

Good to know graphics can increase stash space… Im thinking adding a scrollbar to it could make it much bigger than the screen would allow. It still requires a huge graphic.

It would actually require a UI element somewhere in the game that scrolls. Take that and then try to implement it in the interface. If the UI element is buggy (cough quests) then so would scrolling through inventory.

Looking at the amount of whitespace I am tempted to add another row. I am deep into modding pets at the moment to give them gear and stuff. They can level up, but I’m checking to see if they actually do. For huge gameplay change, I want to make it so they can loot too. I found which loot is automatically looted and at what radius, so I could iron bits (‘gold’ in the programming files) looted from half a screen away. If I can make the pet trigger that behavior for any reason, players could give them equipment. (I’d probably make special “pet only” gear eventually.) Anyway, I’m distracted from adding another row atm.

The thing about the graphics adding space is a bit funny. You can add space by just editing the dbr files, but the items are only active when you mouseover the window. So I had two slot wide equipment that had the first 1/3 where you could mouseover it, and the other 2/3 of the item was the game world. The DBR edit as I said was pretty easy, the really frustrating part was getting the images edited and updated. I signed the files because I was so frustrated with the update process. Then I had to go back to the DBR files and inform them about the actual geometry of the image, change the offsets so stuff lined up, and found that the two windows actually are parent and child of each other - requiring me to do the process again and then make those line up. For some reason, I spent the next 3+ hours trying to get the files to update again. I had one update, and it wouldn’t update again. Stupid rebuild is stupid. Corrupt ARZ files are worse. Silent fails? Oh that’s the best!

I’m no artist either, I did copy paste.

Interesting, so it is possible to extend the autopickupradius, i presume the bind radius then does indeed work for this, hadn’t had time to test that yet.
It would explain why despite extending the pickupradius of my character with CE it did not work back then.

I feel with you on the tex editing, i do know how cumbersome that is.
not being able to convert non-square textures with the stock tools into tex makes this harder than it should be.
I have had quite similar experiences trying to mod my loading screen, it was really irritating.
I found in the end to just build the whole UI.arc with all files in it was fairly failsafe.

Kudos for the mod rorschachrev, nice to see it works, albeit linking profiles and all that while feasible, is somewhat cumbersome.
There is HardLinkShellExtension for this, too, easy to make symbolic and hardlinks with rmb.

I think i have a solution for making a main campaign working stash mod, but still have to test that.

But if you do solve adding extra bags, that would be much better, esp for people who play at 720p.
ie for testing or similar.

Another idea I had was linking the Transfer stash, making it available anywhere,
but haven’t found or searched hard enough for this. scrolling transfer stash pages would be nice, too.

One of the dream of every GD players… a REAL stash
thank you

Yeah extend the radius of the item, not your character. Iron bits and potions are ‘actors’ who have a behavior flagged on the player near them.

I feel with you on the tex editing, i do know how cumbersome that is.
not being able to convert non-square textures with the stock tools into tex makes this harder than it should be. I have had quite similar experiences trying to mod my loading screen, it was really irritating. I found in the end to just build the whole UI.arc with all files in it was fairly failsafe.

Ah yes, someone who knows my pain! I didn’t mention the actual error or why the edit was so hard for a reason. Feels better already

I think i have a solution for making a main campaign working stash mod, but still have to test that.

I’m always curious about our ability to get content into the main campaign.

But if you do solve adding extra bags, that would be much better, esp for people who play at 720p.

It “should” be a quick dbr edit with no graphics required.

Another idea I had was linking the Transfer stash, making it available anywhere, but haven’t found or searched hard enough for this. scrolling transfer stash pages would be nice, too.

We would need to spawn the stash NPC where we are at. Make him an item-given skill. D2 had an ability to convert items on the ground into gold directly (at lower rates than vendor but still) and I wish I knew how to do that here but I can’t seem to get a list of things near me, NPC, pet or item. I turned on debugging console mode and got the cheat codes out of the exe file, but still nothing.

Just noticed that thread- finally something’s going on.

All I want is ability to by additional stash pages. Up to, let’s say, 20. Page overlaps could be scrolled with small arrown (one on top of first stash page overlap, second under last).

I could finally get rid of 15 mule characters…

Do you know of a reliable scroll bar in game? My scroll bar for quest is constantly stuck up or down.