[Suggestion] Chaos Sabo could definitely use some love

My attempt at using Voidspire made me accept that the item is far better for WH Rah’zin than Sabo in its current state :relieved:

Seal of Blades on Voidspire is better than an extra Seal of Void, the pierce damage from skill is fully converted to chaos and it provides a bit more ADCtH and % armor.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: which set are you talking about? Rimetongue?

EDIT: we actually do have a lightning sabo set in the game, but you’d be disappointed :stuck_out_tongue:

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Rimewho? You mean that Infiltrator set? :scorv:

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LigHtnInG sHadOw sTriKe

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Not gonna lie, Demo getting Acid/Poison support in general would be rad. Think about it:

  • Chemical-mancer with Acid Grenado/Canister Bomb. BWC would be cool too but wouldn’t get an FX swap to be green.
  • Acid Stun Jacks. Literally spammable boogers.
  • Acid Mortar Trap. Basically the plants from Ugdenbog.

Yup, I had suggested a Thermite Mines transmuter a few years back to add Vit/Acid support in one of the many TM change threads. Since Gargabol gave Demo the Vit RR treatment, there just needs to be some Acid RR added instead and we’re golden…

Heck, you could even make an Acid (Fire) Strike DW Ranged Pyromancer! :thinking: :smiley:

Acid bombs? You should play TQ. But it does sound fun.

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Are you guys even serious about every class supporting every damage type? Sounds boring.


yes they want everything to perform and play the same. Like facetank everything

let’s get back on topic, tho.

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It’s not even an underperforming build. It beats SR 80+ and Crucible 5min.

Which one?

The one in the OP, although I got the performance markers wrong:
“The Crucible times are about 5:47-6 mins, despite the damage looks solid on paper. SR75-76 are rather easy though I dare to go higher because of so little HP.”

I dunno where did you get this info from but it can’t be further from truth as it is.
Crucible 5 mins means sub-5 runs that are impossible here, and SR above 75-76 is too risky and unpleasant to challenge.

how about adding bat to the build ? :man_shrugging:

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I see, but still it’s quite a difference between 5 min and 80+ and 5:47-6:00 and 75-76. The former isn’t underperforming in my book, but the latter is.


It’s a book about minority of players. I believe most never reach this level.
Be proud if you achieved it with so unsupported character. Won’t it be less impressive if Crate buffs him?

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I myself can’t reach such times in crucible, usually my runs are a whole minute slower, or more. But that’s kind of the thing, 4:30 builds turn into 6 minutes in my hands while 6 minute builds turn into 7-8 minutes. If something is underpowered for that minority it isn’t exactly disconcerning for the rest.

Also, you say minority but people who build meme stuff for a SENSE OF PRIDE AND ACCOMPLISHMENT™ are very much the minority themselves. Most people just come and ask for a build that “can do all content reasonably well”. Because, surprise, people actually would rather play a build that is strong. Admittedly that wish is more aligned with deep SR tanky builds rather than crucible sportcars.

I did actually try afanas build by the way, just to be sure I’m not wrong at choosing sides this time. Result is out of 6 runs there were four deaths at 170, one death at 160 and one death at 162. Among the four deaths at 170 two were around the 6:40 timer, one at 7:10 timer and one at 8:00 timer. 5:47? What 5:47? The build is consistently a corpse 100% of the runs done.


Sabo needs to be buffed generally and it should be done through defensive skills. Faster activation of Ulzuin’s Wrath for damage reduction and it should last 5s and not 3s. Also sabo has low health generaly and even with damage reduction it is weaker because of it but I am not sure where to put it.

I am now playing DW melee aether Sabo. And my only problem is health and better damage reduction.

Life is 11k and in SR 80 you can get hit for 12.5k (and that is with 36 % phys res).