[Suggestion] Could we get more support for cold FW, please?

Pretty much the title.
While fire and phys FW have dedicated sets and 2handers, lightning one has conduit/helm and ele has Arcanor, cold FW has only conduit support. This isn’t enough as it’s impossible to get the skill itself to 26/16, not saying about maxing nods.
I made this build https://www.grimtools.com/calc/dVbmkoO2, it’s pretty sturdy but the damage is rather poor (seen well in SR).
Some videos too:

So, I suggest adding bonuses to FW like +skills and flat etc to some cold-dedicated items for better performance.


Your is looking better than what I tried without badge medal https://www.grimtools.com/calc/aZqxOq6V so I would be happy with such upgrade but yes there is no item that provide cold damage and + skill forcewave or it nodes