[suggestion] Dryad and Chariot of the Dead Proc skill

You serious? One can never have too much OA :yum:


Wayward Soul:
I donĀ“t really like the ā€œon-hitā€-mechanic but well, it is there. But compare it to Fighting Spirit or Survival Instinctsā€¦uptime matters. So, maybe shorter CD and e. g. some Physical Resistance should do the trick.

If other stats start suffering, Yes you can. Exception: You (all) play your suicidal builds like Pierce Blademaster. :laughing:


Thatā€™s what I mean, more uptime on Chariot proc. But also was talking about higher OA on nodes wonā€™t hurt you, since OA is scaling nice to 3.8-4k now, so you canā€™t have too much of it.

Pierce BM, did you saw my latest Belgo build? Serenity, Ghoul and Prismatic diamond. Now Fluff can play without none of them and still succeed but thatā€™s too extreme :smile:

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OIā€¦we ainā€™t suicidal m8.

Just dat g00d. L2p old man. :stuck_out_tongue:

I will quote @TomoDaK : Serenity is for pussies! :innocent:

No, more OA wonĀ“t hurt, but if I had to choose between 3200 OA/2800 DA and 3k/3k, I would nearly always opt for the later.

Yada, yada, Naked Crucible, bla, bla. :yum:

Back to topic:
Well, Dryad isā€¦ā€œniceā€ā€¦and as we say here, ā€œnice is the little brother of shittyā€.
Give ā€œDryadĀ“s Blessingā€ something like XXX % to All Damage and it may be become more attractive. Add some Energy Absorb/Cast Speed for Caster Builds somewhere on the nodes.



ā€¦is that chickenā€¦holding a drumstick?

EDIT: Random tangent on how roosters/chickens mate -

Roosters will peck on the ground as though thereā€™s food there. A chicken will come over, peckish for a morsel.

And the moment she bends over to get a better lookā€¦ :point_right::ok_hand:

@maya: Iā€™ve never played DS


That is Havel the Cock!

(Look up Havel and Dark Souls)

@sir_spanksalot Solution: Play Dark Souls (sadly, no pet builds :frowning: )

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I suddenly came up with it, but is it worth using in pet build if the skill of Dryad has a range like blood of Dreeg? Not much needed?

Only problem would be as far as I can see is that I am pretty much the only builder here who goes blue/yellow almost exclusively on Petsā€¦

And even then Dryad is just too out of the way for me. I donā€™t want to sacrifice something else for it just for an extra heal. Especially when the blue/yellow path is already tanky enough as it is.

OK. Forget my useless thoughts. LOL

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However, do note that if it gave more yellow points or also gave blue with 3 yellow, then that would change things. For me, it is the 5 dev points for 3 yellow that is holding me back from going for it.

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Thatā€™s actually a fair point. If dryad was equivalent to turtle/bull in terms of affinity returns, Iā€™d go for it as well

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I agree. I think two blues or something else is good for improving utilization.
Add the proposal to the OP.

What about Chariot? ā€¦ do three red? Or more green?

I personally would like to see chariot be able to support itself by giving 3 ascendants on top of its current 3 green + 2 chaos.

But thatā€™s way too much :stuck_out_tongue:

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Something about the next-to-last note on Dryad (perhaps I am totally wrong there):

  • +5 % Spirit
  • -10% Spirit Requirement for Jewelry
  • -10% Spirit Requirement for All Weapons (this includes Off-Hands, right?)
  • 4% Physical Resistance

4% Physical Resistance? Nothing wrong with it really.
+5% Spirit? Nothing wrong here for Melees so they could spend more points in Physique/Cunning. For Casters, very good because they want Spirit for Damage.

The other two? If I am Melee, I (most of the time) will already have enough Spirit to wear any amulet/ring I want to use. Weapons are not Spirit-Based. And as a Caster? I will invest in Spirit, so totally useless.

-% Energy Costs instead perhaps?

Same problem as with Chariot. When Spirit became an Attribute worth investing in, these things became obsolete.

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I donā€™t think itā€™s so much so a problem with dryad per se as opposed as to what youā€™d need to give up.

Generally, if youā€™re physical, you want Oleorn + Azraaka. Thereā€™s no room for dryad in that especially since ghoul > dryad.

Yeah, and to get the Yellow points, you better use Crane and AssassinĀ“s Blade.

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Yup. Or panther for energy, and/or obelisk for physique for cunning dump.

Looked at in isolation, dryad is a great T1 constellation. But it just isnā€™t good enough to justify giving up a 2nd T3

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Well, I think some nodes should be reconsidered, as I said above.

DryadĀ“s Bleesingā€¦Duration Reduction. What for? Okay, game is not solely balanced around Crucible/SR, but there are no reflective mobs in there (which killed me more than once with Bleeding). Is this still needed (Question goes to Hardcore players because I think, there it may be useful when playing Main Campaign)?

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