[Suggestion] Spawn more Seven Mages in Tomb of Heretic

Farming MI Rings for the Seven Mages is currently too low reward.
The double RNG lowers the drop rate too much
You have to both spawn the Mage you need, and then hope it drops the MI ring you need.

My suggestion is either increase number of Mages spawned, or increase the MI ring drop rate.
It might also be fun to either spawn more Mages in their room, or allow them to spawn elsewhere in the dungeon.



2 is a weak combo, make them 3 at a time or better have them all 7 in one room :smiling_imp:

There’s a second room with nearly the same shape as the first one with two mages, I suspect the devs will stuff it with another pair of mages after novelty factor of 1.1.5 wears off.

Make 2 rooms with 3 mages in each - that would both increase the challenge and the drop chance.

as much as I want these but I dont recall Crate doing this much of a change to an already existing setup.

Farming them is such a giant pain right now. Anything to increase the rate, whether it be a higher drop rate or more bosses, would be welcome.

2 rooms with 2 mages and increase the drop rates. sub 2% chance (1.86%) or whatever it is to drop a ring is silly.

Three at the same time is absolutely ridiculous. Two in two separate rooms is much more reasonable.

I would prefer a drop rate increase instead though.

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+1 to this. More mages and higher drop rate please. The double RNG on this is just brutal.

I will be blown if they will do something about it. A map expansion to a rogue dungeon? that will be a Crate first :sweat_smile:

If it really is unlikely for them to spawn more mages, upping the drop rate seems like the better fix. Right now, the double RNG, specific Mage, then 1.67% drop rate, is too unrewarding.

best solution really is to put all 7 but watered down mages in one death room. I would say a reasonable outright 15% reduction in all of their stats upfront to compensate for their numbers. Now this goes for Morgoneth too, all 7 shades should be spawned at the same time. It wont make sense if a magi is not present in any given session, if only 2 is present in magi hero room for example, can someone justify lore wise where the other 5 went? are they sleeping or slacking somewhere?

I’d say make three optional rooms with mages fights. One spawns 1 random mage, second one spawns 2 random ones, third one spawns the remaining 4. So players with weaker builds still have a chance in room and maybe two, and players who like challenge and want to farm as efficiently as possible can go up to room three.


Looks like the feedback got through. Awesome.

but but… MOAR magis would have been MOAR fun… :imp: