beer brewing requires hops (at least since the 9the century)
maybe to stick with the spoiling of foods theme: beer brewed with hops holds longer in storage. (like alot longer!)
hops yards like Hops - Wikipedia
with permanent plants (they can get pretty old).
So it should be a seperate farming thing, propably simular to the arborist system (but with drag and drop of fields of trees/hop please!)
You are both a bit right, and I didn’t say that wasn’t true. Or actually Jaradis isn’t right. I said 9th century. Look it up. Oldest varieties are hallertau and such. Maybe you are referring to the 14th century, as this was probably around the time England first found out about hops. And then it was banned by the english church as a devillish herb.
But in solid ground europe it’s an early middel ages thing.