Survival Endless

When you mention this phrase, what do you remember?

That’s right, it’s the thing associated with “Plants vs Zombies” - an immortal legendary game - Where you can play hundreds of thousands of flags without getting bored.

And I realized that: Farthest Frontier has all the conditions to become such an immortal legendary game if some small changes are made.

If you regularly read posts on this forum, reddit, stream… sometimes you will see posts like: “How long does it take to start a new settlement?”

There are 2 main reasons why players make such decisions:

  1. The game optimization is really not good. A mid-range PC can completely lag terribly when the settlement reaches a population of 2000. Even lower if the computer is weaker.
  2. After developing to tier 4 and building all the structures, there is nothing more worth playing.

Obviously, this is a sad thing because the potential of Farthest Frontier is much greater than what is being shown.

I really appreciate the efforts of the game developers for continuously perfecting the game. You guys deserve to be one of the leading game companies in the world.

But guys, human greed has no limits. Even if you try to let players enjoy the game with settlements with a population of 4000 or 8000 without lag, there will always be greedy people with too much ambition who will want to reach larger numbers. Obviously, this is impossible with the current technology of humanity.

So what is the key point here?

Obviously, it is not that you have not optimized the game for the computer to maximize its performance, but that the game is not difficult enough, if not quite easy at the end of the game. And this is the fatal weakness.

With the current game mechanics, once you reach tier 4, a player with mediocre skills can also fully satisfy the needs of the villagers and as a result, they reproduce like the population explosion after WW2 ended.

So what you need to do is push the game’s difficulty to the limit in Vanquisher mode. You don’t need to care about the complaints of low-level players because they can still enjoy the game with the 2 easier modes, right?

If the game was hard enough, reaching and maintaining a population of 1500 was an insane challenge, then not many people would complain to you about “why is my settlement so laggy after only reaching xxxx?”

So what you have to do is push the difficulty of the game beyond the current challenges.

  1. The raiders need to be more numerous and better than they are now. These things need to increase over time regardless of how big the player’s settlement is or what level it is at.

It only takes a normal player 50 years to run out of things to develop in their settlement. So use this as a starting point to increase the number and quality of raiders to a level where only the very best players can defend. Add a mechanism so that the raiders only destroy the settlement down to 800-1000 people and then retreat so that they have the motivation to develop again. Of course, the raiders also need to be smarter than they are now, at least they should move in a block formation until they reach the wall, instead of moving in a way that stretches the force for kilometers and then gets easily defeated.

  1. Plagues should also break out violently from the 50th year onwards. They should occur at a rate several times higher than now, requiring a huge amount of soap and medicine to prevent and cure them. Try to reduce the population to only 800-1000

  2. The people in the settlements later are like obese people because they are overfed. Food is produced too much while the impact of crop diseases is too poor. Drought, ice and snow can completely destroy the agricultural industry, reducing productivity by 80%-90%. If by year 50 the player doesn’t have a 12-18 month supply of food, accept the population decline

I hope you take a moment to read this comment of mine