So I decided to stack as much OA as I could on a build in order to take advantage of all the crit damage I had. 4k OA with Ascension (around 3600 without it up) and 98% crit dmg. Lots of beautiful crits.
Not sure how practical it was but it was fun! (And cunning dump on a lightning build, yuck.
Funny, I was doing the same exercise today!
Only 3.6 k OA?
Noice! Frankly, orange and red crits are one of the funnest things I have experienced in this game.
May I ask tho, how do you make use of Upheaval with a PS build? White attacks?
Yes, I’m using the cooldown version of primal strike with a sizeable cooldown reduction from the gun and amulet (it’s down to about 1.25 seconds). I figured if I’m getting big crits, I might as well get the biggest possible numbers on screens
And at 20/10, upheaval is just as good as spam PS, so I like to think it evens out.
Yeah, but with 115% crit damage, 165% on PS
That’s diiirty right there!
So funny! I am also doing the same thing. This is on a deceiver: Deceiver, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator . 149% Crit on DEE. It is a blast.
Just for fun, I’ve tried to make the build with the highest crit damage possible, regardless of if it made any sense.
I settled on Rune of Hagarrad, as inquisitor has a lot of bonus crit damage, and I could use 2 chillflame evokers.
with deadly aim active, inside a seal, it gets 144% crit bonus, 216% on RoH
It might actually work… it’s probably way too glassy, but dat DPS : :chef’s kiss:
I made something crazy unintentionally, mainly focusing on Primal Strike, and got around 147% critical in it.
This is so cool
Have you tried going Sentinel instead and specing into Divine mandate ?
You’d get the same RR with guardians, but a bit more crit damage, and I think better tankiness.
Edit: Kinda like this: Sentinel, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator (I only changed the relic and moved some points from physique to cunning)
I would likely die each minute at least once with this guy - but templar fire aether ray also can stack a bit critical damage Templar, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
I like to go non-meta. Seal is kinda hard to beat for tankiness as well. that coupled with the reduced damage done from censure makes the build surprisingly resilient.
Alright, I think I have something:
253% crit damage on Flames of Ignafar
And it actually looks decent
Test that out!
Just did: It’s … alright
Obviously some dubious choices were made to get that much crit bonus, so the results are a bit meh.
For example, Aura of Censure would probably net more damage than Divine mandate, and I’ve spent 2-3 prefixes boosting it to 22/12. That’s saying nothing of the very pedestrian sustain and tankiness.
But as it is, it’s pretty fun, and things melt VERY fast. The dummy resets in about 10-11 seconds.
I think the place where crit damage abuse would net the best results would be in a DoT-focused build, as a big crit will keep going until done, unless overridden by an even bigger one.
What were testing grounds? SR? CR? MC? I feel like glass cannon builds do much better in CR than SR. So probably the top runners could get some very nice times with some of these builds.
Main campaign
If a top runner wants to take it and give it a shot, I’m all for it.
I don’t think it’s anything special though
Here’s another one, a bit toned down on the crit side, but since it’s a DoT damage type (bleed) we could be seeing great results.
161% crit damage on ring of steel, usable every 0.5 seconds.
Well, it didn’t pan out.
Survival is actually better than I thought, but the damage output is just not there for some reason.
I struggled to finish SR50
Back to the drawing board
Don’t worry bruh, that happens like 50/50 chance when I plan on building something out.