Techpriest build?

as you could have guessed from the name of the topic, I’d love to play a sort of a warhammer tech-priest build. Since the demo is the closest class to engineer there is ingame, I am debating myself what to multiclass. Since I don’t own any DLC’s yet, I am working with the og classes. Any ideas what to multiclass?

afaik demo is the only class with closest affiliation to techno worship. and destruction (fire+lightning+physical+internal trauma). others are too related to mundane jobs (soldier, non-magic nightblade) or magic/religion (cold magesassin nightblade, inquisitor, arcanist, occultist, shaman, necro, oathkeeper). only demo itself can be called techno-priest mastery (steampunk explosive gadget, pyromaniac, worship of vengeful god of destruction ulzuin)

maybe combo it with inquisitor (purifier class combo. a warhammery name). inquisitors are known to hoard lots of arcane/runic/occult artifacts. just think of them as warhammer inquisitors that hunts heretical artifacts and associated with techpriest in hunting stc too. main damage would be fire or lightning.

Doesn’t have the expansions yet though.

Well dam, gonna need the DLC for that tho. Thanks for the insight. I myself was thinking about the arcanist with the pursuit of knoledge being the ultimate goal etc. but the abilities just don’t really fit.

You can go Mortar traps Demo+Shaman, since you don’t have expansions. Also termite mines for RR.

Well, the game isn’t steampunk setting so not that surprising.

Yeah I know, I am just quite new to the game and wanted to make sure there wasn’t some combination I was mising :slight_smile:

imo, grim dawn more closely resemble warhammer fantasy battle rather than warhammer 40k. because grim dawn has very few sciency stuff (most of the actual science in grim dawn are related to magic/celestial powers/otherworldly energies).

Time for Cairn to get invaded by the Skaven, yes yes. Horned Rat wills it!

I suggest this: [] Devoid Of Soul, In Need Of Buff - Voidsoul FoI/Aegis Paladin (c+) (sr+) but with demolitionist instead of oathkeeper. Good ol’ flamethrower plus flaming mines. Reddish ionized vapor zzapping chaotic thunderbolts. Set design also touches on science fantasy a little bit.

If not then Stormreaver with some illusions. It’s a long shot but you could put that under the electric totemist theme. Actually, there will be so much electricity you don’t even need those illusions… Here’s a decent setup: [] Vindicator - tank. 150-170 5m 32s

You could kinda imagine AAR as a laser? Can you? If you can then here: [] AARMAGEDDON: Spellbinder (Crucible 5:21). Just illusion those Victorian hats.