I suggest this: [] Devoid Of Soul, In Need Of Buff - Voidsoul FoI/Aegis Paladin (c+) (sr+) but with demolitionist instead of oathkeeper. Good ol’ flamethrower plus flaming mines. Reddish ionized vapor zzapping chaotic thunderbolts. Set design also touches on science fantasy a little bit.
If not then Stormreaver with some illusions. It’s a long shot but you could put that under the electric totemist theme. Actually, there will be so much electricity you don’t even need those illusions… Here’s a decent setup: [] Vindicator - tank. 150-170 5m 32s
You could kinda imagine AAR as a laser? Can you? If you can then here: [] AARMAGEDDON: Spellbinder (Crucible 5:21). Just illusion those Victorian hats.