Hello there. Im playing Grim Dawn since almost it’s creation where there was no expansions. From that time many hours have passed in the game and I just wanted to thank you for developing the game and keeping it fresh. After some time I started playing hardcore mode and some deaths after I reached the endgame you designed. Now im one of those 0.2% players that ended the game on hardcore with all extensions and the final tomb achievment. Im still trying to collect a mythical set and hopefully I can solo out the game on other class than a tanky 160k dps bleeding savagery shaman . I’m waiting for new class and some new final devotions (or reworking some part of current ones) as I feel effective builds for solo play are quite limited. Playing pure dps classes on forgotten gods is a pain. Maybe I lack some understanding yet in the game or missing some builds out but Shaman+Soldier and taking out with skills like -500 defensive ability seems only way to solo out forgotten gods other way I feel like im tickling the mobs (I tried a few setups reaching lv90 on different classes). Give -defensive ability to more skills please.
Any class can be built to beat Main Campaign on Ultimate HC. And with good damage. And in many ways. Just look at numerous builds on the forum. Even those squishy ones can be tweaked for HC. There won’t be any new masteries or devotions at this point. Also I don’t think the “DPS Class” term makes sense in this game. Sorry if I sound toxic, welcome to the forum!
Naah it’s completely fine. My point is some classes/builds are way easier to get through the endgame or simply I lack the equipment to do so on other builds. Wasn’t toxic response thank you anyway for your words. It’s sad there won’t be anything new at this point since I think there is still room for something to add. I like experiencing the game by myself I didn’t watch anything except one person on twitch that showed how important resistances are and off/def ability and proper HP count depending on level. That is all that made me break through endgame. Have a nice day ty for resp.
Seeing completed builds is a offense to how game should be experienced for me but thanks anyway. If I will ever get hardstuck maybe I will adapt some of ideas. Ty have a great day.
Basically they feel the game is at the point that adding more would be bloat … and while I wouldn’t be against them adding more I have to agree that the game is at the point where it would be bloated (and some already think it is). Plus they’ve been working on GD (and still are) for over 10 years now.
They have begun work, last we heard, on rebuilding GDs engine. The logical conclusion would be that it would be for GD2. Rebuilding and modernizing it will take some time tho before they can even begin working on a sequel.
Ohh I didn’t know there is a project on reworking engine good to know that. I don’t say game needs new things as it is very very good right now(It could have). Changing or adding anything would be hard that is true so if you say they work (maybe) on gd2 it is understandable that they wouldn’t want to change this final form as it is near perfect.
Sure Though I haven’t posted the shaman I beat the game on yet as it is rather easy build to start farming legendaries on. It’s so foolproof that anyone would beat the game with it.
long ago, like 4 years or so, i first started HC after player SC
wasn’t so hard for me, because, despite not knowing “everything”, i did have a base grasp on defences like resist being important, DA is nice etc - and i made a sword and shield battlemage (stupid tanky class) and went mega wuss mode, stacking tons of defensive devotions i didn’t need, like turtle and obelisk
it was a horrible experience “just wanting to get through HC”, because going so heavily on defences ensured my play was slow and, very, slow
made a primal strike warder instead eventually, obv fairly beefy class too, but, i didnt’ go so absurd on the defences as the first guy, and actually had fun despite it all, (+primal strike is ofc very entertaining to level with)
i think the key is really to understand the base mechanics (resist etc), since just knowing those basic things make HC a lot simpler
now, years later, still dont’ know “everything”, but i know a lot more for sure, i can whip up a HC character once in a blue moon, but with lots less “effort” and much quicker
think my point, if there even is any, is, that while i totally get the "wont copy/follow builds"mindset, i don’t think there is anything wrong/you shouldnt’ rob yourself of not looking up fundamental (helpful) mechanics knowledge,
learning “everything”/or just “most” things purely from game feedback might just put needless bloat or waste time on your gameplay that in actuality you didn’t need, if you just looked up the “game guide”(posted by devs) ex on combat or the mechanics guide/stat guide we had showcasing ex good target amount for resists or even health and such Guide: Recommended stats for end game or Required Stats from Equipment during Levelling
game will still have plenty of room and time to screw you over and give you "wtf"moments despite it all/“covering your bases” using this information, but having some of the “standard” information, for HC plays, def (potentially) makes it a lot more enjoyable experience, maybe faster too, YMMV ofc
Thank you for your words but honestly I know enough about game mechanics after playing ~800-1k hours xd I really just miss empowered items and mythical to start other builds. My cross char storage is like 85 % legendaries I kinda just miss out the elements for other classes. My 92lvl warded which I completed the game on is melting everything. I noticed going too much defensive is as bad as going too much offensive. The game itself is pure getting a balance between one and other. I think I got a good idea after self learning on the game how to benchmark my builds along the way. Ty for response anyway <3 have fun in HC and good day
totally don’t need empowered epics for new toons, MIs will often be better/the best items during leveling
and now there is a ton of MIs and faction items avail and starter crafts etc that makes it a lot easier to get a new build “off the ground” for endgame, even on HC, when making a new character, - part of what i meant by being able to whip a HC toon much faster and with less effort these days, (obv shared stash with endgame legends will make it even quicker too)
Well I looked up some druid builds cause I struggled with that combo. Didn’t know there is like full compedium on this forum on every build. Quite helpful indeed. Now going from 60-100 will be easy. Eye of korvaak OP devotion didn’t know how it works in action till today. I always thought it’s just one fast proc on one target not the spinning thingy. That opened my eyes what my build was missing.
Hard-coding is not that bad in development. Try to imagine what happens when you make everything replaceable. You end with configuration files longer and harder to understand than the actual code. And the code is reduced to an empty, slow framework. Program has to impose some rules on the world around it.