The Arlequin!

Well that is sad. :cry: Iā€™m hoping you will be able to put more time into your mod at some point, or as you said maybe someone can finish it up with the same thought process, ideas and feel, that you had creating this mod.

Well GL on your other project :slight_smile:

Well I really hope you come back to this to finish it up yourself. Iā€™m loving the honking noise when Toe Step Tango procs so far.

thats sad to hear but anyways.

i put it on my todo list for a mini release of this mod.

something that anyone can tackle. please fork my git and work on it using that after version 0036 which is when i have it scheduled to releaseā€¦ 0035 is already chock full of stuff. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you guys and thanks for the luck. If no one picks it up by time I find some more time, Iā€™ll throw my hat back into the ring. But until then I gotta take a step back and focus on my writing. I do hope someone picks it up, Iā€™d like to play it when I return XD Just think illusions, clownery and trickster-god and all the thought process, ideas and feel will be there.

oh my

whats this

Hype!!! :smiley:

-yakety sax intensifies-:smiley:

0042 is out. your dream of Arlequin+Cenobite can finally come true.

Incoming Pennywise

Incoming Shaco

Incoming Bristlebane

Edit: sorry for giant shaco image

Awesome, gonna give it a go! I canā€™t wait until Stargazerā€™s out, I want a Celestial Jester XD

Sarcastic? Not sure why you would combine Arlequin and Cenobite since Arlequin can dual wield and Cenobite require a shield.

Playing as Arlequin and Nightblade combo for now.

has anyone tried out the arlequin in DAIL 0044 with the new skill ā€œReginaldā€™s Wild Nightā€ ???

ive taken liberty with the mastery and am going to try and expand it fully.

I have not tried yet, but i will in a little once im done with my dark souls fix :stuck_out_tongue:

Glad to hear you have taken up finishing this mod :cool: :slight_smile:

Sorry for not keeping up on this - riiiiight after I abandoned it our county had a massive wildfire so I lost even more track. But, due to writers block despite me being in the editing phase, Iā€™ve been giving the olā€™ Arlequin some thought. I wanted to look into a certain bossā€™s mirror image skill, and see if it could be an Arlequin skill - Smoke and Mirrors - where the images taunt but do no damage or maybe confuse. Kinda like the pig because last I checked the pig needed some tender love and care to get it working. Also Iā€™ve been thinking about a ā€˜totemā€™ skill, where instead of a totem it throws a suicidal box, a Jack in the Box. Itā€™ll play the music, then promptly explode. Since the song is long, I was thinking about, like with the pig, making itā€™s skill level with the length of the song, but opposite so it wonā€™t take as long to explode. Itā€™d start out playing the whole song, then two third, a quarter, then massive fire damage. Just a thought : \ Iā€™m plagued with writers block but all of a sudden I got a few good ideas for this instead.

please check out my code and use reginalds wild night !

I checked it out, love the name and the ā€œdamn you Archibald!ā€ - this needs to be a reoccurring thing- but Iā€™m a bit confused on what the skill is supposed to beā€¦ like, it says itā€™s a liquid, and itā€™s golden lol.:confused: is it peeā€¦? Are they spraying burning pee at the enemy? Not sure if that fits, but itā€™s utterly hilarious. We need to get a full list of the ā€˜special animationsā€™ for attacks to see if we can get like a drunken zombie stagger for it, and maybe use the throwup skill so itā€™s less beam and more wild night.

Noticed some skills were acting wonky too. Zanni Swords keep trying to summon two even with one point in it. The second only shows up for a wink but it shows. Then the Zanni Swords arenā€™t using their buff anymore. I put a couple points in it but they wouldnā€™t light on fire.

I was thinking about writing some lore on them too - everyone gods a god so I was figuring giving them one. Whether itā€™s a real god or not would be subject to debate. Iā€™ve a soft spot for Mad-Gods, even have one in my book. Thereā€™ll be a grand build up, awe, an inspiring story, for the Mad-Godā€¦ Reggie. No one will believe he exists.

  • also, code?

yes I like channeled skills and we were missing a poison/acid channeled skill so i made one :smiley: burning pee! or evil pee if you choose the conversion option.

well teh full source for it is on github check my DAIL thread first post. click the github link

you can download it as a zip

the folder you need to worry about is


the other folders are extra fluff for my build scripts

True, poison/acid stuff is severely lacking. I think between the original classes thereā€™s like only two or three class-skills that actually use it. Ooo and thanks - Iā€™ll check it out! I wanted to kinda work on the class a bit but I didnā€™t want to separate it from DAIL.
Iā€™m going to look up some more circus/clown related skills and try to jam them in there to make a ā€˜fullā€™ class. Maybe see about changing the fire breath skill into a channeled breath if I can then adding a 100% poison/acid transmuter to it? Call it ā€œReginaldā€™s Wild Nightā€ after Reginald, the Arliquin who forgot how to drink. ā€œOops, the alchemic concoction went down sour - good note, though, it burns everything still! Ah gods, everything burns! Damn you Archibald!ā€ Idk something more circusy and not quite pee related :stuck_out_tongue: vomitingā€™s been a sideshow act, that and the animationā€™s in game. That or we could do some Joker-y skill, acid flower in the palm?

I do want to do a skill, maybe exclusive, that does chaos damage or maybe even random damage. A timed buff skill, that adds damage threat, maybe cooldown too so you could really rampage. Channeling the Arlequin Mad-God or something - go full Kefka boss mode.

Anyhoo, Iā€™ll look into this! Write up some skill ideas and see if I can actually make them. Feeling actually up to this o 3o yay~

Finally got it downloaded - biiiig file - and wow, itā€™s really hard to navigate when itā€™s all put together, isnā€™t it? A looot to go through. Iā€™m trying to trim it down to the Arlequin files so itā€™ll be just an easy drag and drop when Iā€™m done. Itā€™s some kind of magic getting all that down to 300/400mb. Seriously, hats off :u

thanks for the kudos. i eagerly await your updates . feel free to PM me here or on steam if you need any help ā€œboiling downā€ the files to just the [H]arlequin stuff.

i think you just need to grab the \skills\ and \ui\skills related folders.

and of course any art assets you might be changing.

for the purposes of DAIL.

Ive spent hours merging various animations together and I had to make a list of the ones i discarded and the details in case crate ups the limitā€¦

so just letting you know that they might not make it into DAIL if they are new animations (re-use and recycle!) ;p