The Arlequin!

Unless it’s minor art changes I always re-use and recycle XD There’s enough stuff to make it pretty unique already in there. I’ve been working on it on-and-off again, funny enough as soon as I started I was all - OH that’d be a good thing to add in my book! -insert new distraction- So shamefully and admittedly things are moving slow. But, as things are moving, I’ve been working on my original Arliquin - the one I updated - I kept running into odd problems with the DAIL one which I couldn’t figure out the whys and whats behind - I hope this won’t cause too much trouble when I do manage to finish it, you already went through all the work before integrating it into DAIL once.
What I’ve got so far is a Jack-in-the-Box that taunts enemies and blows up for massive fire/burn/internal damage after the tune finishes - or at least it’s supposed to. For some reason all enemies flip it the bird and keep on clown punching me. That and Fanfare is getting a remake. Before it gave a number of bonuses to resistances, half of which, as it turns out, don’t actually effect players. Forgot about the whole no knock-down, fear, confusion for players. SO once remade it’s going to be a buff/healing, like “With a marvelous and skillful fanfare you and your allies feel revived, reinvigorated, and for some reason brighter!” + adds light, health, and attack-speed(maybe) all with a kickass kazoo solo.

As for the DAIL problems I was running into, it was odd - a lot of the skills were acting wonky and I couldn’t figure out why. I thought it was something I did, me not being toOo mod savvy just yet, but once I checked my original it quit having the issues. Oddest thing was, I couldn’t pinpoint whhhy it was having issues to begin with. For instance, Zanni Swords were doubling up, but the double would instantly die even with only one point in. Then I was just having a hard time following the paths - cause I’m lame like that. :eek:
Any idea’s on that? Also thanks, and same, if you have any idea’s for the class toss’em my way D: I still need more ideas!