The Carnival - A Guide to Pets

Ok, so new playtest update is up and tested my builds to see how they fare atm.

So… my Diviner’s Reap Spirits, Ghol Blightfiends and Bysmiel’s Trinkets Birbs seem to have been noticeably nerfed.

My 2 best builds atm seem to be these -

  1. Ritualist, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator (Set Less Skeleton Ritualist)
  2. Conjurer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator (Bleed Briars with Beastcaller)

Just curious, how is Bysmiel set nerfed on this patch? Is it because of the lack of attack speed from the pets or the physical resistance?

Indirect nerfs from total speed nerfs (since familiar uses cast speed for its basic attacks which are actually spells) and also indirect flat damage nerfs on various sources (both items and devotions).

Survivability is fine for all pets right now. Pets in general are doing better than they do on live, the nerfs are compared to how they used to perform in the previous Public Test patch.

Will test the changes on this one soonTM and report back - Changelog Monitor • June 5 • 17th update - #19 by tqFan
So far, the changelogs are looking pretty good :blush:

Ok, tested stuff…

Skeletons remain the same, with no changes necessary - Ritualist, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

With the Mogdrogen Pet Augment nerf, changed those on the Bleed Briar conjurer - Conjurer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Current PTR patch feels pretty good for pets :+1:

Birb Fluffy Squishy is back :3 - Conjurer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Would be curious to know how this build would get leveled effectively – especially the part about getting Mogdrogen’s Mantle without being fully decked out yet.

Guide updated.

Changes - removed budget pet builds due to not being able to update them to satisfaction.

What does that mean exactly? simple - you are better off just using any random pet item you come across and just go straight to farming for the endgame setup rather than try to make a “stepping stone” in between the two.

Farming SR can be done reliably with just faction items and random rare drops. Worst case scenario, monster totems provide a decent amount of loot and now nemesis farming is easier than before since they come to you.

For anyone who wants something strong on a “budget” I rather redirect you to this one - Nocturne – Lazy, Budget, Player scaled Pets Conjurer, It is not exactly a proper pet build, so I chose not to blatantly copy paste it as my budget pet build recommendation :sweat_smile:

Kinda surprised you dont have a perma fiend ghol build,always felt it had the coolest pet fantasy of big fat guys killing stuff with their farts

It is rather hard to keep Blightfiends alive vs superbosses and such compared to the likes of Briarthorn, especially if using Ghol set since it is more damage focused than defensive set. I don’t like that :sweat_smile:

Just dont let em shower for a few months,the stench will not only be their offensive tool but also act as a protective field around them,the main weakness a super boss has,is their large nostrils

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It’s because you guys are living in the SR100+ world. 99% players don’t even reach 75, and many don’t do crucible and SR at all.

I’m yet to see my skellies, let alone blight fiends die in SR60-65, not to mention MC.

Even HC Calla never dropped my skelly count below 7-8 while getting evaporated, even before this ridiculous “balanced” Pet buff. :joy: Zantai and his bslance. The power creep is so real now it almost feels like D3 again.

Curious to see that in action if you have a video. If not, I would like to request a save file because in the current patch, it would be rather impressive to kill callagadra in ultimate without the skeleton count ever going below 7-8

First, great work with your pet builds. You have been continuously inspiring me to push further and further into the pet realm.

Second, As the saying goes “Fool me once - shame on me…”. I stopped sharing builds here about 5 years ago, after getting 3 of my top broken performers nerfed to the ground. Sharing only within our small HC community ever since.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to share with you and everyone else but not before Zantai stops nerfing stuff. And since, long time ago, he promised to keep normalizing builds indefinitely, I promised not to share builds. Curiously, not a single one of my ‘broken’ synergies had been nerfed ever since and most of my top builds have only gotten stronger.

Maybe some day, when the devs finally decide to move on to a new game, and stop balancing things…

Sounds like the grim dawn equivalent of,you cant meet my gf because she goes to a different school…in a different country…and she worships Ch’thon! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Can’t complain about powercreep while also being against nerfs :woman_shrugging:

But, understandable, have a nice day.

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Power creep plagues games with continuous increase in stats, damage, over time. Look at games like D3, PoE, their stats at release vs now. That is powercreep. And rebalancing a product for 10 years, instead of making two new and better ones, while still not achiving any balance, is what?

But I digress, as am quite happy with the current state of events. The bat keeps swinging while we keep playing ‘broken’ builds. Pets are super strong right now, my cabalists, ritualists and conjureres all benefit greatly from this patch. It feels like the retal era all over again.

Yo Maya,have you ever tried making a warlock with gate of many worlds,focusing on birb dmg with bysmiel? if not you think it would be viable somewhat?

I tried exactly that but the truth is… conjuer or even necro is far superior despite a huge elemental boost from IEE.

There’s a lot of information in here … too much for my small brain to process.

From what I can see both Ritualist and Conjurer builds are OP. Since I’m shockingly lazy I haven’t yet looked at those build details but how many buttons do I have to play - if it’s 2 I can cope with. If I have to have the skillsets of a concert pianist, not so much. I don’t care which pets are involved, I just want them to smash everything while I treat myself to ice cream while they do the dirty work, including getting rid of those pesky Celestials, without drinking potion after potion

So … based on that flimsy criteria, what so I be playing ? Here’s my payment to Maya - if you are still eating ice cream and not on a diet :ice_cream: :ice_cream: :icecream: :icecream: :ice_cream:

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To answer your question, The Fluffy Squishy - Pet Conjurer :3 would be the best option. It does have 4 skills in total if you count the medal augment movement rune as well, but…

  • You can skip using Wendigo Totem for the most part unless it is a superboss.
  • Movement Rune skill is completely optional and same for Evade (unless fighting a superboss like say, Crate of Entertainment).
  • That leaves you with Curse of Frailty and Blood of Dreeg as the only “active” skills you have to press every now and then.