The Carnival - A Guide to Pets

is the will O wisp build better than the fluffy squishy in terms of offense and killing speed?

Nope. It was once, but not anymore.

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Soā€¦ anyone want to give this a try? (Ghol Cabalist with a non traditional devotion route)

I am too scared to pilot itā€¦

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Thumbs up for the ā€˜novelā€™. Itā€™s fun to read as new player :slight_smile: Hit level 30+ yesterday on my occultist and still thinking wether I take necro or shaman as second classā€¦

One thing: may I ask you for a new wetransfer link? Iā€™d like to read it offline on my phone, but have the 403-problem like others and the last wetransfer link in this thread expired.

First things first, welcome to the forums :partying_face:

Now, also ty for reminding me about the guide, I needed to update some GT links :stuck_out_tongue:

As for the Wet-ransfer link, askā€™eth andā€™eth youā€™eth shallā€™eth receiveā€™eth: :blush:


Random Morgoneth Set + NightBringer Pet Build:

EDIT: Concept became a proper build: Nocturne - Pet Conjurer

<3 Thankā€™eth verā€™eth muchā€™eth!

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Ok, so did a small experiment to see how effective a Pet build is without a full set.

First the build:

I wanted to avoid using item based pets and went with Hellhound instead of including Primal Spirit. Also, Conjurer instead of Cabalist. So no 3x blightfiends or Reap Spirits.

Now the result which I would say is pretty good:

(The above is basically Fluffy Squishy with Familiar conduit instead of full Trinkets. So doesnā€™t really warrant a dedicated thread.)

Random Pyran Pet Sentinel Coming through:

Hey Maya since you love to play crazy pet build concepts, can you make combo Beastcaller+Invoker set work? Assuming - RR proc works well.

Like elemental Conjurer or Warlock :thinking:

Ask and you shall receive: (Beastcaller + Invoker Conjurer)

That said, proc on Crit means it would be less useful than otherwise could have been :frowning:

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Random DW Dracarris Pet Pyromancer concept:


Crimson Spike Pet Conjurer:

Ravager of Minds:

No potions/consumables used. Fully Facetanked, but took 12 mins :frowning:

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Random Meme Hellhound Deceiver:

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Soā€¦ got 2 bits of info from :zantai: on 1.1.6ā€¦


The DW concept sounds neat, but if you want to really rack up the external damage, do something like this:

Outside of the Conduit and a +2 Summon Familiar to the blade, the other items are easy to get. Iā€™m sure you can mess with the devotions however youā€™d like, but itā€™s hard to deny the items, skills and Raven devotion giving you 238 flat fire damage. Itā€™s like having each pet hitting with the strength of a Swarmling just with the bonus damage. Being able to hit enemies with 1700% Fire damage Blackwater Cocktail is a nice touch as well. Iā€™m sure your build is more suited for tougher challenges, but Iā€™d love to give this guy a spin.

Iā€™m playing something similar on Grimarillion, the only thing different is the weapon is GQ exclusive and Iā€™ve swapped a few items to make sure Familiar is at 26/16, but the same general concept applies, so at least I give confidence that this build will pass my initial expectations.


It was mostly for the Dracarris meme.

Personally, I am not a fan of Familiar without the Trinkets. Tried it once, didnā€™t like it.
But :ok_hand: on dat flat dmg stacking.

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I like that build but I canā€™t understand the Devotions. I did all the Constellations, except from Tree and Ishtak. I have 9\10 in Order and 16\20 in Primordial Affinities. What should I do?

Find out which ones you didnā€™t do and do those, because if you did all of them except tree and ishtak, you shouldnā€™t be at 9/10 in Order and 16\20 in Primordial.

PSA: With the new Patch, I am not sure how many of my builds remain viable. The safe ones should be:

  • Fluffy Squishy (but nerfed dmg and you will need a new off-hand)
  • Sanguine Lupus (buffed)
  • All Ghol Pet builds (no changes)

Stay away from Will O Wisp. It is not worth it anymore unless you like it for thematic reasons. Go with Rawr God for Pet Cabalist instead.