At lvl 50, your skills (without any skill points from items) would look like this with a 16/16 Blightfiend instead of what I have given in my guide:
Then, you go back to Occultist side and leave Necro alone until 94 and that is pretty much it
Hey Maya and guys, I would like to know which build from The Carnival .pdf book is the strongest (most durable and fastest clearer) build? I already tried ‘Rawr God’ (Cabalist Ghol’s set) and it seems somewhat weak in both dps output and survivability. Even in the book itself, that particular build isn’t in the group with those that can defeat every boss.
Now I would like to try another pet build aiming at Conjurer - Beastcaller (based on the ‘Scarlet’ from the book). Is it going to be better than my current Cabalist? Thanks
Ghol falls short of being considered great by me because of how much it struggles with Crate. As for Briarthorns and Beastcaller’s, Birbs fare better against Callagadra.
If one is not as obsessed with superbosses as I am, the build choices open up vastly
I rank my builds based upon whether I can kill superbosses while eating icecream on one hand or not…
Fluffy Squishy was originally a Double Briarthorn build with Chillmane Yeti Pet from Amulet.
The name was in reference to how fluffy Chillmane was and how much I wanted to hug and squish it like a stuffed toy…
Then FG came and with it, Callagadra and things… changed. My old builds weren’t strong enough to take it down. So, I ended up looking to Birbs and the build changed into this:
Thank you Maya. I just found out this morning that I can reclaim points from the mastery bar. I had no idea that was added to the game. I’ll have to burn a bunch of currency to reclaim the points and devos without using GDS to edit my character.
What’s that? Let’s make Ghol Ritualists even more busted? Seem legit.
The Mantle of Mogdrogen needed a complete overhaul to the stat bonuses instead of those conversions. We already have 100% Vitality to Lightning in the faction Off-hand, and there’s a 1H weapon that converts Fire to Lightning. The problem is that it interferes with Beastcaller’s, Lost Souls, and Ghol sets, and Bysmiel Set already converts Vitality to Elemental. What the pets is Overload doing as a bonus? Why are there two Shaman bonuses when any Lightning Shaman build is taking Beastcaller’s Set? Where’s the supposed Vitality conversion coming from, and if we really wanted to convert Vitality to Lightning, why not just use the Stormbringer off-hand, which is also one of the only items to give bonuses to Lightning Strike? That move just seems so confusing to me - I was really hoping for something like Chaos to Lightning conversion, which would make Lightning Hellhound + Bysmiel dual birds to be something really cool.
Alas, at least we have nice Skeleton buffs to try out. Skeleton Ritualists would likely much rather stick with Guardian of Death’s Gate with Primal Bond than use 1H weapon + Nightshard + Bonescavenger + Master of Death, so I see this being more of a boon for Skeleton Cabalists.
Meme builds Other than that, yeah, not much the shoulders got going for them atm.
One of the things I had always wanted was Non Vitality Lost Souls. This opens up the way for that. Also now I can go Chaos Lost Souls Skeletons with Voidwhisper + Fiendgaze
@Maya Old gamer but new to GD and these forums, loving it so far 50hours in, still not level capped and nearing end of act 3 (no stone left unturned, or crate unbusted, fog of war covered area type of old school rpger). Always lean towards pet builds in anything i play if i can so ofcourse finding your Carnival guide was amazing and fun read (loved the lil funny comments you stuck in here and there).
I did a fair amount of research before starting since i hate going in blind and all the wonderful guides for pros and beginners alike are great! However i have a question, when i click on grim tools links, i can’t seem to find the devotions used for any of them, am i missing something or does it only show attributes, gear, components and augments. Thanks in advance and hope your having a great week so far!
Once i push through(unlock) all content difficulties i plan to take my first build loosely based on your skull and bones build and roll it probably into the will o wisp build since that looks like very interesting to me. Your general devotion layout in your carnival was quite helpful in getting started, and helped me correct some mistakes i had made initially. But i’d like to get more in depth info about actual devotion layout.
VenomOfGod, you find the devotions just as you would in-game. Press the book icon in the lower left corner and then select the Devotions tab. I hope that this is what you were asking.
First of all, welcome to GD and the forums
Glad to hear that the guide was of help. As @Steve said, you need to Press the book icon in the lower left corner and then select the Devotions tab. There, you can see which devotions are selected. If it is still confusing and you need step by step direction on how to proceed with devotions, let me know of the particular build in question and I can write down the devotion path for you
Here’s a report I’ve done based off testing so far:
Fire Raven + Hound Deceiver: The Hellfire buff to grant DA is really nice; it allowed me to focus my devotions a bit better as I didn’t have to scrounge for DA everywhere. I was able to make it to Shard 76, but Boss Room Reaper of the Lost annihilates me and I have no idea on how I can fix it. It might have to do with the resistant modifier I had (+15% Elemental Resistance), but I think 75 is just too high a barrier for it. Such a shame, as I thought I had a great way to fit Fire Raven in the compendium (as you can’t use Bysmiel’s set with the Magi MI pet rings).
Fire Skeletons: Done it as a Skeletons Apostate, and I love that Crate finally removed the conversion from Will of the Crypt. I went from not even being able to do 65 to doing SR65-66 in a breeze and no deaths either. I’m sure you can find a way to make Fire Skeletons do 75 and then some; I just thought that being able to summon 8 Skeletons at once was too cool not to try. Maybe I should try it as a Defiler after all - who needs Skeleton survivability when you can just summon nearly your whole army at once and throw wave after wave of men at SR until it begs for mercy?