First of all welcome to the forums
Give a GT link
For the devotions, you need to take jackal first and then spec out of it after Murmur.
Rhowan’s crown works similarly. You need 6 greens first and then you spec out of them later.
First of all welcome to the forums
Give a GT link
For the devotions, you need to take jackal first and then spec out of it after Murmur.
Rhowan’s crown works similarly. You need 6 greens first and then you spec out of them later.
Thanks for the welcome, looks like I signed up back on my first playthrough, but I somehow got through it w/o needing to interact here.
Just tried to link it with GT, and it said it cant be imported bc it is from a mod, and Im a little worried about making it a non mod character with the checkbox in GTStash (but its just speedrun, so idk if thats an issue).
The build I made, though, is an exact carbon copy of your RAWR Pet cabalist budget build.
Could you possibly tell me what to respec out of (Im only missing those two, the other devotions are exactly as your build shows) so I can properly respec. I tried following the respec order you had down for the Cabalist, but it turned out to be a different tree, and so Im hoping for a devotion order that fits this one.
The Mod might be the reason why you are having trouble with Ultimate. So can’t help you there
As for devotions:
shepherd’s crook
remove purple
scholar’s light
remove raven
remove green
remove jackal
3pts in Rhowan’s Crown
remove yellow
sailor’s guide
solemn watcher
The only thing the mod adds is more run speed (the version Im using)…
I guess I was trying to ask how current it is in terms of recent patches and all.
Thanks the spec order will really help.
There hasn’t been any changes that concern Pets in the patches, so build should be just as strong as before.
Thanks for the answer, Im a bit outdated on patch knowledge (and probably forgot more than I ever learned).
It wont let me remove raven or jackal using that order bc it says they are dependent on
murmur and mistress of rumors (and now the crown since Ive added it). Is it safe to remove all those first, and carry on? (man this devotion stuff is a massive challenge).
Red + Murmur = 3 red points. There is no reason why it shouldn’t let you remove jackal at that stage.
Scholar’s light + Murmur = 6 green points. There is no reason why it shouldn’t let you remove Raven either.
So if there is a problem, then I’d advice making sure it isn’t because of the mod.
Ah, shoot, my bad. Missed a couple points in murmur, skill assignment threw me off.
Thanks much!
I have a question about the “Rawr God” Cabalist pet build from the .pdf book. In the GrimTools build you chose Possession as the exclusive skill (from Occultist) instead of Master of Death from Necromancer. Why is that? Possession gives bonus only to the player, while Master of Death gives bonuses to the pets. I would really like some clarification about the choice. Thanks
Think this applies
Aye, what Medea said
Tfw u make random stuff in GT because you were bored… / (conjurer) / (ritualist) (cabalist)
(yes, they are already existing builds with minor variations and hence no dedicated threads)
(I just realized that Scorpius Pummeler was given +50% crit dmg to Blightfiends… WTF )
Maya, I need your guidance once again, please.
I’ve taken the build you shared before and updated mine own to almost match it, this is where I’m at: Grimtools.
Unfortunately, I haven’t found Kelphat rings or the Spark of Ultos however I have found a full set of Bysmiels. My thinking is to keep in line with what I want to do (2 Brairs and a focus on lightning) is go 3/4 Bysmiel keeping Beastcaller 4/4 then also get Bysmiel’s Mindweaver this with Bysmiel will get me almost 100% Elemental damage so not exactly what my plan was but getting closer. Overall, do you think this would be a good idea? And possibly getting me more damage?
Also should I go with Bysmiel or Magdrogan relic in this scenario? Bysmiel is good cause it gives me spirit for the offhand but wondering how good Magdrogan would be here.
Finally, I’ve redone my devotions leaving sailors guide in, I like the run speed and the other stuff it gives, do you think Leviathan is worth it? I feel like there is so much wasted points going for that final skill but keen to hear your thoughts.
Thank you!
Acid Ghol Ritualist looks nasty!
Fiends will give you both single and AoE damage.
Leviathan is nice if your map contains Moggy. You’re at this corner of the map anyway and Leviathan proc adds decent AoE and you have %physical res and other valuable stats on the nodes.
Sry for the late reply, but yes, it would work. As Nery said, Leviathan is nice to get if your devo path allows it. So definitely recommend going for it. Eg: (only devotions changed and kept Sailor’s Guide as you wanted)
Since you are not going for 2x Birbs however, I would recommend keeping the Conduit instead of switching to Bysmiel amulet. It will help more since you are focusing on Briarthorns.
Rings + Weapon, you can choose whatever you wish.
I would however recommend changing Belt to M.Nosferratis ( as the MindControl Resistance for Pets will help tremendously more compared to what Voidmancer’s has to offer atm. Even more so if you plan on playing alot of Crucible/SR.
Mogdrogen vs Bysmiel Relic, if you can try both out. Think of Bysmiel as pure damage while Mogdrogen provides more ulitlity. Both will work fine for the build, but due to my love for +1 to skills, I prefer to go with Mogdrogen whenever I can. Mogdrogen’s Toggle Skill also gives you move speed if you want that
Tbh, of all the things Ghol Pet builds were the last thing I thought would get buffed.
Must not… give… into… temptation…
starts searching for fat zombie emojis to replace birb
Thanks Maya (and Nery) great insights and recommendations. I’ve made the changes and really happy with how it’s going. I did find that belt too which is awesome. Thanks again and I’ll keep you posted on how it’s going.
@Maya, @Nery:
I have a pet Cabalist to level 51. This was a while back in AoM. The guides I was using are most likely out of date. Based on my gear (terrible) I most likely was speed leveling. Based on my quests I believe I was next to start AoM content. Two of my last quests are:
“Desperate Measures”, and “Lost Father”. I downloaded and read through the 55-65 pages of Maya’s pet guide.
In the guide Maya suggests starting Occultist first and then moving on to Necro. The guide then goes on to describe a single mastery (Necro) build that has no points in Occultist. This is a bit confusing to me. I understand that the Occultist first and then Necro approach is optional. A short distance later in the guide, it suggests respecc’ing half thru because Skellies struggle mid-game. Should I respec and if so can you guys provide some guidance? I would be leaning toward a Necro playstyle with Skellies, Blight Fiend, and Reap Spirit. Below is the current skill point distribution.
I was able to find the old guides I used via the wayback machine:
Based on devotion path and skill distribution I was most closely following old guide #2. There are probably a few pre-AoM shrines I need to visit. The last devotion completed is Ulo.
I rather not go into older builds and try to update them as I have my own way of making things and without knowing what the original author intended, I can’t suggest replacements while keeping the same theme.
Now, as for
I made the guide with the intention that it may function as a universal pet guide rather than for specific builds or classes.
So it goes like this:
If yes, then go all in on Occu regardless of what the other mastery is.
If no, then >
If yes, then go all in on Necro regardless of what the other mastery is.
If you can omit the part about Skellies from there, I can help. But if having skeletons is important, then I am probably not the best person to provide suggestions as I hate them with a passion and consider them to be absolutely useless atm.
Thanks Maya. I would be interested in what you can provide in terms of advice to address my current build at level 51. I am not married to using skellies.
I believe your guide suggests getting 16/16 Blight Fiend early on and move on to Occultist. How would that work? I understand that it is optional, but you did not develop that suggestion.