[The Crucible] Perceived shift in difficulty - especially Crowd Control against players

Converted phys does is not checked by armor

It is known and was discussed :slight_smile:

Sweet testing though

glad that developers are aware.
the question is: is it a hole in a game engine or a direct decision?
and how did it affected physical gear and conversions in general?

You need to read this thread in more detail

so we are fine with the inequality between converted phys and normal phys?
and won’t do anything about it?

One solution is to make it a feature via a lore note.

Do I misremember that there was a time when DW was the only viable form of melee, sword and board too slow, 2h too inconsistent?

I don’t know. But I do know that when I finally managed to convert the remainder of physical damage to elemental via bysmiel’s butterknife (mindweaver) on skeletons my killing speed skyrocketed.

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At this late stage of the game’s development, no.


I sometimes test builds for days before posting them. That’s already a lot of time spent on a hobby. Writing a huge write-up about why “a” is better than “b” is something that I have no time no desire to do. There is also no use breaking down same mechanics over and over again. If you want to ask me about some of the decisions I made when creating my builds, you can do that and I will gladly answer. But ain’t nobody doing encyclopedia write-ups anymore.

Another thing that I find funny and sweet about those build guides from vanilla is that a lot of those builds were far from optimized despite huge number break-down etc. Simply because there was no need to test them against super harsh endgame (which didn’t exist back then), so a lot of things worked.

How the turn tables! Two-handed physical melee meta is much stronger than dw and s&b one (the latter is almost forgotten, lol), although it’s carried solely by Blade Arc.

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I know you miss that dude with the sacred strike CT spellbinder

Yeesh, does no one make bug reporting threads or cite their sources anymore?

I’m interested in the thread/report because I’m pretty sure I reported on this in 2018.


Welcome to Grim Dawn :grin:. Inequality, exceptions from rules and many hidden mechanics. But it stays a solid game though. Just “do the best you can with what you have got”.

Read what Zantai said again carefully:

Physical damage as a whole and builds that use it have had their numbers tweaked for years up until now in various ways so that they work in some capacity. Just about every gear piece, devotion, skill and so on that features Physical damage, at some point will have been tested and had their numbers revised so that the big picture builds centred around a collection of those fit in with the rest despite the things Physical damage has to deal with.

“Fixing” the known issues with it throws all of that out the window and necessitates that gets done again just so we’re back to square one where Physical damage “works” but in a different way to now - this late on in the game’s lifecycle, it’s frankly not worth devoting that amount of time to doing. This goes for enemy Physical damage and player defense against it as well by the way - it’s not something that can be done simply or quickly.


I can’t or don’t have the background to comment on the any changes (imagined or otherwise) in CR as I can’t standing fighting in a box.

Let’s look at this so called cadence bug just noted and place the CR in the same context:

Is it possible, unless checked prior to Z’s post, that there is something occurring in the background that is causing Mad_Lee’s issues?

I am not backing his complaint in that something is wrong. I can’t prove or disprove. I side with the fact that people are finding a part of the game they love seemingly having been altered. That ruins fun. I used the same rationale in arguing against SR changes (outside of the time penalty).

I gotta say though Z has no reason to deceive the community so if it is checked and found to be nil, case closed or as he said…class over was it.

Crowd control in this game is rough. I won’t step foot inside SR without 80% trap res which means you are like stuck taking Magi Boots for non phys, playing Nightblade, inquisitor, arcanist or running a devotion with enough up time or trap res nodes otherwise someone will root you and one crack your ass back to some prehistoric age with the right mutators.

Being a jerk here and I know this comment won’t get any traction but I still always wanted to say it. My character is not a “crowd”. So why I am cc’d. Dumb right? I know.

I wish there was some way without having to take the same devotions and other stuff just to survive in there.

I feel where Lee is coming from. Instead of just outright flaming him or others, just take a second to check the back end. If nothing is wrong well…

I haven’t played in a long while because I am just tired of how certain things are now in game. I vented my frustrations over more options for conversion rings or better drop % for magi or craftable rings with conversion, camera pulling, boss rooms in SR, etc.

But those are my problems in which I felt no need to further argue them and just let the thread be. Not everyone will have the same issues, however that is not to say they are wrong…


It’s been known for years, since the mod tools were available. Pretty sure that was earlier than 2018

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In regards to the “mysterious” Cadence cooldown, it is a very straightforward mechanic implemented to avoid issues with WPS skills that hit multiple times. I vaguely recall that there may also have been issues with passthrough projectiles on ranged weapons and Cadence, but it’s been I somewhere around 4-5 years when this mechanic was introduced…

In any case, the internal cooldown is a fraction of a second to prevent multiple charges of Cadence to build. Before the cooldown existed, Amarasta’s Quick cut could, for example, proc Cadence incredibly often.

You may occasionally run into this cooldown at extremely high attack speeds, but it’s going to have little to no impact over time.


And to think 4-5 years ago we still had Amarasta’s Slow Cut instead of Amarasta’s Quick Cut…

Remove the cooldown, please. Pierce Cadence Blademaster is poop and needs a buff. :scorv:


I second that. Or make it exposed to modding/DBR so we can mod it out and make hilarious Path of Exile style killing montages.

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There is path of exile mod already. Removes caps and cooldowns :stuck_out_tongue:


Jesus. That must be ridiculous.