⭐ The fastest cleaners in the World

Am I the first one to notice that timers for Mad Queen, Lokarr, Dummy, and Crate are in minutes instead of seconds?

This thread is more than a year old and I didn’t read all the replies, but since it wasn’t changed, I guess nobody noticed.

Great thread btw. Thank you for this.

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And I thought I had a fast build that can take mad queen down in 3,5 minutes! :wink:

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Keep in mind that threads (and posts in general) can be edited/updated at later dates, as seen here:

I suppose the easiest way to differentiate between the fact if a time is in minutes or seconds would be the most visually obvious…

…with minute times having a colon (ie. 4:10) and second times having a period (ie. 3.2).


I know that, but thanks for the information. That doesn’t change the fact that what I said wasn’t noticed and changed.

I am not talking about this. The minutes having colon to separate and seconds having period is fine. I am talking about the threshold for builds to be in the list (i.e. MAD QUEEN (5.0 min), LOKAR (10.0 min) and so on). These times should be in seconds. This is what my post is about.

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like this


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The pilot’s name is now displayed.

should read “sec”

The dummy “6.3” sec kill is actually 8 sec on the video.

The Lokarr kill is not 6.4 because the start of the video is cut, it starts with Ele Storm, Rumor and Mines already proced which is at least +1 sec on top.

DW Chaos Witchblade

MadQ - 3s

Lokarr - 5s

Dummy - 6s

Mogdrogen - 1m12s

Ravager - 50s

Ravager grimtools


cool records

Updated (new WR in 2 lists)

The first two runs are listed with in game timers. In game timer of Morgo run listed 3rd is 3:28, not 3:38. Real times of pierce runs are 3:41 and 3:38 respectively.

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New Crate record Pyran glass Crate world record - YouTube


Hp regen nerf when?

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Tied for fastest build this patch


2.7 sec dummy kill (smth like that). Dummies are pushed together with Voracious Reach to trigger 7x dmg to each dummy on each Primal Strike passthrough shot.

Also throw this one here:

The build was nerfed multiple times since the recordings but let’s let it take its place in history.


Can I add this guy to the list? 1:17 Ravager killing conjurer?

*edit - 1:12 is current best Ravager kill with that toon.

I also have some ~8 second Lokarr kills with my skelly cabalist I suppose I could upload.

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Please do :slight_smile:

Just added. :slight_smile:

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