The Fluffy Squishy - Pet Conjurer :3

Alternative choice with the new off-hand, Gate to Many Worlds:

Can you tell us what the change to the build are? Just offhand? Also opinions on hellhound and it’s changes now? Maybe a lost souls double hellhound build is good now?

Also, a cheaper alternative offhand could be the Solael Void Tome as it’s a faction item and essentially maintains the +1 to all skills;

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Yup, just off-hand since Cataclysm’s Eye lost its +1 to skills. We already use a maxed Doggo (not its skills, just the summon) because I came to like it even before the buffs. Should be better now.

As for Lost Souls Double Hellhound build, it should be viable, but I don’t like it due to how many good stuff Lost Souls end up blocking due to taking up the same item slots.

Aye, but since we are focusing on an endgame build, no reason to go for budget stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

How about the Mythical Blood Orb of Ch’Thon? Seems to have roughly the same stats (For resistances) as Cataclysm while maintaining +1 to skills for the build.

What do you think the build uses atm? :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah, had a page open yesterday seemed as though it was still using cataclysm. Noted. :wink:

Working on getting this build running. Curious to see how the end feels.

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Fluffy Squishy is getting updated again. Cally 9 min kill :yum:

That is the fastest for Callagadra on any pet build ever

The Fluff is back :sunglasses:

Hi Maya, can we still use the blood orb of ch’thon as offhand? Or the gates of many worlds is better?

Both works.

Blood Orb’s performance will be similar to the old Cataclysm’s Eye build. It had a 11 min Cally Kill.

Gate’s performance atm is close to how Birbs were doing at FG release, before they got nerfed. Cally kill time at 9 mins.

So, overall I’d say Gate wins. However it does require you to have enough Aether & Chaos res from items to Cap those resistances + Elemental Res as completion bonus on Relic.

I will re-add the Blood Orb link as an optional choice.

EDIT: Added it as an Alternate version. Will also be keeping it in the Guide as it should be easier to gear up for due to not requiring specific stats from items as much.

Crate of Entertainment done. Performance here is however, kind of the same. Due to having a bit more AoE from your Off-hand pets, slightly bit more care is needed and that balances out the offensive stats we gained. So it takes 1 min still.

SR performance remains the same, if not better. However defensively, having lesser resist overcaps can hurt if you take large hits to the face. So try to avoid that. But 90+ is still easily doable, so for farming 75-76, you should be able to do that while watching Netflix :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi Maya, I just stumbled across your builds after seeing your reddit post and they’re really interesting. I’m still kind of new to the game, I got an oppressor to 84 following guides, but am currently using a 90 conjurer on ultimate. I was looking for a strong build that I can farm up a storm of gear for current and future builds and also do most if not all of endgame content.

Reason I’m posting is bc my current conjurer is dot based, grasping vines/pox etc. It feels ok, but sometimes I feel like I’m playing the piano trying to get max dps, and if i’m not able to face tank, the dots just don’t do enough on bosses to kite without the fight taking 20 mins. I guess my question is, would you recommend just respecing my conjurer to a pet build to smash things, will I still be able to do aoe dmg necessary to boringly slog through droves of mobs to get gear?

Also, I’m having a little trouble navigating these forum guides. I was using David Allen’s guides to level, which are really easy to follow for someone like me who isn’t 100% familiar with the entire game and its vastness, since it breaks down each point in order 1-100. I see you mention a build diary, but can’t seem to find the link to it on these forums. As my conjurer is already nearly to 100, not a big deal as I can just respec, but I was thinking about giving your new Ishtar a shot also, and I’ve never played a ritualist. Any advice?

Much appreciated!

First things first, do not, I repeat, do not follow Requnix’s(David Allen) guides for anything. He pulled his threads from these forums so that people cannot point out the mistakes in them and deletes any comment in his site that say anything unfavourable about his guides or builds.

Now, the build diary is part of the guide linked to in the 2nd post. It has its own thread with links to the PDF guide. That should contain all the info you need for pets.

Now for your question, read the foreword section of the thread if you are wondering you can do enough damage or not :smirk:

But be warned that in pet builds your pets will be doing the damage, not you.

Thanx for the response! Didn’t know there was any drama with the other build guy. I’ve basically just been using google before finding all these forums builds.

I have no doubt your builds do the damage lol, that’s why I think they’re so great, I just wasn’t sure if they were a little more single target focussed on boss killing, or if they’re for globs of mobs.

Loving the pet build idea. My original oppressor was using guardian of empyrons, which was a lot of fun, and now running around without pets feels kind of lonely.

Last question. Would you say fluffy squishy is still your go to for content, or is your new Ishtar looking to compete?

Yeah, he even managed to get himself banned here…

Anything that can do high SR needs to have decent AoE dmg. So all the builds that you see going 90+ for eg, will clear packs of mobs easily. Fluffy Squishy is no exception to that.

However, for maximum AoE on a pet build, you need blightfiends, but then you cannot kill Crate of Entertainment Superboss since you will have too much AoE and the boss is designed to be Anti-AoE.

Think of it like this: Fluffy Squishy if you want to watch Netflix on a second monitor while playing and Ishtar if you don’t mind paying attention to the game and want immortal pets.

Awesome, much gracias :grinning:

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Hi Maya im a complete noob at game and im wondering what the stat priority is or what i should set in the loot filter? All these items pop on the floor (specially in crucible) i find it rather overwhelming if im honest and offen just npc everything without even looking.

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Stats = All in Physique with just enough point in Cunning & Spirit as needed to equip items. Also note that you get a potion early on in the Malmouth quest chain, 1 in each difficulty per character, that lets you reset your stats. So don’t worry about making mistakes here :yum:

Loot Filter = If you must, Legendaries and Epics with Pet stats on them is good enough if we talking about endgame. If you are still leveling or haven’t got much interms of items though, others might also be of use. So personal recommendation would be to take all the Rares, Epics and Legendaries if you don’t mind sorting through them.

Oh yeah, there was drama. :rofl: What’s hilarious is he complained about me editing a post of his saying that’s not how moderation should be done - it’s either reply or delete, but not edit - then has the gall to pre-moderate comments on his website if they’re critical of him. Duh, that’s not how you moderate either. Sadly his website gets thrown up on google because he and/or his friends make sure it stays at/near the top for searches.


Thanks for that but when im sorting through them what am i actually looking for? i get resistances and pet bonus but what about all the damage types? Is there 1 type i need or doesnt it matter for pets? Skill cooldown reduction do i need that? or crit damage/chance does that matter for pets? etc etc, Sorry but im proper noob i really appreciate the help.