The Fluffy Squishy - Pet Conjurer :3

For that, I would recommend giving my guide in the second post a read through :yum:

GT question. Is there a way to see how many points are actually applied to a skill prior to bonuses from gear, aside from looking through gear sets and trying to add up all of the bonus points and simply subtracting them?

Easy and foolproof solution: just remove all the gear image

Hold down ctrl+shift and it will show you the raw skill numbers.

Maya, are these pants still useful for the latest build?

Yes. But if you can get the ones listed on the build, it would be better :slight_smile:

Can a good bound wraith replace the current offhand?

Nope. If you don’t have Gate to many worlds, a Mythical Blood Orb would be the go-to choice. Solael’s Void Tome after that.

Is there any green item to improve any of the current items on the build? I remember you used to have a “green alt build”, but I cannot find it.

That was just different pants for even more phys res. But the difference isn’t that notable and unless you get very specific affixes, it will just be worse than the current pants.

Hello Maya,

First of all, congratulations on your work! You’re making the finest pets-based builds out there!

I want to ask your opinion on something:

I’m trying to make a hybrid build from two of your builds for my first Conjurer ever created. For that i would like to combine Fluffy Squishy – Pet Conjurer with Scarlet – Pet Conjurer. I’m doing that because i want to create a character which doesn nothing but buffering his pets, debuffering the foes and heal him self and his pets. All the job i want to be done by my pets. For that i want both Tree of Life and Mogrdogen the Wolf devotions (that’s why i’m saying that would be a hybrid between your Fluffy Squishy and Scarlet bulilds).
I’ve run the math and came up with this possible scenario for 55 devotion points.
Ypur opinion would be highly appreciated on this!

Also, if time permits, i would gladly follow your advice on a possible skills setup for this hybrid build.
But first of all is of most importance if do you thing the devotions will work as below.

Thank in advance very much! :smile:


Welcome to the forums :blush:

As for your question, can’t say anything without seeing exactly what kind of a build you intend to make. Give me a Grimtools link with your full theory crafted build (including your skill and item choices) and I will try to see what advise I can give :slight_smile:

Tree of Life is cool, but do you think there’s a more offensive-oriented devotion setup you can do if you simply factor in Toad for pet defensiveness? Granting your pets a permanent 4% lifesteal sounds way better than giving them an extra, what, 200 flat hp regen per second? (Not counting the burst heal from Tree proc, which is once every 12 seconds based on the wording of the skill)

possible? yes
but the point of the build is not to go for dmg, but to be able to faceroll on keyboard while drooling and still win :stuck_out_tongue:

But Toad sucks. Tree is for the player, not pets

I see. I’m struggling to find a good “in-between” build regarding skillcap for summoners. There’s keyboard-drool Fluffy Squishy and then there’s Piano-finger Duskkeep88 builds (not that it’s a bad thing, but having a rotation that makes me feel like playing an MMO feels like a bit much) lol.

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Maya, thank you for your answer.

I’ve searched a lot and i haven’t find a single Conjurer build including these two, Tree and Wolf, and i was trying to understand why. Your two builds, Fluffy and Scarlet, go each one of them in one direction, either the Tree or the Wolf. My point was to try one that brings the players the benefits of healing from the Tree and to the pets bringing the tremendous dmg. booster from the Wolf. That is what i had in mind.

The problem is that the two devotions are miles away one from each other and using 4 of 5 colours and that leads to force me to pick some intermediate devotions not for their drect benefit to the build but for their completion bonus to use it then in achieving the two main devotions. The draw back of this is that i don’t have enough devotion points left for investing in the resistances devotions. Ok, great healing for player and great dmg. for pets, but…could it be viable in the absence of the resistances…? :neutral_face:

As for the skills, most probabil the skill setup of Fluffy Squishy may do the job very well because is solid enough (you know better :blush:)

The question remains, would it be viable…?
Sadly, i don’t have a lv. 100 Conjurer to test it, which may lead to me kindly asking you to help me with that. :hugs:

Please appologise my english; ain’t my native language.

The issue is that Fluffy Squishy focuses on Elemental Pets while Scarlet is focused on Bleeding. So they are two different concepts.

Also, another problem is that as you mentioned, the devotions are too far apart that you will be forced to pick “fillers” just to get enough points for both.

3rd issue will be covering player’s DA, movespeed, resistances etc, which without looking at the full build with items and skills, I cannot say much about.

Essentially, it is not as much about whether it could be viable, but more about is it worth it.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages, birbs and doggos of all colours, let me present to you the new Fluffy Squishy, which with just one point in Infernal Breath, managed to kill Callagadra in 8 mins, Fastest of any Pet build in existence as of this post since Callagadra first set foot in Cairn :rofl:

While Birbs were nerfed, I have now come to believe that the Doggo buff + Gate Off-Hand inplace of the now nerfed Cataclysm’s Eye are both legit contenders when it comes to pets. Hound especially, has managed to greatly impress me beyond my expectations.

So, build getting updated… again :yum:

(Note: the change is pretty much only that I took 1 point from Oak Skin and put it in Infernal Breath as a 1 pointer since I had bonus skill points to it from items. How it shaved off an entire minute from Callagadra kill, I am not sure as it is also surprising to me)


Doggo buff - it is Hellfire?
Will you still change this build?

Maya, i will definitely go for one of these two, Fluffy or Scarlet. Now a have to decide which one :grimacing:
Fluffy goes indeed for Elemental Pets, while Scarlet focuses on Bleeding. I’ve looked closely to all their values. Skills are pretty much the same. The real difference is in Devotions and the damage dealt by player. This is what i need to ask you:

If i’m judging correctly, Fluffy’s build character deals pretty much close to zero damage and all the damage is done by pets. Scarlet’s build player does damage (physical and bleeding) and the rest is done by pets.

My question now: is the bleeding/phys. damage worth the effort of running around with your pets to deal damage on foes (i mean is it substantial…?) or should i go for Fluffy one in which all i’m doing is collecting loot while taking and spreading healing all-over and the pets do all the work?
I hope you understand what’s my dilemma. :yum: