The Fluffy Squishy - Pet Conjurer :3

No, recent patch buffed Hellhound. Nothing to do with Hellfire :stuck_out_tongue:
Build has already been updated.

There is no dmg dealt by player in either builds. All the dmg is by Pets.

However Fluffy is better in every way and easier to play. The only reason why I made Scarlet was to provide an option to those who wanted to play with Bleed Pets.

Ah, i see now!!
Thank you very much, kind Maya!
+1 to those thousands of players playing your excellent work!
Will follow your activity closely from now on any updates.
Once again thank you and have a good one.:blush:

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Hi Maya. this was my 1st ever pet build. Dont remember which version of GD when i follow this build. I remembered before there was one with shield version. do u still hv the gt link fot that one?

There was never one with Shield version :stuck_out_tongue:

Pet builds in general don’t use shields, except for maybe Necromancers who do get a Pet Shield.

oh :rofl:

mayb confused with other build that i follow. nvm then

If you want to, I can try to make one with a Shield :yum:

Any specific reason why you want a shield over an off-hand though? It won’t really provide anything valuable that an Off-hand can’t do better.

oh really. coz i love shield and to feel more tanky :sweat_smile:
normally i play char with shield. its just personal preference.
but if u made one, really appreciate it :blush:

Any particular shield you have in mind or is any ok?
Also, can I use double rare Green ones or Legendary only?

anything that could work. be it legendary or double rare green

Here is one:

Probably one of the best while keeping inline with the core concept of the build being hard to kill and easy to play.


ok tyvm. :smiley:

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Looks like something I might actually play. I bookmark that build

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Maya, I have a few more questions:
Where can I get these blue pants? Random? Is it really the best option possible??
What bonuses do I need to catch on crafted items? Stun Resistance?

Pants are random, are the best option here.
Bonuses upto you, I don’t bother with those.

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And why u choose mark of Illusions in the rings? Runebound topaz is not better option? It gives hp and more defense. And the missing spirit can be obtained simply by adding to the attribute

I like to spam stuff, so I always use Mark for the extra Energy Regen on all my builds ^^

Can be changed to Topaz if you wish btw.

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Maya, I built the will o wisp as my main character and then I just finished the fluffy squishy in hardcore. I lack 2 items in the bysmiel set to complete it but I fail to see how can it be stronger than the will o wisp build? There are so many reap spirits to add damage.


The secret lies in extra Resistance Reduction + Primal Bond from the Shaman mastery.

The Crit dmg & RR makes up for the extra ghosts. You also get Emboldening Presence aura from Briarthorn to further Buff your pets.

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