The Fluffy Squishy - Pet Conjurer :3

Hi Maya,

First of all thanks for the build, it has been like a walk in the park playing with it.

The only thing I’m missing are some components and I have some doubts regarding one of them.
Why do we stack so many Spellscorched Plating when our elemental and pierce resistances are already capped? Is it for the extra HP only?


First of all welcome to the forums :blush:

The reason for Spellscorched plating is Resistance overcaps.

80% is normally the cap, right? but enemies often tend to have abilities that reduce your resistance by 30%-40% (an eg.).

So if you have 80% Fire Res and an enemy reduces it by 30%, you now have 50% fire res. But if you had 80% Fire Res + 30% overcap, the 30% gets deducted first and you are still left with 80%.

If I can, I would like to have +30% overcap on all resistances, but for the build that is not possible unless I use Rare Green items with specific affixes. But Elemental damage is one of the common threats I face and I would like to have a healthy Overcap on it if I can.

I hope that clears it up :slight_smile:

Thanks :slight_smile:

It clears it perfectly. I was unaware that overcaped resistances worked that way when facing those kind of debuffs.

While playing I’m finding myself stealing aggro from my pets with such ease using CoF or Wind Devil. Its a little bit uncomfortable because it forces me to run around alot when facing hard bosses or a large pack of mobs.
Is this a problem for you? Is it intended to be this way? Or am I doing something wrong?

That is normal. Pet builds often end up having to kite and that is one aspect people don’t really like about pets. You are reliant on your pets for both offense and defense and when something comes after you, there is nothing you can do but run :frowning:

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Or stand in one place and hope pets can kill/aggro bosses before you are dead :smile:

I personally am focused on spamming them skills, which attracts bosses like honey to flies and I have to ask WTF is going, but it’s normal situation. Pet builds(especially Maya’s) have high defensive ability, health and absorb, they can take few hits without dying.

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Glad that its normal to happen and I’m not doing anything wrong. I guess I will have to keep running then :slight_smile:
The build works extremely well. I have no complaints about the defense of the build.

Cheers :smiley:

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I tinkered a little with the devotions. Do you think this would work or is it subpar to the one you use?

Edit: been sitting with this for some hours now, damn it’s not easy! :smiley:

It will work, but not if you want to push the build to its limits. My goal was to go deep in SR and at the same time, make superbosses trivial. For that, I find the devo setup I use to work best with the class and item combinations.

If you want a more offensive focused setup, I would also recommend giving this a look: The Weeping Queen - Pet Conjurer

Thanks for replying. :slight_smile:
I don’t have any characters above lvl 40 (yet) so this is just theorycrafting for me, and i am sure there are many things i don’t know.
One thing i am wondering:
1: When you rock really high pet damage percentage increase like 800%+ are you not better served with a damage devotion ability for your pets than more passive damage?
For instance say hungering void vs meteor shower. Sure hungering void adds an extra 200% damage, but that is only 20% more if you have 800% extra pet damage. Don’t take the example litterally, it was just meant to illustrate what i mean, for instance i am aware that HV have crit damage as well.
But if devotions scale with pet damage is not this the way to go when you hit really high extra pet damage?

Issue is that if you want something like Meteor shower, you’d have to change the entire devo setup to meet the requirements. Meanwhile, something like Swapping Tree of Life for Dying God is easier to do while keeping the core intact.

Yup for sure. :slight_smile:
But the essence of my thinking is correct right?

Also for a HC version of your build would you go with tortoise over solemn watcher?

Thanks! :smiley:

Yes, but you still need more than 1000% bonus damage even on a budget setup. To make the most of devotion procs, you are looking at 1500%+ bonus damage. Ofcourse all that will come at the cost of defense, so need to balance that too.

No, Watcher gives too much and Tortoise Proc is unreliable.

Thank you Maya. :slight_smile:

And thank you for the many pet builds and your guide to everything-pet’ish.

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I was recently in a similar situation to you. I came back from a decently long break and had been playing Sigatrev’s elemental conjurer, which had really nice damage (especially aoe for clearing shards and such) but the defenses were a little flimsy and I would die sometimes on SR 75-76.

Once I found the bysmiel set pieces I needed, I tried using Maya’s build as posted with the blood orb since I can’t seem to find the gate to many worlds. The tankiness is great, but the damage didn’t sit well with me - especially in situations when there were decent sized groups of elites.

I ended up also referencing Dusk’s setups and made a sort of hybrid that still kills fast but is fairly tanky, so it’s perfect for casually farming stuff. I killed Ravager and Mogdrogen on the first try with it too, but haven’t tried other superbosses yet. The gear is the same as Maya’s, but I changed a lot of the devotions to be offensive and took the raven healing skill:

It’s basically Sigatrev’s devotions, but I dropped Behemoth in favor of Bysmiel’s Bonds since the raven healing is so good I felt comfortable with exchanging giant’s blood for all those juicy pet bonuses + temporary pet. The only constellation I had to take and didn’t really like was Mantis, which still has some benefits. Dusk had a very similar devotion setup that took Fiend instead since he also used Primal Spirit, but I didn’t want to introduce too many buttons to the builld.

You can see in the Grimtool link how my skills are setup. I press 1-5, and mouse buttons for Dreeg/Amatok and Q for pet attack. All of my summons and buffs are on the other action bar. I felt this was also a good balance between Maya’s and Dusk’s for amount of buttons to press.

Hm… while that is a nice setup, the low DA + taking Bysmiel’s Bonds when we already have Rhowan’s Crown for RR (they don’t stack) triggers my OCD :frowning:

I would say the devo setup is more suited to Beastcaller builds than Trinkets due to Trinkets not being good with managing Aggro. Also the reason for taking Ishtak devo route.

If you want more damage, have you tried this?: The Weeping Queen - Pet Conjurer

(also Gate will boost Clear speed btw, so highly recommended to get it ASAP)

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Yeah, I wanted the passive bonuses + the pet itself from Bysmiel’s Bonds. I’ve definitely noticed bigger damage spikes from lower DA, but I rarely push higher SR so it hasn’t been too much of a problem yet.

I was previously using full beastcaller’s with Glyphs of Kelphat’zoth per Sigatrev’s build, but I was still getting aggro really often. Perhaps I was doing something wrong with my positioning. Biggest issue is once a Fabius or two decided to chase me, I didn’t have much healing or a way to get them off. This is where going to 4p trinkets for double raven and healing was so nice for me, to cover for my occasional screw-up / aggro.

I’ll definitely give your weeping queen build a go once I get my hands on the Gate - been doing totem runs often and get Scion of Celestial Portents over and over…

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Hi man, i MUST use that gear or can use the build with drops till i get it all? ( new player here)

You can just focus on any random pet gear while leveling. The item on the Grimtools Link are only for the final build :yum:

Is wind devil manditory for the build, is it much of a drop off if I just use the 11 points elsewhere.

I just dont like having to micro manage something everything few seconds, was the whole reason I wanted a pet build, thanks.

First of all welcome to the game and the forums :blush:

As for Wind Devils, you can skip out on them, but will then need to take the Widow Devotion for the Resistance reduction.