The Fluffy Squishy - Pet Conjurer :3

But then you need to have skill that can activate it, Widow cant be bound to pets, or has that been changed?

Pet builds trivializes 90% of what the game has to offer anyway ( :wink: )

Widow can be Bound to CoF (can’t be bound to pets, no :frowning:) and transmuted DEE can take over for Shep Call.

Pets builds are easy mode, yeah image


Hey, Maya. I just wanted to drop by and say thanks. I followed this build for the first character I started out with and it somewhat ruined my expectations for how difficult Grim Dawn actually is, including cheesing Lokarr as a fresh, undergeared 100. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Honestly though, its always nice to have a hassle-free farming build on tap. Since then, I’ve put in a little over 400 hours in and got properly hooked.


Glad to have helped :blush:

Nice! :popcorn:

One of the perks about having defensive devotion map is that you don’t need lot’s of skills for procing, there’s also the cool solution of Plasmo to use rune augment which can be assigned to devotion.

As for Widow, I like actually CoF for proccing it, especially if you have +skills bonus to Occultist’s mastery and bigger radius/duration.

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Are there any tricks to get any piece of the bysmiel’s trinket set or a gate to many worlds.

I have already completed every inch of ultimate and countless shard runs without dropping a single trinket piece yet and I have spent literal days running eldritch totems on ultimate in act 7 chasing a gate.

I get the whole rng aspect but this is pretty absurd.

You may need to spend a couple more days then since Gate is one of the rarer legendary drops in my experience. I’ve been hitting up eldritch totems going through Lost Oasis farming for magic rings and I’ve only seen 1 drop at the 250-ish hour mark and I’m already 400 hours in.

Can’t speak for trinkets rate as I got mine soon enough but you could try your luck at the blacksmith in FG that trades accessories for rare mats

Ya, stopped by that blacksmith this morning, spent 50 eldritch essences and didnt get a single piece of bysmiels.

At this rate probally just going to head back to PoE, I only came here to take a break from the layers upon layers of RNG, I didnt think itd be even worse in a casual, single player friendly game like this.

Drop rate is what mobs drop you, why you have to blow all your resources on Bysmiel? Playing the game eventually will reward you with the items you need. If not you can used the legendary gear you have and trade. Or use different items. Do you have Beastcaller set for example?

You can always trade with other players and see if they have what you need.

Or… if you don’t mind a bit of “cheating”, [Tool] GD Stash can be used to craft any item you want. Since GD is primarily a single player game, the devs are cool with it too, so no worries regarding that.

After all that time you spent on this I’d say you more than deserve it. Could just think of it as you got lucky in one of those runs or traded the essenses for it :yum:

Hey Maya,

tx for your build and I’m slowly progressing. Atm farming 75/76 without any set bonus yet (got 1 bysmiel, the beastcaller medal and crafted the wpn). Also getting into elite 45/50 slowly, but not comfortably yet. My grimtools is atm:
I got 2 probably minor questions:
1: I crafted dirge for the skeleton servant (seen it on 1 of your pictures). It’s not elemental, but I found my crabby dying too much together with my hellhound. This skeleton is barely ever dying for some reason. Is there another reason why you use crabby instead of the skeleton in your compendium aside from being elemental? And if yes, what is easiest way to make him more tanky?
2: I die only occasionally, but my pets still die fairly fast, especially if 2/3 bosses in SR75 are clunking up. What stats I should be mainly looking for to get higher survivability for them or should I just keep farming for the 2 sets?

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I was gonna say a BIG thank you for your guide. She (my baby :blush:) is alive (playing HC only) and rocking/farming Mid SRs (50-55). :sweat_smile::blush::hugs:

(new fav until Z is not caring with skellyz :sob:)

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Glad to hear that you like it and happy to hear of your progress :blush:

Now to answer your questions,

  1. Dirge Pet is way stronger than Crab. The only reason why I use Crab in my Pet guide is because it is easier for new players to get. So, definitely stick with Dirge for now. If you wish, you can also keep using it in the final build inplace of Mogdrogen’s Ardor Relic, but will need to use Mythical Blood Orb Off-hand (don’t use the active skill on it) for the +1 to skills. So congrats to getting the relic :yum:

  2. Pets mainly need Resistances to help with their survivability. You should also try to get your pet OA to atleast 30-40% since the faster you kill stuff, the less of a danger they pose. Other than that, you can try farming 65-66 and see if that is faster. The loot will be a bit less, but if you can do it more consistently, it might be worth it. Also, give this a read:
    I created that thread because someone on reddit was wondering about how I push high SR with meme builds like Pet Battlemage. But will include the info on the next update of my Carnival guide :slight_smile:

If you have further questions, let me know :blush:


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Yeah I have read the camera trick, but there are still 1 or 2 rooms where you pull immediatly 3 or 4 bosses on entering it (the “tiny” bosses). But it seems that those tiny bosses hit harder than the main bosses (more aoe).

Yeah I’ve been trying to find better stats on my gear but haven’t found so far. I got more % attack damage than on your character already except I miss the set bonusses for another pet for example. Got a hard time getting those items atm (and I don’t like to abuse the creating item trick).

Try looking for faction stuff, they might have something nice for you. Though most of it does need faction reputation and require you to craft the item after buying the blueprint from them.

You have some tips which factions to look for? I have a few factions on revered already, but I didn’t notice any better upgrades so far (dps wise without losing my current defense on pets yet)? In the database I also noticed that beastcaller and the bysmiel are both drop only pieces and not craftable?

Try this for now:

Also put in augments on the rest of your items to make up for your resistances :yum:

The non mythical Beastcaller can be bought from Vinelton in Ancient Grove.

Is there a reason why I should carry the beastcaller helmet? It doesn’t give any setbonus (since my amu is mythical) and my current blue one has almost BIS rolls (96% all damage and 9% attack speed)? Is the reduced stun duration or the offense ability worth more than the 30% to all damage in case I get also BIS roll on the beastcaller helmet?

The offhand might be a nice upgrade, tx for that!

And yeah the augments I know. I had my chaos resists capped as well (83%), but changed an item and forgot to add it again. Although I barely die (good at dodging attacks I guess :blush:), I’m more worried about my pets dying sometimes too fast (especially on elite)

Pet OA and also the active skill on it :yum:

Oh yeah I missed the active skill on it yeah. Love similar skill on my amu as well.

Btw is the trade-off between OA en % attack for pets? Like 1% OA is similar to ?% attack (so I can compare items which is better)?

And is DA also worth to note for pets or just plain resistances?