The Fluffy Squishy - Pet Conjurer :3

This is a really fun build and I’m enjoying grim dawn more than ever. Thank you so much Maya

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This build is really nice, i started it when it first came up, now i applied the 1.6.2 changes and it feels even stronger!
I also tried some celestials, pets are standing way longer now when fighting the ravager, but callagadra is still a pain in the ass, i wonder how you can beat her in 8 minutes…:roll_eyes:
Pets are getting raped in seconds, but after constantly recasting them, and maybe 20 minutes of time calla got beaten :grinning:
I wanna thank you Maya for that really good pet build, i think its the best i played so far! :wink:

Glad to hear it :blush:
Also, welcome to the forums :slight_smile:

Ty for the kind words :yum:

As for Callagadra, yeah it is a pain. To tackle the boss efficiently, you need to hit and run and kite the boss as much as you can. Never let your pets stand in the big tornadoes if you can and always reposition, stopping inbetween the bosses attacks to get a few shots in.

Even then, pets will inevitably die alot and it takes some time and patience. I just kind of made it my singular mission to take on cally after seeing how oppressive the boss was against pet builds upon FG Release. So, just had alot of time to practice :stuck_out_tongue:

Btw, if you hate cally as much as I do and want to laugh in its face with immortal pets, do give this a look :sunglasses:: Ishtar - Pet Ritualist

Killed Lokarr today for the first time. I can’t believe it since I’m using non Mythical Beastcaller and I still did not complete the Bysmiel Trinkets. I only have the rings but not the amulet and the medal. My next target would be Ravager once I have all of your BiS items. I certainly will try your other pet builds. It is so fun. Thank you Maya!

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Devotion points are impossible… need 57/55 points… please add level by level…

Purple > Shep Crook
Green > raven > 3pts in Rhowan’s Crown
Red > Jackal > Remove Red
Yellow > Lion
Typhos > Remove Purple
Blue > Eel > Remove Blue > Sailor’s > Lizard > Panther > Solemn Watcher
4 pts in Tree > Ishtak

thanks… so helpful…

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for someone whos never played grim dawn would you recommend this build? i love pets/summoning builds and if not what would you recommend i start with?

thanks in advance and awesome detailed guides

This is the current version of my original build I myself started Grim Dawn with, so definitely :slight_smile:

Do note that the build is centered around being incredibly easy to play once you get the items and complete the build. So if you don’t like being lazy while facerolling stuff, you might not like the build :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, welcome to the forums and ty for the kind words :blush:

Hey Ive been using this build and i realized at the end of shaman’s conjuer primal spirit. Is it like optional not to have or it doesnt goes well with the build itself. Btw my favourite build so far XD

Hate to ask stupid questions, but here goes. Just dinged 100 and I can’t seem to figure out how you have 6 pnts. in Oak Skin. I have filled out the rest of the trees per the guide, save for those last 6 pnts. I’m not sure what I’m missing. Any help appreciated, thnx in advance. Thnx for the time you put into these guides as well, MUCH appreciated!

Can be used if you want. Personally, don’t really like using Primal Spirit without getting its CD and mana cost to 0.

Also, welcome to the forum and glad to hear that you like it :slight_smile:

Ty for the kind words. Can you upload your current char to Grimtools and link it here?

I think I did this right. :thinking:

You haven’t done the optional sidequests that grant skill points :stuck_out_tongue: (check here)

Oops. I did just start Ult, guess that makes sense. Sorry about that. :man_facepalming:

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@Maya yo thx for replying and yeah this is my first comment on a forum haha. Glad to see some more builds in the future.

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hi Maya,
First of all thank you again for this build is really strong, I am using this build now to farm crucible challenger at 150-170 and shattered realm epic 65-66. Just a question though. I can kill Lokarr, Ravager in Ultimate but I cannot even move the health bar of Mogdrogen. Any special potions I need to kill him? please see my character build in the grim tools below.

Thank you so much for this fun build.

Re allocate skill points exactly as I have done and you should be able to kill Mogdrogen too :stuck_out_tongue:

wow! thank you for the fast reply. I will try it tonight and hopefully I can kill Mogdrogen in Ultimate. :smiley:

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