The Fluffy Squishy - Pet Conjurer :3

I wish to thank @Maya in the name of brazilian GD community. Your builds are insane and many players on Brazil play it!


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I am glad to hear that and happy to be of help :blush:

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Just turned in Kasparov’s Experiment on ultimate yet received no skill point. According to GT’s, that should have yielded me a skill point, unless I’m missing something again! Is this a bug I’ve missed being discussed? :thinking:

No idea :sweat:

Did you use a merit to enter Ultimate difficulty? If you did , it’s automatically given in your skill tree.

No, it’s not. Only points from quests on the lower difficulties are given when using a merit to skip to Ultimate.

So I guess I wasn’t wrong in my assumption, that’s why I was surprised when I didn’t get the point for turning in that quest. I’ll be honest, I have a few char’s going right now and can’t remember with 100% certainty that I even used a merit with this particular char.

Still, if I’m not misunderstanding, either way I should have gotten a point for that quest in Ultimate, correct? I’ve followed this build to the letter and am still 6 pnts shy, as I’m sure you read above. Not sure what I’m doing wrong.

Yes, the quest gives a point on every difficulty.

Check that you’ve done the quests that give points in Ultimate here

Another useful tool is on the Grimtools site - the checklist function can parse your character files (once you upload them) to see which quest(s) you may be missing

I shared build a few days ago asking Maya why I might be missing 6 pnts for Oak Skin. That’s when it was pointed out that I needed to do the extra skill point quests on Ultimate, which I had overlooked.

Started getting busy in Ult, turned in the 1st quest that I assumed would give a skill pnt (Kasparov’s Experiment) and got none.

You must have already received and used it since there are a total of 7 skill points from quests in Ultimate.

Thanks for the help, I appreciate everyone’s time. I’ll update as I turn in the others.

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I find it somewhat entertaining that Maya has this large, prestigious catalogue of pet builds, with names like “Ishtar” and “The Weeping Queen” and arguably the most powerful of them is something called “The Fluffy Squishy”.

Also I’m leveling with a pet build now since I’ve never done anything like it and is the Bysmiel’s Bonds devotion not worth it? It looks entertaining.

Hm… while that is a nice setup, the low DA + taking Bysmiel’s Bonds when we already have Rhowan’s Crown for RR (they don’t stack) triggers my OCD

Oh. The magic of the search function has shown me the way. I suppose crown is more consistent.

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Correct :+1:

Bysmiel’s Bonds devotion is indeed useful, but it is usually taken in non elemental pet builds instead, as an alternative to Manticore devo.

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I have some questions :smiley:

Why not Runebound topaz on Rings? Dont understand why Mark of ilusions

Bysmiel dagger % elemental damage roll (on top) affect on pets? i mean, i have one good but wih so low %elemental roll, so, if dont afect to pets damage i think is useless, is this correct?

Oak skin is only for cap resis on Aether? U have 11 level Oak, if i can with 9 i can keep 2 points for others skills, i only see that buff armor too, but not so much importatn i think on this buld.

Is overcap resist needed on pets?

1 point on conjure primal?

Increased armor on pets work? is important? (roll on the chest Beastcaller) same for stun.

Runeband vs Rifthound and voicemances or Nosferatis?

Living armor or sacred plating instead of eldrith on chest?


And I gotz answers UwU

Energy Regen, I like to spam my skills and it helps against Callagadra where your pets die like every other second. But Topaz is fine too.

That doesn’t affect pets, so don’t worry about that.

You want and need Bysmiel’s Mindweaver for the build because of everything else it provides.

Correct. Tho, I would still recommend keeping it at 10 since your pets benefit from it too.

I have it at 11 in the GT link because spare point + I needed the last point to cap it ingame due to gear having different values than the average shown in GT.

Yes, since they also suffer from resistance reduction by enemies.

Is worthless :3
If you need it to be useful and not just be a waste of mana, you need to focus on it. Here it will just be an extra button press for negligible use.

Works, but not important.

Everything used is used for a reason and that reason is because no better choice was found.

No, never!

Now feed me icecream :3

U are a beast xD

Some more info on pet bonuses info scream could be better… i dont know why not there stun/freze/armor/overcap resis resume… is so simple to implement…

Another question is, Wendigo Totem, i feel like could be good 1 point option? :smiley:

Finally get the build exactly as it is in the link, bufff was not easy for me : D

PD: Life Leech resistance roll on my Relic… what a joke!!!

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As for Wendigo Totem, yeah could take it as 1pt if you wish :+1:

First of all your build is awesome. Finally found the last piece of the Bysmiel’s Set and now it rocks. Still missing the Helmet (recipe) and the Offhand. Can you recommened alternatives for these two pieces?Atm i’m using the non mythical helmet and Cataclysm’s Eye

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Glad to hear that you like it :blush:

Mythical Blood Orb or Tome of Arcane Wastes should work for offhand. Cataclysm’s Eye is no longer a good choice since it lost the +1 to skills a few patches ago (moved to set bonus)

As for helm, non mythical Beastcaller’s should work fine for now until you get the last piece :yum: