The Fluffy Squishy - Pet Conjurer :3

Thx for the answer. I will bei going for the Blood Orb. I kinda need the stun resist.

Another question: Is is normal that the Shattered World bosses all attack at the same time. I get overwhelmed extremly fast and often die at some point due to too much incoming dps or perma stun.

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This might help :yum:

Thx I will try it out.

UPDATE: This strategy works wonders. Thx for the tip!

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I don’t understand how the devotion trees in these builds work. You have at least four colors of stars in all of them, but only one or two stars activated at the initial crossroads to get those colors started.

The only one I could find was that if you choose Order and start with the Cat, you get blue unlocked. But I’m not seeing where you are getting your first red, purple, or green affinity points. I even saw one where you had a total of three points in red, and one red constellation for three points. Where did you get the first red point to unlock that constellation?

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I never play pets, so I finally decided to make one legit in HC and chose this as my template. It was an incredibly easy journey, in MP btw, and even after my teammates died, I still kept going and eventually got the full build made. It’s a lot of fun, and I did a 1-170 gladiator to show off it’s survivability. Vid is blocked in some countries cause I had a playlist on in the background. Also, I completely forgot till the end to set pets to aggressive lol.

Maya’s Bysmiel Pet Conjurer Crucible 1-170 Full HARDCORE Run

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If you notice on the constellations, there is a completion bonus. That bonus can pay for the requirements of itself and other constellations. The requirements for any constellation only need to be what the total on the left side of the screen is. Basically, after you have one of the ones with 1 color needed filled out, you can then respec that point and put it somewhere else. It’s not like a traditional RPG where you need the previous skill filled out to gain the next one. you can freely respec as long as the requirements are met in total.

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First of all welcome to the forums and sorry for the late reply. But it is as @sp00ky said.

So, let us say that you put 1 point in red, that unlocks jackal > you put 3 points in Jackal and it gives you 3 red points as completion bonus. So you can now safely buy back the initial point you put into Red crossroads.

11iii11 11sfsf

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Hello everyone.
@Maya I wanted to know if this construction is still valid, in this version we are in ( or not and if not, could you update it in the GT, please?
I really liked how it was made and I would like to do it even more.

Thanks for all the work.

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Pet builds haven’t been changed, so it is still valid in :blush:

Also, welcome to the forums & thank you for the kind words :yum:

Build updated with some changes to Augments (just mandkind’s vigil x2 for more Aether res) and 1 point in Hellfire so that the doggo doesn’t feel bad :3

Overall strength and core of the build remains unchanged.

Superboss Kill times certainly increased :frowning:

Callagadra takes 11 mins on average instead of the previous 8-9 mins.

Build is definitely still valid. Crate kill time for me was about a min longer.

Thanks so much for the build Maya :heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Glad to hear it and ty for testing Crate for me :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, welcome to the forums :blush:

Hi Maya, I don’t have the Bysmiel set unfortunately. Is it possible to go for the full beastcaller set and use Bloodsworn signet rings instead?

Yes, but in that case, go for this instead:
Affixes can be pet related (Briarthorn preferred) or defensive oriented for the player (resistances and such)

You can also take Murmur for additional cold RR inplace of Typhos if needed.

Hi, thanks for this guide, this build looks really fun! Im anew player but arpg veteran, is this a good build to start fresh? if not, is there any other pet build that is good for a fresh start? i ask this because idk if this build can farm this items or not with only rares/epic items

Let me drop this here: The Carnival - A Guide to Pets

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amazing guide, thank you so much! the begginer builds use only deterministic drop/buy items, a really great build

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Glad to hear that it is helpful :blush:

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Tried the build (HC) and it seems pretty nice & safe . i just cant figure out if im supposed to send the pets far away from me to kill everything or stick close to them for the auras :smiley: that’s prolly just my inexperience tho. This is also the first pet-build i tried.

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Keep them in Aggressive stance (click on their portraits on top left and you need to do it every time you restart the game). The aura radius is big enough to not have to worry about it. Think it covers the entire screen tbh, or nearly enough.

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