hi,i’m buzzy leveling this build,it’s awesome atm.i think i even got all pieces allready,but did anything changed in the last patch for this build?like devotions are items? i saw some people talking about the belt,if the belt is no good,what replacement do we have?
Oh, thank you for reminding me. Forgot to edit in the updated Grimtools link.
Took care of it now.
Only major change is Belt > M.Voidmancer’s Cord is my go-to choice for this one atm.
I just want to say, thank you Maya for always providing great pet builds - I’ve been using them since starting grim dawn years ago, and they have undoubtedly made my experience of the game even better.
Glad to have helped
It says i should invest early in shaman for briarthorn but the leveling guide says nothing about it?
Whats the way to go?
Have to say is quite a strong build.
Can i ask if u go with more dog damage as a Houndmaster’s Fleshwarped Archives of Caged souls will result in more damage? Don’t care on tankiness only dps.
@hargibi Either is fine. Going for Briarthorn will give you a tanky pet earlier while focusing on Familiar will give you more damage earlier and get you to Manipulation sooner which is huge because of the increased scarcity of pet speed items introduced in recent patches.
If you want the Briarthorn, I’d still go Occultist to start, then just put enough points in Shaman to 1-point Briarthorn when available, then go back to the leveling guide.
@frasidark Not really. The Hellhound is really just there for Hellfire aura, distraction, and damage reduction, though it also outputs fine damage late. The current off-hand converts all the Hellfire aura to lightning and helps cap the Lightning Strike of the Familiars, which is where all the boss-killing damage comes from in this build. This build has a great balance between damage, survivability, and laziness, there are much higher damage pet builds out there.
It’s been three days since these were posted so I answered as best as I know. Maya might disagree with me.
The Leveling guide is mono-occultist based. You can level without touching Shaman at all (and it works for Cabalist as well since you only need Occultist).
The suggestion to get A Briarthorn is optional if you want an extra pet.
The best way to go about it will be like this:
16/16 Familiar > 16/16 Hellhound > 16/16 Briarthorn > Ignore Shaman side completely till much later and focus on Occultist instead.
It will result in a much weaker build damage wise since we are focusing on Familiar and not Hellhound.
StormBringer is Best in Slot for this one.
Thank you
I was away
Along the same lines you have the M Voidmancer Cord as BIS belt (in place of M Nosferratis because I think that one got nerfed). What about any crafted Puppetmaster Links of the Untamed instead? The crafted belt with the single suffix is fairly easy to get once you have blueprint because needed components should be in abundant supply by level 90.
I prefer voidmancer unless you manage to get a puppetmancer with both pet affixes.
nosferratis now has ele > phy conversion, so is no longer an option
Dear Maya, thank you for this build and keeping it updated. It helped me a lot shaping my pet conjurer into a celestial bane. Especially the devotions are still a bit tricky to me what to pick aside of the obvious resistance reduction stuff.
Welcome to the forums and glad to have been of help
Thank you Maya for this build, I managed to beat everything for the first time with a build!
Welcome to the forums and
Ty so much for this build Maya! It has become one of my fav farmer builds of all time!
This build has helped me finally progress through SR in Ultimate as well! (Currently only at floor 20!)
I’m one piece of Bysmiel’s Trinkets away from having double birds and I made it to SR 30-31. Not Blazingly fast but it’s still pretty chill
Yeah - seems to happen to me too. I get 3 of those suckers and am stuck. I’ve gotten the 4th by deciding to farm celestial totems to get lotuses to convert to essences and gamble in Tomb of Nephos. I either get one from gambling accessories or one will drop from the celestial totem itself. For some reason, once I have gotten 3 I have never gotten the 4th from SR. RNG I guess.