The Fluffy Squishy - Pet Conjurer :3

try verifying your game files, sounds like something got messed up on your installation

I noticed in one of your most recent pictures you were wearing everliving grove gloves, and had overlord grips in you inventory. Was this to test both or to swap based on what you are fighting?

I use the same char for all of my different builds.
So, for example, if you see my posting a Warlord build, it is my Pet Conjurer edited with GDStash to be a Warlord and given different name.

I don’t really bother cleaning up my inventory of old items most of the time. So, you see stuff like Overlord grips, which I no longer use in pretty much any of my up-to-date builds.

Also, Ignore Fluffy Squishy for the time being.
It is going to be retired/changed entirely, once 1.2 goes live.

Fair enough, I almost have Ishtar complete, and am going to use it to get my last few hardcore achievements before 1.2 drops.

Build Updated. No longer built around Familiar since the Birb is as fragile as a feather now.

Note that the skill points shown in GT atm is not accurate since it does not factor in the additional points granted to items in 1.2.

Note - The build is still defensive focused (and tankier than ever) and still green free, since those two aspects were among the reasons it was popular. So, I am not going to change that.

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Build further updated.
Pets and player made as Tanky as I could without adding in greens.

Build is going to be slow. But atleast it should provide the lazy playstyle Pets are (or used to be) known for.

Maya - You see Fwuffy, if pets can’t tank for you, tank for your pets :3

Everything except Crate was fully facetanked. (Ravager’s Blood pools too I suppose, since build doesn’t have high enough mana regen to stand in those).

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At what level is it better to invest points into Briarthorn?

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Good question. Originally the leveling setup was made for any pet build that used Occultist mastery, so I kind of left it to the players to decide, but I have updated it to a proper Conjurer based leveling now :blush:

(Essentially get a Briarthorn by level 20)

Also, it is better to go for this to level with and then switch to Fluffy Squishy once you have all the items - Blood Rose - Budget Dark One Pet build (with superboss kills :3)


Absolutely loving this build so far, currently only level 90 but for my first build above level 50 it’s going really well!

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Also, welcome to the forums :blush:

SR 140 done, with a ton of drug use image


And beat Grava too, no small feat…!


Seems to be that shard 140 is a threshold for soloing this far. It’s a death sentence for other non pet builds but still impressive noneless. :100: :partying_face:


Yup, SR 130 is kind of where I feel comfy enough with the build.
140 = doable, but chance of dying is pretty significant.
Above 140 = 1 shot territory :joy:

that said…

I got our favourite nemesis, Moosi :rofl: -

Full size image -

SR 150 done image


Around 6:50 Crucible with 4 Blessing + 4 beacons.
While not fast, is good enough imo, considering how tanky this thing is :3

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SR 160 Done -


I will try to climb higher some other time :sweat_smile:


I’ve been working on SR155 with my vitality version… I do think it’s doable with the right mix in chunk 4, I can pretty routinely get to chunk 4 without an issue. But… SR160, that’s amazing! Kubby is one of the nems I really struggle with up there… I see you smashed it. Good. :slight_smile:


Ty, as always you remain one of my inspirations to climb SR :blush:

I recently managed to 3/4 SR170, but Reaper remains an impossibility sadly :frowning:



SR 170 Conquered! -

Now I can rest. I have pushed the build as far as both the character and my piloting skills allow me to. Given how many bosses and mutators are currently impossible to clear, 170 is the highest for me for now :blush:

SR170 took a total of 2 hours and 30 deaths, but when everything wants to 1 shot you, it was kind of to be expected :sweat_smile:


Hi Maya, amazing achievement, literally have no words about such a huge job you did climbing/delving SR that far. One question, any particular reason you did not one point Bloody pox for the -10% bleed RR from the shield?

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