The Fluffy Squishy - Pet Conjurer - SR 170 version :3

your Mar 19 post about it. is there another link to the build?


That is outdated by more than 1 year :rofl:

Look here instead: The Carnival - A Guide to Pets

Enjoyed this build until today. I even farmed all the items myself.

Yeah the nerfs to it were savage

just started the fluffy build, should i better stop and switch to another pet build? thx

Wait for updates from Maya, birb knows what they are doing.

For an unskilled player CR 160 became deadly on certain encounters. I enjoyed running around and having average clear speeds, but today I almost died 3 times, when blessing of Ulo went off. I think this patch is awful, hit casual players very hard, and was unnecessary.

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It’ll be fine, just carry on with it and then when Maya adjusts the build for this patch, you can then change it.

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Maya is neither “he” or “she”. Maya is a bird. :bird:

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I don’t understand - of all the pet builds that would have been affected by this patch, this would be one of the least nerfed. All three pets are heavily invested, and thus should have regained most of the damage lost by the set nerfs. Where are you feeling hit the most? Bird Damage?

Pet survivability wasn’t hit too hard since those set bonuses were kept in, so I’m curious where you feel the nerfs were “savage?”

Hm… I haven’t updated it yet.

Infact only just saw the patch note… Not sure I want to update, especially if this is going to be the last major patch.

I know Zantai said about making pets less reliant on sets, but I don’t see the buffs to compensate the nerfs to sets.

Not sure where to proceed interms of changes. Can someone get screenshots of the exact values of stuff in the current patch?

This 1.1.9 crap really has me annoyed. Pets were handled terribly. Sad to lose this incredible build, especially as it is my main (completely legit) hardcore farmer. Would be nice if they’d change it up a bit, so as to keep the integrity of builds like this one before they call it quits. Sad to think the last update could just be an f-you to pets.

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In what way did you loose it? What can you not do anymore?

It just doesn’t feel the same. I’ve been using it for quite a while now. Previously posted a nice HC 1-170 Gladiator, and really loved the flow of the build. Just seems slower now. Maybe I’m imagining it, but although my tankiness seems fine, my actual kill times seem worse. Bird just feels very nerfed.

EDIT: Can still do this pretty easily, but the pets die A LOT


This is exactly how the build works for me now as well. This is just a terrible nerf hidden behind “pets are now less reliant on sets”. Builds from Maya worked for years, and they were the only reason I kept playing the game. Why was it necessary to nerf them in the last patch in a single player game?


As someone who was looking forward to playing a pet build after I farmed up the required gear, I would love to see Crate release a patch that mitigates these nerfs enough to restore some of the former glory to builds like Fluffy Squishy, or perhaps at least provides a spark in the way of tweaks or itemization that could inspire Maya to craft a Conjurer build successor to Fluffy Squishy that still adheres to the birb’s high standards and predilection for lazy builds.

I won’t pretend to have anywhere near enough experience with the game or with pets to understand how hard the nerf really hit pet builds, but it would be a shame for Grim Dawn’s development to end on a note that crushes pet builds, especially when Grim Dawn has been one of the better ARPGs for playing pet builds. (For example, how many other ARPGs besides GD and TQ allow you to directly control where your pets move and what they target?)


This is my build. I managed to clear SR80 on HC Ultimate so SR75-76 should not be an issue. All end game dungeons and Lokkar cleared as well (Killed him in less than 30 seconds with slight kiting).

I’m still experimenting with certain off hands (hopefully they drop for me) but Mythical Grimoire of Og’Napesh dies way too easily hence i decided to use Stormbringer of Malmouth for that added lightning damage for the Familiar to do more damage. Will be killing Ravager and Callagadra in the coming days , which I am sure it is able to with slightly more kill time.


Have you tried with mythical mantle of the patron and/or Mogdrogen shoulder?

My chaos resistance will be hard to cap at 80%, and since I am short of points to max out Bonds of Bysmiel , the added +10% health imo is pretty useful , so does the +3 to Briarthorn.

Mogdrogen Shoulder will be BIS but I have yet to grow a pair to kill him :rofl: as I only play HC. Once I get his shoulder , then that offhand can be changed to something else.